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Ancient People of the Royal Magi: The Magyars


Attila Grandpierre

Motto: Uplifting knowledge is the greatest gift
a man can have.

I. Introduction:

Who were the Magi?

In order to be able to stand our ground in our personal, community and social life we have to answer the questions: who were the Hungarians originally? Where did they live? When did they live? And what did they want? In this paper, we not only give answers to these questions, but we also show that the key question in the history of mankind, in the nation-forming activities of the Magyars and their individual life-conduct, is the appreciation of the historical role of die Hungarians. The Hungarians have played an extraordinary, elevating role, throughout the millennia, in the history and culture of mankind (see below) and, in contrast to the colorizing practice of Western Civilization, the most significant states of Europe and Asia were created by the Magyar Royal Magi.

Many have questioned whether it is possible to talk about a people called Magyar, existing in ancient times. In answer to this we mention that Herodotus wrote in his origin saga of the Scythians (Herodotus, B.C. 440/1989, p. 266.) that the name of Mankind's first King was the Magyar name Hargita. The names of his sons were Árpa, Zab and Köles (Endre K. Grandpierre and Attila Grandpierre, 2006, p. 42. - henceforth GKE and GA) which are Magyar names. Similarly, the names: Nimród, Hunor and Magor are Magyar, and Magor's name reflects the name of the Magyar people in the Age right after the Flood. With the retailed analysis of the Tarih-i Üngürüsz,[1] (The History of the Magyars), an ancient Hungarian saga before the age of Árpád, Endre K. Grandpierre (1979, 1990) proved that the legends of the Miracle Stag[2] originated in the magical ancient age (see especially pp. 67-68 : the quoted book). Hunor and Magor were twins, and therefore it may appear to be more accurate to talk about the Hun-Magyar people. Still we find the use of the name "Magyar" or the name "Magyar-Hun" for the nation preferable, because the ancient legend of the Miracle stag in the Tárih-i Üngürüsz begins with Magor's name before Hunor, and this indicates that, of the Hun and Magyar fraternal nations, the Magyar is the more ancient (GKE 1990, 17 and pp. 40-43). The continuity of the Magyar people and their name can be followed back at least five-to ten-thousand years, to the Age of the Flood.

At the time of its birth, Western Civilization declared war on the ancient memories of Mankind and tried to erase the past forever. However, with the passing of time, the Greek culture, which was banned in Europe for a thousand years, found its way, with Arab intervention, into the circulation of European culture. The ancient Greeks, on the other hand, could thank the contemporary Magyars, who were called Scythian in Greek, for their writing, philosophy, and knowledge of nature, in short, their culture (Meuli, 1935; Dodds, 1951; GA, 2001; GKE-GA, 2006, pp. 127-128).

The greatest Greek philosophers and most of their scientists were raised by Magi, not with colonizing zeal, but unselfishly, serving the elevation of Mankind. The Magi were indubitably Mankind's most ancient teaching nation. "The Magi worked without partiality and prejudice" (Stanley, 1731, 250). The ancient meaning of the Hungarian word "Magus" was: astronomer, mathematician, scholar of natural sciences, philosopher, wise-man, priest, physician, judge, creator of sciences, discoverer of agriculture, industry, transportation, discoverer of trade in general and creator of state institutions - all these in one person! Let us compare the summation of these with the "culture-hero": "The culture-hero has a major role in myths, is the first to acquire or create different cultural benefits for the people (fire, culture-plants, trade, tools), to introduce a given social order, regulations for marriage, magical formulae, rites and holidays". (Meletyinszkij, 1988,1: 159). The culture-heroes in ancient times were outstanding personages, who really existed all over the world, and their achievements would be impossible without their magical strength (Op, Cit,160). These "culture-heroes" were called "Magi" by their contemporaries.

