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The Scythian - The Great Builder

The Great Builder


Many a century ago, a great builder called Izzu dedicated his life to teaching people how to build the citadel of human existence, the family home. When asked about his secret, he said: "Do what your fathers did in ancient times: start by first digging down to solid bedrock, and build on that." So people learned his secret and built their houses on bedrock. But then the ruling clan of a neighboring land, a clan that called itself “God's Chosen Contractors” heard about the great builder and his teachings. The rulers of this clan felt so threatened by the great builder's secret, they had him killed, and “justified” their crime by claiming that the great builder had to be sacrificed to “God” to placate the divine anger provoked by this “fake” builder's “ungodly” teachings. The contractors then chose from among themselves one whose mission was to find and kill all teachers of the great builder's secret and, to deceive those who had heard about the great builder, to pass himself off as his student. This impostor traveled far and wide, casting his web of deceit about both the great builder and himself. Meanwhile, the remaining conspirators set about to demolish the houses built according to the great builder's secret, and destroyed all written records of his secret along with their authors. They then resumed their own construction methods, naming their new developments "Homes of the Great Builder."

The tradesmen who built the contractors' houses did not know the houses they were building were not founded on bedrock. They used quality materials and sound trade practices, so the new houses were well built for family life, and many new houses sold. But, for some reason, families who dwelt in these houses always felt sick when indoors, though they were fine outside. A few homeowners noted this change and concluded that whatever was causing their ailment was confined to their houses. So they started complaining. To address their complaints, the contractors put together a homeowner user manual consisting of bits and pieces of the great builder's teachings they had heard about, their own interpretations of his teachings, as well as vast amounts of fabricated rhetoric glorifying their god and themselves. They also set up schools—paid for by the homeowners—where the contractors' "experts" interpreted the homeowners user manual, and “explained proper homeownership.” But whenever the homeowners tried to find answers to their questions in the user manual or in the contractors' schools, they kept running into contradictions that defied common sense. Those who were not satisfied with the double-talk of the user manual and its interpretations suspected deception, demanded straight answers from the contractors, and tried to persuade other homeowners and tradesmen to join them. The contractors felt so threatened by such movements, they had these “instigators” killed as well, claiming a need for further sacrifices to “God” who was now also offended by the “ungodly” homeowners' daring attempts to challenge “His Chosen Contractors.” Such sacrifices then also served as an example to other would-be “rebels.” And so the homeowner stopped asking questions and just tried to make the best of a hopeless situation by convincing himself that the contractors must be doing what is right because they were, after all, "chosen by God." Once all traces of the great builder's secret had been destroyed and the homeowners were silenced, the contractors started promoting themselves as "God's Chosen Contractors" and their developments “Homes of the Great Builder” outside their land, too, including the ancient land of the great builder.

And so it remained for centuries. But then, a miracle happened. Some homeowners gave up searching for answers in the homeowners user manual and the contractors' schools, and started digging around the foundations of their houses to find the source of their troubles. And in the excavated material they found all sorts of debris: broken clay tablets and pottery bearing strange symbols and writings, complete clay pots still sealed and containing scriptures of symbols and texts, as strange as those carved in the clay tablets. They did not know what they meant, so they started asking around and also told their neighbors about their discoveries. The contractors got wind of these discoveries and immediately volunteered their experts to decipher them and to make their findings available. But the artifacts spoke only of the truth: here was physical evidence that exposed the contractors' fraud. So the contractors invaded the lands where these artifacts were found and destroyed every piece of evidence they could find.