The Magi were the guardians of the ancient cosmic knowledge obtained at the birth of Mankind. They had a scientific world-view, which was fundamentally complete; in other words, it was far superior to today's scientific world-view. They not only knew a more complete system of natural laws than we know today, but the first principles too: the principles of physics, biology and psychology. (GA, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006; GKE-GA, 2006, pp. 136-146). The ancient Magyar triple uni-triune system was based upon a cosmic world-view of natural sciences. To translate this to everyday language, the teaching of the cosmic uni-triune system involves the harmony of the human body, soul and spirit; the atom, feeling and thought; in cosmic terms the interaction of matter, life, and consciousness; physics, biology and psychology. The atom, feeling and thought are not just completed, expressed materials; they are also accompanied by motivating forces, the laws of nature and their motivating forces, the first principles which embrace the Universe into one living whole.

Physical phenomena Biological phenomena Psychological phenomena
Physical laws Biological laws Psychological laws
The laws of least effect Life- (Bauer-) principle Principle of self-consciousness

Table 1. The world-view of the triple-trinity. The triple-trinity forms one whole: the Universe. Physics, biology and psychology are not separated in reality into three different parts; they form one unified whole, the Universe. This is the essence of the scientific Uni-trinity.

The natural laws of physics, biology and psychology permeate the entire Universe and, therefore, they are universal-laws. The universality of biological laws means that the life-force permeates the Cosmos. Since the life-force is the most personal and the deepest reason for being for all of us, our deepest life is in the most personal connection with the life of the Universe. The soul is immortal because our Self is upheld by a cosmic law and the cosmic law is immortal. The Scythian concept of the immortality of the soul (GA, 2001; GKE-GA, 2006, pp. 127-128) the consubstantiality of the Self and the World-soul is also the basic concept of the Vedic literature and the Upanishads.[3]

The ancient Magyar magic system is magic because it recognized the personal connection between Man and the Universe, which rests upon the most basic law of Nature, the universal law of Life. This basic, recognition of natural science is what transcends the limits of todays scientific world-view. The trinity of body, feeling and thought manifests itself on the level of phenomena, of laws and principles alike. In the ancient Magyar magical world-view, the unity of the body, the soul and the spirit is based upon the existence of the soul, which carries the world of feelings and, therefore the reeling is the most basic reality. The magical feeing, with the help of the cosmic motivating power, which permeates all living beings, is always directed toward the realization of the highest, most noble possibilities.

This triple trinity is represented in the Hungarian coat of arms, which is of ancient origin and on the Hungarian national flag, in the image of the triple hill, the three-pointed crown and the double-cross, which is the ancient sign for One, meaning Uni-trinity, all of which together also mean the one unified whole, which forms the trinity: the living Universe. (GA, 2005b; GKE és GA, 2006, pp. 136-146).


Picture 1. The triple hill on our national flag (it is in itself the expression of the triple-trinity), the three-times triple-pointed crown (it is in itself the expression of the triple-trinity), and the double cross (symbol of the Uni-trinity). Together they form one united whole.


Picture 2. At the time of the 1848 Freedom Fight, the symbol of the Uni-Trinity upon the national crest was the double cross with equal horizontal branches.

In the ancient Magyar world-view, the Universe is the unified whole of matter, life and consciousness. Originally, the double-cross had equal-sized horizontal branches, and it was the sign for "One" in the ancient Magyar runic writing (rovásírás). Its three lines are the symbols of body, feeling and thought.

One can also ascertain that the two horizontal lines represent the body and thought, the vertical (uplifting!) line is the sign of feeling, of the soul and of life (GA, 2005b). According to our national symbols, the Magyar nation is the people of universal knowledge, the people that carries the most uplifting and most noble feelings. Our national symbols express the world-view of the Magyar people that is identical to that of the Royal Magi and so they are the proofs of our national beginning and continuity, our self-identity and our inexhaustible source of strength.

The Magi possess a mission within them; their task is the elevation of Mankind. In recent years, a whole series of archaeological facts (Price et al., 2001; Govedarica, 2004 Manzura, 2005; Keys, 2005; GKE-GA, 2006, 5-40, 82-135) have also proven that their feelings, thoughts and actions encompassed the world and, thanks to their action, civilizations sprang up worldwide. For example, Price et. al, (2001) proved that, from 5,700 B.C. small groups of Magi, who possessed a high degree of knowledge, wandered toward the West from the Carpathian Basin and passed on a high level of culture. At the same time, Govedarica (2004, see below) and especially Manzura (2005) proved that the carriers of an advanced culture migrated in several waves toward the East, following a plan, from Erdélv (Transylvania) beginning in about 5,100 B.C. and populated the Eurasian plains in several waves. The question arises: why did these people of advanced culture decide to move only sparsely to the West, in small groups, but to migrate from the Carpathian Basin to the East, in a planned re-repatriation? We think that along with many similar phenomena (see for example GKE-GA, 2006,149-152), these facts hint toward a well thought-out plan of the Magi to consciously shape the future of mankind.

According to Aristotle, the Magi "...state, that the stars are of fire; that the Moon wanes because the shadow of the Earth covers it; that the soul survives death; that the rain is caused by changes in the atmosphere; they give physical explanations to all other phenomena. They lay down the basic laws of jurisprudence. They state that they are the discoverers of geometry, astronomy and arithmetic." (Diogenes Laertius 200 BC/1958, Vol. I, 3) Eudoxos of Knidos who, according to signs, was the leader of Plato's Academy during his absence, would have liked the teachings of the Magi to be recognized as the most noble and most useful school of philosophy (Livingstone, 2002). "Plato often remembered that he and Pythagoras learned the best and most noble teachings from the Magi." - writes Clement of Alexandria in his work "Stromata", Book I, chapter XV page 2.[4] He adds later: "Before the time of the ancient Greeks philosophy was believed by their neighbors to be the world's most useful activity."[5] This people of philosophers was called "barbarian" by the ancient Greeks.

The origin and ancient meaning of the Hungarian word "Magus"

The Hungarian word "magus" (variations and derivatives in Hungarian: mag, magas, magától való, magától mozgató, magasztos, meaning seed, high, derived from itself, moves by it self, sublime) is a "world-word"; its radiation reaches the entire world. The word "magister" is derived from it; its shortened form "master" is a "world-word", as is the word expressing a rich person "magnate", or the Latin word "magna", meaning "big". The Hungarian word "mag" not only means the seed with its husk, but also its inner parts, its germ, which is the essence of its entirety, its soul. (Czuczor-Fogarasi, 1867,4: 25). There is an enormous difference between the seed of the tree, which grows high by itself and an incomparably smaller seed but they have one thing in common - an invisible factor: the life-force, the seed-force which is hidden in the seed. It is a basic fact, that the life-force, hidden in the seed, surpasses by far the capabilities of dead matter. The height, the high heavens lie hidden in the seed.

The Hungarian word mag (seed) is an ancient word; it is the counterpart of the word great and it is related to the Sanskrit mah (meaning: great). In the Hungarian language, the consonants are the basic carriers of meaning. The ancient meaning of the "n" consonant is female: nő, néni, ana=anya (woman, an older lady, mother). Since the word ma is an ancient word denoting femininity (it refers to motherhood, as in the word ma-ma), and the ancient meaning of "g" is ég, egy, agy, ig(az), ig(e), eg(ész), (heaven, one, brain, truth, Word of God, the whole) then the word ma-g (seed) is the word anya-g (matter) in another form. Its ancient meaning then is Anya-Ég, Anya-Agy, Anya-Egész (meaning Mother-Heaven, Mother-Brain, Mother-Whole), and here, the Mother is Mother Nature, the Universe, and its essence is the force of the seed, the soul and the life-force. The explanation of the base of the word magus as Anya-Agy (Mother Brain) brings us closer to the interpretation of the name Magyar. The "gy" form of the "g" sound in mag gives the words egy and agy (one, brain) in this context. Thus, the magy base of the name Magyar is ma-agy, Anya-agy, or Anya-Egy (Mother-brain, Mother-one) and this refers to the original calling of the Magyar people: they are the One, Mother Nature, brain-center of the Universe, the ancient people of Mankind, the people of ancient knowledge. The ancient meaning of the Hungarian word Magus is: the developer of the universal life-force of the Universe which infuses its matter, the elevating force of life.

The origin of the Magi.