But some of the evidence did survive and found its way into the hands of homeowners and tradesmen who were also schooled in these ancient writings. These ancient scriptures spoke of a great builder who showed people how to build family homes according to principles diametrically opposed to those of the contractors. This discovery created such great interest that the contractors started spending huge amounts of money to discredit it. But interest in the great builder's secret, his principles, and also in his identity grew, and more and more homeowners started digging test holes under the foundations of their houses to find out what lay beneath. And what they found was not bedrock but toxic waste. Since a house is supposed to be not just a house but a home, the sanctuary of family life, those homeowners who had discovered the reason their houses made them sick were now faced with the decision of their lives. They could convince themselves that their neighbors' interpretations must be wrong because their houses were built by "God's Chosen Contractors" and continue to seek answers to their misfortune in the homeowners user manual and the contractors' schools. Or they could abandon their houses and become street people, or find other solutions to their families' housing needs. Or they could confront the source of their misfortune head on. They would have to dig out all the waste material from under their houses and, with or without the help of tradesmen, repair the structure damaged by the shock the building would suffer when it fell to the bedrock. They would also have to throw out all the broken family heirlooms and icons of the god of toxic waste. But a new understanding of proper house foundation would become clear and, most important, no more poisonous fumes in their homes. From this point forward, their houses, now founded on solid bedrock according to the secret of the great builder, would become homes they could get attached to, love and gladly keep in good repair.

Ladies and gentlemen of “Christianity”: This study was undertaken to reveal the reality of our “homeownership.” Our homes are our religious beliefs, which, for centuries, we have founded not on the solid bedrock of truth Jesus came to revive, but on the garbage dump of morality, Old Testament Jewish ideology. The impostor is non other than the Jewish priest chosen by the religious dictatorship of biblical Judea to persecute Jesus' fold, and to hijack Christianity and turn it into a new Jewish sect for Gentiles, a rabbi known as Saul, Judeo-Christianity's Saint Paul. (Rabbi Saul's successors include such self-confessed Jews as Cardinal Aaron Lustiger ["I was born Jewish and so I remain" - 1981]). The tradesmen are the many low-ranking members of the clergy, nuns and lay advocates of Christian morality. Their hard work, kindness and selflessness, and the moral principles they teach have contributed much to humanity's welfare. Therefore, nothing in these lines is meant to hold these dedicated people responsible for the doings of the Church. Most of them sincerely believe and teach Jesus' message to Mankind. They just do not know his identity and history have been hijacked.

The land of the great builder is biblical Galilee and Samaria and, from a cultural perspective, today's Christian world. Their populations are the indigenous peoples of Central Eurasia. They believe in a supernatural, benevolent divine entity, and live according to principles of neighborly love, human equality at birth and spiritual growth through knowledge. However, during their contacts with other cultures over the centuries, many of them have lost their ancestors' spirituality. By the time of Jesus' birth, wars are frequent; spirituality has often given way to materialism; standards of living have been declining; and their brethren have been suffering under the rule of an oppressive alien ideology.

The neighboring land, biblical Judea, and cultural Judaism, is a quite different place and realm. Here, people live according to rules dictated by religious laws founded on fear of a wrathful, intolerant god who forbids—under penalty of death—quest for knowledge of right and wrong. In the absence of such knowledge, people are easily led to believe selfish religious dogmas. Judaism teaches them that Jews are the supreme race chosen by “God” to subjugate other peoples, and that their contact with the rest of humanity should be governed by the principles of animal husbandry (Jews consider non-Jews animals, specifically, donkeys [Ezekiel 23:20]). Such ignorance and arrogance then translates to behavior—which Jews consider righteous—society finds revolting.

The relationship between Jews and their neighbors is best defined as failed isolation. Each side wants to keep its distance from the other but in different ways. Jews want to isolate themselves racially and culturally, whereas their neighbors want to insulate themselves from the Jewry physically. Jews consider non-Jews racially inferior and culturally threatening, whereas their neighbors consider Jews aggressive human parasites. But so far, both sides have failed to achieve their goals. Mixed marriages are not uncommon and Jews are found everywhere. The two opposing cultures continue to coexist but for different reasons. Jews depend on the rest of humanity for their existence: they pursue and attach themselves to affluent societies for sustenance. Their neighbors, on the other hand, feel compelled to live by principles of tolerance, and accept the Jewry among themselves.