Panorama of the cultures that the Magi developed

According to Herodotus (440/1989 B.C., book 1. §101, 55.), the Magi were a tribe of the Central Asian Medes. Meuli (1935), however, recognized that the seers and teachers of magic arrived among the Greeks from Scythia, which is north of Greece (also see Dodds, 1957, in Hungarian 2002,115). One of the worlds most influential etymological dictionaries, the 20 volume "The Oxford English Dictionary" (1989, IX: 202-203) writes the following under the title"Magus": "A member of an ancient Persian priestly caste, which, according to ancient historians, originated from a Mede tribe." Around 1400, (in Three Kings, Cologne. 49) St. Austin said that the word Magus in the Chaldean language means philosopher; in 1555, WATREMAN in Fardle of Facions II. vii K iv b., said that (in Persia) "the Magi were, in other words, men familiar with the secrets of nature." [or in today's vernacular: natural scientists - GA]. SYLVESTER Bethulias, in Rescue v, 301, in 1614, said (IX:202-203) that the Parthians also had Magi. In 1711, Pope said in Temp. Fame 97 "There, where the long skirted Royal Magi stand, the magic wand of the stern Zoroaster rises and falls." (Emphasis - GA). Under ne title "Magian" (Op.cit. 202-203): 1861 GOLDWIN SMITH, Lectures in Modern History, 61, states: "It does not count for much to make the King the leader of the people if the Royal Magi lead them." (Emphasis - GA) In 1875, LIGHTFOOT Comm. Coloss. 151, I states: "This was... when the magic system (the unified system of natural sciences, the magic world-view - GA) took hold in Asia Minor"; in 1877 - Outlines Hist. Relig. 165: "The Magi were the pre-Semitic and pre-Arian (in other words more ancient than the Semitic and Arian people - GA) priestly class in Western-Asia", According to the probably most influential encyclopedia, the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Magi originated from the Persians (Enc. Brit. 2007, magician). However, the Persians appear in history only in the 9th century B.C. The Magi were present not only in Asia Minor, or Western Asia, and not only from the 9th century on. Among the Magyars we find traces of the Magi in much earlier times, in an age immediately following the Flood. According to tradition, the knowledge of magic came through Nimrod into the world-heritage of the post-flood humanity, "The magic arts originate from Nimrod" - wrote Clement of Alexandria in the fourth volume of his "Stromata or different things", in Volume IV, Chapters. 27-29.[6] The mythological Kush, forefather of Nimrod, and ancestor of the Scythians and the Magi, who practiced a Sun-religion, was honored as "Sun" and was also called Magóg and mágus - writes Bryant (1807; quoted bv Oláh, 1985,16). Byzantine and western missionaries who visited the Magyars of the Árpád Age, who practiced the ancient Magyar religion, called the priests of the Magyar religion magi. (Dömötör Tekla, 1995, 530,). The Chronicle of Vienna of the 14th century mentions the Magi as Magos (A magyar nyelv történeti-etimológiai szótára, 1970, 2: 816.). The Kassa: Codex makes mention of the notebooks of the legal actions of the inquisitions of the Middle Ages, which always call the priests of the Magyar religion magus, and the old high priests pontifex magorum (Fehér, Mátyás Jenő, 1999,197.). Based on facts from the natural sciences we have recently demonstrated that at least beginning in the 6th millennium B.C., the center of Mankind's particularly high knowledge was the Carpathian Basin, (Price et al., 2001; Gove-darica, 2004; Manzura, 2005; GKE-GA 2006,13-40, 50-52,119-120,183-184). Thus if the magical world-view dates back to pre-Flood ages, then the ancient culture of Mankind was handed over to the people of the post-Flood era by the Magyars.

The Magi were the teachers of a good many great Greek philosophers, like Pythagoras Democritus and Plato (Gnoli, 1995, Vol, 9, p. 79), as they were teachers of Empedocles and Protagoras (Goldhammer, 1980, 5: 631). Around the 7th century B.C.: "a whole line of Scythian seers, magic healers and religious teachers swarmed from the North, all of them shamanistic." (In those days they were called magi - the authors) (Meuli, 1935). This northern country, the center of the Magi, is north of the Greeks, in the Carpathian Basin and the great Eurasian plains that stretch from the Carpathians to Korea, Central Asia and Northern India.

The Magi - as opposed to today's scientists, philosophers and priests - lived through millennia in the greater part of some country, in united scientific-philosophical centers forming a close-knit tribal family (GKE-GA, 2006, 78). They were the "Royal Scythians the people of the Royal Magyars, the people of the Magi. Today's civilization minimizes this amazing fact, when it talks about the order of the Magi, their class, their tribe. Here we are not referring to an order, a class or a tribe, but a people of nation-builders, the upholders of ancient knowledge, who created states throughout the millennia, spreading to other parts of the world, establishing states and upholding them and who are the guardians of mankind's ancient knowledge. "No priestly class was more famous in antiquity than the Magi" (Gnoli, Op Cit.) "The Magi were the priestly caste of the Sun-religion" (Redards, 1965). The Transylvanian Dacian Magus, Dicinius, (GKE-GA, 2006,150-151) for example, in the 1st century B.C.: almost educated the Goths in the entire philosophy and taught them physics, astronomy and logic. He taught them, for example, how the Sun is a celestial body, many times larger than the Earth" (Iordanes, 2005, 56). "Contrary to the accepted views of the Scandinavian-Germanic ancient religion, it was not the bellicose, warlike, manly values that were the most obvious, but magical ones... Odin himself was the model of a Magus-king" (Boyer, 1985, 50). Odin, the main god of the Scandinavian-Germanic religion was a Scythian-Magyar Magus (GA, 1306, 133-142, 199; GKE-GA, 2006, 38-39; Metcalfe, 1982,1:32). The Celtic Druids, too, were Magi. (Pohle, 1911).

The Magi established centers throughout the world that maintained connections with each other through thousands of years. (McKie, 1977,173-199; Csáji, 2004,8; Govedarica, 2004, 21; GKE-GA, 152, 194, 196-202). There may have been such a Magus center in Hungary, in Polgár-Csőszhalom, from 4800 B.C. (GKE-GA, 2006, 15-16, 24, 71). The Magus, who had Stonehenge built, around 2,300 B.C., was a Magyar-Hun Magus from the Carpathian Basin (GKE-GA, 25-29). The territory of the Magus tribe of the Medes occupied almost the whole country, and the name of the country of the Medes, in India, is Madra; (see the quoted work p. Ill, 116, 125). Similar Magus-centers existed in the land of the Scythian-Parthians, in Bactria, Chorezm and Egypt. The Indians called the countries between the Hindu-Kus Mountains and the River Oxus (Amu Darya) "Sakastan", Scythian : country, and they believed that the Golden Age took place there. Magi prepared the Persian prince for kingship, for justice, bravery and independence - and the Persians can thank the Mede Magi for their political and civil institutions too. (Gnoli, 1995) The royal rank of the Magi is reflected in the fact that the Parthians elected their Kings from among the Magi (Strrabon, cca. A.D. 7/1977, 547), and that the Asian Kings could not conduct their wars without the Magi walking before the kings, carrying the eternal fire which fell from heaven (Ammianus Marcellinus, A.D. IV, c./1993, 338,). Pope writes of the Royal Magi in 1711 above), and Goldwin Smith writes that the Kings were directed by the Magi (see above, Oxford English Dictionary, title Magian).

Royal Magi in India

It was not only in the Carpathian Basin and Central Asia that the Magi were outstanding with their particularly high level of knowledge. The Mag-Brahmins, the scholars, called Maga, played an outstanding and honored role in India's culture (Aradi, 2005, 152), In India, the Magi were known by the names of Maga, Bhojaka or Shakadvipi Brahmins. The name Sakadvipa (the country of the Saka) referred to the country of Scythia in Central Asia. Brehmanism developed mostly through the teachings of the Maga Brahmins.[7] According to the Bhavisya Purana the Maga, wise men, were invited to come from Central Asia into the the Indus valley, where they settled first of all in Rajasthan Province. The philosopher warriors came from Scythian lands to India in the 2nd millennium B.C. and there they were later called ksatriya. The Puranic Encyclopedia (1989, 667) also supports their Scythian origin. It also adds that, according to the Saka (Asian Scythians/Huns/Magyars - GA) origin saga, they were born of a Holy Cow, known in India by the name Nandini, who was the daughter of Vasistha, who symbolized the Universe. In Egyptian cosmogony, where the Holy Cow is the symbol of the Sky-goddess,"at the beginning of Creation, the Sun, like a little child appeared in the cup of a lotus flower.". (Kákosy, 1978, p. 58)