Conflict breaks out whenever the Jews' immoral behavior becomes intolerable to their neighbors who then object to such behavior. Jewish leadership then typically responds by launching a well-rehearsed deceit campaign. It begins by poisoning the well—a logical fallacy tactic used to attack arguments known to be valid by assailing the character of the person raising them—with massive smear campaigns in which it accuses the objectors of the very racism its own culture is founded upon. It seeks public sympathy by haranguing principles of tolerance, and by claiming historic racial persecution by intolerant people, regimes, groups, cliques—as circumstances warrant—who reject such principles. Once the masses have been misled, the same Jews who annually (Yom Kippur) reconfirm their contempt for the rest of humanity by publicly renouncing, in advance, all vows and pledges they will make under oath during the coming year, and teach their children that non-Jews are subhumans, now promote themselves as incarnations of honesty, tolerance, compassion and righteousness, crusaders and guardians of racial equality, human rights and humanity itself, and lobby governments to “protect the citizenry” from intolerant “fascists.” They bribe and intimidate lawmakers, threaten economic sanctions, and “demand in the name of the people,” laws that decree all forms of criticism of Jews racist “hate crimes,” and severely punish anyone who publishes evidence that exposes the truth about the Jewry's actions, ideologies, culture and claims. Such maneuvers then not only criminalize objections to the Jews' behavior—as well as all future objective research—but send a chill down society's spine when it realizes it is ruled by a new reign of terror. To top it off, they demand laws that force the taxpayer to support them and to pay for their campaigns of deceit and extortion. Enslaved governments safeguard and promote Jewish interests by enacting unjust laws such as Bankruptcy Acts, which erase a business' debts by converting them to losses for its creditors—pension funds, small investors, ordinary tradesmen (e.g., in the construction industry), and consumers and taxpayers. These governments force Jewish propaganda into taxpayer-funded schools—and even kindergartens—as compulsory educational material. They award the Jewry obscene compensations that span generations for fictitious wrongs and canceled government contracts—which the Jews themselves engineer—as well as taxpayer gifts that exceed the annual budgets of most countries to wealthy Jewish financiers (bankers), speculators and industrialists under the guise of “economic stabilization initiatives”—or similar deceptive excuses.

By searching for the truth, however, we can see through their web of deceit. We begin by validating their claim of historical persecution driven by racial intolerance, the cornerstone of their argument. If this single claim turns out to be false, then their entire argument collapses. Next, we evaluate their access to historical records and their ability to interpret them. If we find that they are able to access and interpret history but deliberately misrepresent their findings, then their claim is not only false but also fraudulent, and the scam becomes self-evident. So the first step is to analyze the past 4500 years of relevant human history to determine whether society had persecuted people of the Semitic race. When recorded individual and collective acts considered immoral by society are plotted on the chart of human history, prorated according to cultural representation of populations, the chart becomes a dark trail of the migrations not of the race later labeled Semitic (Arabs are also Semites), but of one specific people, identified by its behavior, called Semites, Hebrews or Jews.

They are known as Semites because that is how they refer to themselves (descendants of Shem), and as habiru, written today as Hebrew. The word habiru, literally, “they who murder with webs,” is first encountered around 2300 BC in reference to the Semitic tribe led by Sargon I who entraps his benefactor, the Chaldean-Sumerian king, Lugalzagizi, in a web of deceit, murders him, installs himself on the kings throne, and takes over political power. He has the rulers of the Chaldean-Sumerian city-states assassinated and decimates their populations. Professor Noah Kramer writes that from this point on, the history of Mesopotamia is none other than the life and death struggle of the Charldean-Sumerian and Semitic peoples. 2150 BC Sumerian documents from Ur describe the Hebrews as a:

“... people who travel in dead silence, who destroy everything, whose menfolk go where they will — they establish their tents and their camps — they spend their time in the countryside without observing the decrees of my king."