Picture 3. The Táltos deer or Holy Cow, Kamadhenu

The origin saga of the Indian Saka-Scythians can be explained with Hungarian mythology. The symbol of the Universe is the Miracle Stag. So the daughter of the Universe must be a deer-calf, a doe, in other words a hind. The most important creation in the Universe for us is undoubtedly the Sun. And because the female deer is a doe, the daughter of the Miracle Stag is a Sun-doe; therefore Nandini is a Sun-doe, or Sun-hind. If the Scythian Magyars were born from the Holy Cow, then they are the Sons of the Sun, the people of the Sun. This explanation is reinforced by the fact that, in Indian mythology, [the] most important quality of Nandini and her birth-mother, Kamadhenu (Kama-cow, or Cow of desire - see picture 3) is that they fulfill desires and wishes,[8] like the red-ox of Hungarian folk stories, whose red color tells us that it refers to the Sun.

From this explanation, it is clear that our forefathers considered the Universe and the Sun to be the fulfillers of desires. Today's Indian cult of the Holy Cow was derived from honoring the Indian Hun origin saga. If we consider the Sun and the Universe to be the manifestation of their inherent cosmic creative power, or life-power, we can recognize the truth of the origin saga of our ancestors. Truly, Mankind can be grateful to the inherent, invisible creative power of this saga. The essence of humanity is the same invisible creative power, as that of the seed and of the Living Universe.

The Magadhi people of India were the Magus people of the Sakas. (Metcalfe, 1832/1982). In the country of Magadha Gupta, in the state of Bihar, about 13 million people still speak the Magadhi language. The Magadhi language is also called: Magaya, Maghaya, Maghori, Magi, Magodhi. Buddha (whose name the Hindus pronounce as Buda) spoke the forerunner of the Magadhi language, which is interesting to us Hungarians, because Buddha, or more correctly Buda, was of Scythian origin. Megastenes, a Greek historian, in the 3rd century B.C., tells us in his book, entitled "Indica", that, in the country of Magadha, the philosophers do not have to pay taxes. This fact reinforces the fact that the philosophers in the Scythian-Magyar country of Magadha, the Magi enjoyed a very esteemed status in society. And, since the philosophers were called Magi in antiquity, we have again found the traces of the Royal Magi.

In Northern India, along the Indus River, in King-country (Rajasthan) lived the philosophers, whom the Hindu people called ksatrija, who were at the same time, warriors and bards. Their older name was, according to English spelling rajanya, (rádzsanja in Hungarian, which is again a royal name, referring to philosophers!) (Vedic Index of Names and Subjects, 1967,1. 202.). The earlier variation of rajanya was ksatrija (the order of the noble philosopher-warriors) and indicated a connection with princehood or kingship. This term meant royal wise-men (verbatim: rádzsan-yarsi-kat).

This indicates that, here too, we have stumbled upon the traces of the Royal Magi. These noble philosopher-warriors were also musicians; they played on lutes and they sang. It is for this reason that they were also called ksatrija bards too, similar to the (Celtic) Bards of Wales, who sang the heroic songs of their people, as did the regős of Hungary, or Sebestyén Tinódi Lantos,[9] The Ancient Ind hymns, the Vedas were composed between 1,500 and 1,000 B.C. (Störig, 1997,21.). One group of the Vedic holy singers, the risi (risi - holy singer, wise man) may have been of Turanian[10] origin. Scholars from India have shown that the style of many Vedic songs originated from Turan or Central Asia (Aradi, 2005, 24.).

The index of names and subjects of the Vedas (Vedic Index of Names and Subjects, 1967, I: 206) tells us, that the Vedic epic poems grew out, in a natural manner, from the poems of these Royal Wise men, who were at the same time warrior bards. Because the Vedas and the Upanishads, which can be considered the summation of Vedic literature, represent the most ancient and highest knowledge left to mankind, we can acquaint ourselves more closely with the wisdom of these Royal Magi warriors by studying the Vedas and the Upanishads.