The Sumerian logogram SA.GAZ is translated as habbaru and habattu, meaning “brigand, robber, highwayman." 14th century BC correspondence between the Egyptians and the Canaanites, the Amarna Letters, also call the vagrant Semites habiru, Hebrews. Abdi-Heba, the 1330s BC Egyptian vassal ruler of Jerusalem during the Amarna Alliance, writes a series of letters to the Egyptian Pharaoh complaining about the activities of the "Habiru, who are plundering the lands of the king.” Carol Redmount (Bitter Lives: Israel in and out of Egypt, The Oxford History of the Biblical World writes that the Habiru:

“... led a marginal and sometimes lawless existence on the fringes of settled society... a loosely defined, inferior social class composed of shifting and shifty population elements without secure ties to settled communities who are referred to 'as outlaws, mercenaries, and slaves' in ancient texts.”

Every society that has come in contact with this people remembers the experience in much the same way. They invariably refer to the Hebrews as lawless drifters who leave behind a trail of death and destruction. This chart clearly shows that when the people called “Semites,” “Hebrews” and “Jews” is judged solely by its actions, society finds its conduct, not its race, repulsive.

In step two, we find that historical records are not only accessible to Jewish scholars but, in some cases, accessible only to them (Dead Sea Scrolls). We also find that their scholars hold the highest credentials and that their research projects are well funded. Therefore, they must be deemed to be fully aware of the truth, and any claim to the contrary can only be considered deliberate historical misrepresentation. The logical conclusion is that all laws rooted in claims of historical persecution of Jews by “intolerant fascists” are proceeds of cleverly executed scams conceived to deliver the paralyzing stings that turn society into the host of a parasitic people.

History not only exonerates the Jews' neighbors, but also validates their objections. Immorality driven by racism, greed, vengeance and hatred is found in all cultures. What sets the Jewry apart is that such social evils are the principles Judaism is founded upon, rather than exceptional deviance. Whereas other cultures consider such doctrines social evils to discourage through education, civil laws and just governance, Judaism considers them religious righteousness to uphold through deceit, religious laws and political manipulation. Historically, individual immoral acts committed by Jews result in public outrage which is then stifled by immoral acts (disinformation campaigns, “purchasing” unjust laws, financing “sympathetic” regimes, and so forth) committed by their leaders. The effect of this vicious circle is social turmoil fueled by monumental injustices, death and destruction to which all societies who come in contact with the Jewry eventually react by insulating themselves from this people. The consequence of such insulation for the Jewry is loss of any benefits of extra-cultural thinking about divinity and standards of morality. These unfortunate people find themselves stalled on the fringes of humanity not because they are incapable of neighborly love or any expression of human decency, not because they are in anyway inferior or born with spiritual deficiencies, and certainly not because society is racist. They are stagnating because their leaders condemn them to spiritual dwarfism and moral exile. (It is of utmost importance to keep in mind that, just as there are morally bankrupt “Gentiles,” there are also so-called “Jews” who are compassionate and caring human beings, honest, trustworthy individuals, patriotic citizens and sincere advocates of Mankind. Society's aversion is to people who preach, enforce, practice, or condone the ideologies of Judaism, whatever their race, culture, or religion—if any.)

The Jews' neighbors, for their part, are in perpetual conflict with their conscience, trying to find a practical balance between tolerance and survival. At first, they tolerate the Jewry's behavior, allowing it time to adjust to its new social environment. But when they realize that, after many generations, Jews have not only refused to adopt the standards of morality society demands of everyone but have worked their way into the heart of the local culture and are corrupting it from within, the pendulum swings the other way and society either banishes the Jewry or emigrates.

Finally, the clay tablets and scriptures found in the debris around dug-up foundations are the ancient Sumerian and Coptic texts. They started to sprout everywhere and people by the thousands are taking an interest in what they have to say. That is why there is so much new money being spent on their destruction and on massive disinformation—via all media of news, education and entertainment—to suppress the truth they reveal. A recent example is the unprecedented destruction of evidence of an early civilization. In January 2003, American scholars (McGuire Gibson, University of Chicago's Oriental Institute, and others) plead with the U.S. military to spare and protect excavation sites and museums located in ancient Mesopotamia, and even provide lists and maps. Yet, despite the U.S. Defense Department's assurances—and occupying powers' international obligations—the Iraq War has, “inexplicably,” resulted in the greatest archeological losses ever. Guy Gugliotta reports:

“...with U.S. forces firmly in control of Baghdad last week [April 11-12], looters breached the museum [National Museum of Antiquities], trashed its galleries, burned its records, invaded its vaults and smashed or carried off thousands of artifacts dating from the founding of ancient Sumer...” (Washington Post, April 14, 2003, p. A19).