The Vedic Index of Names and Subjects (1967, 202) brings to our attention that, from among India's indigenous population, those belonged to the ksatrijas, who succeeded in preserving their princely status, even after the Arian conquest. The use of the name ksatrija in the earliest texts of the Rig-Veda referred exclusively to the royal power or divine empowerment. Let us observe that this fact refers to the consubstantiality of royalty and divine empowerment.

The combination of monarchy and divine empowerment in Europe is present, inseparably joined, only among the Hungarian people, in the concept of the Holy Crown. The author of the article in the Encyclopaedica Indica, (1975, 306) 'Kshatrija (the spelling of 'ksatrija' in English is not always consistent) remarks: the ksatrija are the ruling and warrior caste of the Vedas, who are represented by the Rajput today. The inhabitants of Rajasthan, the "Country of Kings", the Rajputs, always preserved the tradition of their Hun origin. Not long ago it was proven that they were really of Scythian-Hun origin (Chauhan, 1999). It also came to light that the Harappa culture of the Indus-valley, which is older than the Sumerian civilization, was the civilization of "wise men, priests, philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, astronomers, artists, architects, engineers, seamen, craftsmen, agriculture and merchants" (Feuerstein, 1995), in which the Magi played a decisive role.

Royal Magi in China

In very ancient times, even before the dawn of the Chinese religion, the organized religion of the Magi may have had a priesthood (de Groot, 1982, VI, 11:1187). In the millennia B.C., the Magi played a leading role in all levels of the Chinese religion. (Schafer, 2005, 234). Victor H. Mair, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, discovered some archaeological and linguistic data, which prove that the ancient Chinese word "myag, magus, scholar of natural sciences, philosopher" is not of Chinese, but of Central-Asian origin (Mair, 1990). In China, the teachings of the Magi were important, primarily in the royal religion (Harper, 1995).

The institution of monarchy goes back to the first Chinese Dynasty, the Xia Dynasty, which was named after the Xia Hun nation, to Huang Di, the founder of the Chinese civilization, in the 3rd millennium B.C. Huang Di, according to the startling facts recently discovered, was most certainly a Magyar-Hun Royal Magus, who, five thousand years ago, taught the Chinese about the concept of the Holy Crown. When he was elected King, he accepted the Kingship only on the condition that the people remove him from his royal office if he did not serve their welfare (GKE-GA, 2006,119-123).

Whereas the arrival of the Western civilization in China caused an opium-war and, wherever the westerners set foot, they strove to assert themselves as colonizers, Huang Di, on the other hand, served the elevation of the people. This act reflects the ancient Scythian-Magyar ideal of the superiority of the people, the concept of the Holy Crown. The Chinese universalism, Confucianism and Taoism are built upon the teachings of the Magi. We mention only cursorily that, centuries before the arrival of colonizing Spaniards, perpetrating genocide and cultural genocide, the American Indians were visited by bearded white men, like Quetzalcoatl and friends, dressed similar to Huang Di and propagating similar teachings. These were Magi, wise men, who elevated the American Indian societies (quoted work, pp. 123-124).

Huang Di, also known as Xuan Yuan, the leader (king) of the Xia Hun nation, lived with his people in the central valley of the Huang Ho River (Hun River, see Szász-Bakay, 1994, 25, in todays translations frequently Yellow River), (Wu, 2004). At the time of Huang Di, four great nations fought here against one another: Huang Di's nation, the Hun Xia, the Yiang, the Yi and the Li. Huang Di equipped his people with lances, bows and arrows and, under his leadership, the Hun Xia nation defeated the stronger and more populous Li nation at Yhoulu, in the valley of the Sangan River, in the north-eastern part of Hebei Province (in other words not far to the north-east of the territory of Ordos). Huang Di ruled sternly and without favors, and so his country blossomed. He provided for the unity of his people in the future, and he also forbade his people to marry within their own nation. This is how the different people became intermixed and Huang Di became the ancestor of a unified people which received its name, Huaxia, after the Hun Xia nation. 93 % of the inhabitants of today's China are the descendants of this Huaxia people of Hun origin, and only from the time of the Han dynasty (2nd c. B.C.) was the original name of the Chinese nation, Huaxia, changed to the new name, the Han nation. (Wu, 2004; Caraway, 2007),