Then, on April 14th, unarmed “looters” burn down the Iraqi National Library and Archives (Professor Emeritus Chalmers Johnson, The Smash of Civilizations), while occupation forces sit in their tanks and Humvees and watch. Reading these reports, logical questions emerge: How could so-called “looters” gain entry into museums and libraries protected by the world's only superpower “firmly in control,” and why would “looters” trash museum galleries, burn records and historical evidence, and smash artifacts—rather than sack objects of street value? Were the armed occupation forces guarding humanity's treasures or protecting the “looters” from the irate population? Were the lists and maps provided by scholars used to protect, or to target the museums and dig sites? Who could possibly benefit from the destruction of historical evidence? The logical suspects are the beneficiaries of historical fraud, whose “advisor” to the U.S. administration in 2003 is long-time supporter of Zionism and self-confessed “friend of Israel,” son of a Jewish Immigrant from Poland, architect of the Iraq War, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz, who “advises” the U.S. administration to attack Iraq and destroy its stockpile of “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” For surely, these records and artifacts are the weapons that can destroy mass-produced historical fabrications.

The thinking man realizes that, though “God's Chosen Contractors” are tenaciously holding onto much of the material world, their grip on world thinking is slipping. Scholars are uncovering the Jewry's frauds, historical falsifications engineered to glorify a select people and reduce the rest of humanity to servants of a self-declared “master race.” Christians are finding out the truth about Church dogma, hijacked principles of morality intended for the elevation of Mankind but converted to principles of servitude that reduce Man from participant in God's Creation to pathetic slave (“sinner”). Despite desperate measures to hide the truth, “the neighbors” are finding their true heritage and the secret of their “great builder,” Jesus.

So we all have a life decision to make. Everyone has the right to choose his or her own path and, as long as it does not wrong someone else, no one has the right to judge another's choice. We can convince ourselves that “The Church” knows what is best for us and continue to seek solution to our misfortune in Judeo-Christianity's dogma, spelled out in its “homeowners user manual,” the Bible, and in its religious schools, our churches; abandon religion altogether and seek comfort in spiritual ignorance; or convert to another faith. Or we can join the effort to rescue Jesus' hijacked identity and history. But be warned: if you decide to excavate the waste material from beneath the foundation of your faith, your “home” will suddenly drop to Jesus' solid bedrock of truth, shattering beliefs you and your ancestors have held so dear throughout the ages, beliefs you are expected to pass on to your children and grandchildren. Yes, it is an enormous responsibility. If your resolve to seek the truth is weak, you will hesitate when you discover the real Jesus: the shock will be too much to bear. If that happens, stop! Cleanse your mind of biases and meditate over every piece of new knowledge until you come to your own conclusions before proceeding. It is not necessary to adopt someone else's perception of the truth. As the matter of fact, it is wise to subject all claims of “the truth” to scrutiny. Dogmas are stray seeds that find their way into the fertile soil of the human mind. So it takes disciplined intellectual effort to identify and weed out parasitic ideologies that choke the knowledge needed for spiritual growth. Besides, someone else's beliefs, even if sincere, will never grow permanent roots in another's mind. Genuine faith can sprout only from awareness. However, if you are determined to seek the Truth but not sure you have the calling to share your discoveries with your loved ones, then ask Jesus to help you decide. In the hour of your decision, listen to his words of encouragement to his disciples:

"Do not worry beforehand about what you are to say, but say whatever is given you in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but it is the Holy Spirit" (Mark 13:9, 11).

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