Royal Magi in Egypt

The land of Egypt is an extremely important location of the activities of the Magi. The tradition of the Heavenly Cow of the Saka-Hun Magi of India belongs here too, in the most ancient layer of the ancient religion. Hathor, the Sky-Goddess of Egypt, was one of the most ancient and most popular deities, and was often pictured in the form of a cow. The meaning of her name is: Hat-hor, "House of Hór(us)" (Horus was the Egyptian name for the Sun-god - GA). The word "house" here refers to the sky (Kákosy, 1978, 9). The Heavenly-Cow imagery can already be found in the most ancient layer of the Egyptian ancient religion, as far back as the present research of the history of religion can reach, A palette from the pre-dynastic times (the end of the 4th millennium B.C., the Nagada II Culture) represents the head of a cow, on whose horns and ears stars are visible (Op, Cit. 16) - just as they are pictured on the Magyar Miracle Stag "As many stars on him, as there are hairs", as the song of the bards says. There were Chaldean settlements in Egypt (Chaldean: Mesopotamian Magi - GA). The knowledge possessed by the Magi originates from Chaldea. Astronomy spread from Chaldea to Egypt and, from there, to Greece (Stanley, 1731, 250.). Clement of Alexandria (at the beginning of the 3rd century A.D.) writes, that "Egypt is the mother-land of the Magi". Judging from the amulets of the 4th millennium B.C., found in the Egyptian graves, the Magi were present from the beginning of the creation of Egypt's culture. The pyramid texts refer to the Egyptian kings as "hekau", in other words, they possessed magic powers (Pinch, 1994).


#4 Vancouver BC. CanadaPetrov Ferdinánd 2017-06-04 23:26
Magyarok, nektek nem kell félni, hogy a folyamatosságotok kihal. A Magyarok Istene, tudta, hogy az ö általa kiválasztott népét, megfogják tagadni, mint az ő szeretett fiat "Jézust". Fölbe elrejtett "Kincseket" a Magyarok (Royal Magi) Népe. ma az ellenségei kiássák, Muzeumokba, kiállítsák. Ez a Magyarok javára meg nem cáfolható tulajdonuk, elrabolt multjuk bizonyítékai. Magyrok Ős-Ősei, Jégkorszak előtti "Honosai" a Kárpát Medencének. A Magyarok Istene által kiformált, védett terület, az Emberiség "Bölcsője" A gonoszok Tanácsa, el rabolta, szét osztotta, gyilkosai között, mint Jézus Köpenyét, a Rómaiak kikockázták. Rablók: Nektek nincs kiutatok, mert "Halandók" vagytok. Az Úr vár rátok, az ő törvénye "Rettenetes" de Igazságos. Mint "Hamurábi" Törvénye "Szemet szemért, fogat fogért" Bújatok Gonoszok, de "Hová" Ti még meg kapjátok. Legyen az Úr akarata. Én úgy kivánom.
#3 mu-baralota, medininagar, palamau, jharkhand, india, pin-822102HARSH KUMAR MISHRA 2016-11-09 22:46
I am a shakadvipi brahmin of india and at my ancestral home main entrance there is also a sun disk divided in to eight parts.. i knew my caste origin that we came to india from shakastan as my grand father told me, he also said me that some of our caste are in europe. i wanted to know more frome him but he died at the age of 105 in 2005. my father also give me lots of information about our caste. my grand father was great scholar of sanskrit and astronomy, and my father is great scholar of medicinal plants. our language is maghi.
i was searching about magi people and where they are present in other parts of world then i came through your website and i came to know after reading some articles that my grandpa was right and i was also surprised that he never used internet but even though he knew that our people are in europe which i found on your website. but in india we are in very less population. i would like to know and share more.
#2 newsletterMISS EKEMA 2014-12-12 06:39
please added in the list of subscribers of you newsletters
Much thanks in advance
+2 #1 3841 Meramonte,North Highlands,California 95660 USAImre 2013-01-08 07:14
Ehhez nem szukseges hozzaszolni,Grandpierre Atilla
osszes munkai,a legmagasabb,tortenelmileg alatamasztott szinten allnak,ezt csak elfogadni kell,
minden igaz Magyarnak.

A hozzászólások lehetősége 2023.11.03-án megszűnt.

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