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6,662 DEAD 299,065 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, [1] which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.” Here is what EudraVigilance [2] states about their database:

This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency [3] in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance [4] by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.

EudraVigilance is a system designed for collecting reports of suspected side effects. These reports are used for evaluating the benefits and risks of medicines during their development and monitoring their safety following their authorisation in the European Economic Area (EEA). EudraVigilance has been in use since December 2001.

This website was launched to comply with the EudraVigilance Access Policy [4], which was developed to improve public health by supporting the monitoring of the safety of medicines and to increase transparency for stakeholders, including the general public.

The Management Board of the European Medicines Agency [5] first approved the EudraVigilance Access Policy in December 2010. A revision was adopted by the Board in December 2015 based on the 2010 pharmacovigilance legislation. The policy aims to provide stakeholders such as national medicines regulatory authorities in the EEA, the European Commission, healthcare professionals, patients and consumers, as well as the pharmaceutical industry and research organisations, with access to reports on suspected side effects.

Transparency is a key guiding principle of the Agency, and is pivotal to building trust and confidence in the regulatory process. By increasing transparency, the Agency is better able to address the growing need among stakeholders, including the general public, for access to information. (Source [2].)

Their report through April 10, 2021 lists 6,662 deaths and 299,065 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:

Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the four COVID-19 shots we are including here. This subscriber has volunteered to do this, and it is a lot of work to tabulate each reaction with injuries and fatalities, since there is no place on the EudraVigilance [2] system we have found that tabulates all the results.

Here is the summary data through April 10, 2021.

Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2Comirnaty) from BioNTechPfizer: 3,760 deathand 134,606 injuries to 10/04/2021


  • 10,021   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 31 deaths
  • 6,413     Cardiac disorders incl. 442 deaths
  • 44           Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 2 deaths
  • 3,620       Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 2 deaths
  • 93           Endocrine disorders
  • 3,997     Eye disorders incl. 5 deaths
  • 30,091   Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 196 deaths
  • 93,635   General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 1,279 deaths
  • 171        Hepatobiliary disorders  incl.  14 deaths
  • 2,808     Immune system disorders incl. 15 deaths
  • 8,451     Infections and infestations incl.  380 deaths
  • 3,210     Injury, poisoning and procedural complications   incl. 66 deaths
  • 6,560     Investigations incl. 147 deaths
  • 2,207     Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 79 deaths
  • 48,571   Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 40 deaths
  • 109        Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 7 deaths
  • 59,021   Nervous system disorders incl. 335 deaths
  • 152        Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 6   deaths
  • 70           Product issues
  • 5,208     Psychiatric disorders incl. 52 deaths
  • 807        Renal and urinary disorders incl. 57 deaths
  • 806        Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 1 death
  • 12,075   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders   incl. 432 deaths
  • 14,257   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders   incl. 31 deaths
  • 352        Social circumstances incl. 5 deaths
  • 101        Surgical and medical procedures incl 5 deaths
  • 6,996     Vascular disorders incl. 131 deaths

Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Moderna: 1,801 deathand 13,426 injuries to 10/04/202europeandatabase4

  • 631        Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 12 deaths
  • 6871      Cardiac disorders incl. 180 deaths
  • 5             Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 1 death
  • 267        Ear and labyrinth disorders
  • 18           Endocrine disorders
  • 415        Eye disorders incl. 2 deaths
  • 2,987     Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 60 deaths
  • 9,634     General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 795 deaths
  • 56           Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 2 deaths
  • 379        Immune system disorders incl. 1 death
  • 1,075     Infections and infestations incl. 93 deaths
  • 568        Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 36 deaths
  • 862        Investigations incl. 52 deaths
  • 382        Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 33 deaths
  • 4,443     Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 37 deaths
  • 38           Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 5 deaths
  • 5,738     Nervous system disorders incl. 193 deaths
  • 37           Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions
  • 7             Product issues
  • 641        Psychiatric disorders incl. 28 deaths
  • 218        Renal and urinary disorders incl. 18 deaths
  • 83           Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 1 death
  • 1,657     Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 158 deaths
  • 1,625     Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 19 deaths
  • 121        Social circumstances incl. 5 deaths
  • 88           Surgical and medical procedures incl. 10 deaths
  • 839        Vascular disorders incl. 60 deaths

Total reactions for the experimental vaccine AZD1222 (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca: 1,086 deathand 150,863 injuries to 10/04/20217


  • 4,092     Blood and lymphatic system disorders     incl. 44 deaths
  • 5,911     Cardiac disorders incl. 140 deaths
  • 52           Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 1 death
  • 3,886     Ear and labyrinth disorders
  • 112        Endocrine disorders incl. 2 deaths
  • 5,994     Eye disorders incl. 4 deaths
  • 47,881   Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 40 deaths
  • 117,802General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 363 deaths
  • 162        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 6 deaths
  • 1,499     Immune system disorders incl. 5 deaths
  • 8,809     Infections and infestations incl. 84 deaths
  • 3,095     Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 11 deaths
  • 7,336     Investigations incl. 14 deaths
  • 6,078     Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 10 deaths
  • 68,519   Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 7 deaths
  • 97           Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 3 deaths
  • 92,586   Nervous system disorders incl. 154 deaths
  • 71           Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions
  • 39           Product issues
  • 7,934     Psychiatric disorders incl. 9 deaths
  • 1,446     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 8 deaths
  • 1,328     Reproductive system and breast disorders
  • 12,49     Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 109 deaths
  • 19,069   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 6 deaths
  • 256        Social circumstances incl. 3 deaths
  • 322        Surgical and medical procedures incl. 7 deaths
  • 6,136     Vascular disorders incl. 56 deaths

Total reactions for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S) from Johnson & Johnson: 15 deaths and 170 injuries to 10/04/2021

(No graph yet)

  • 3             Blood and lymphatic system disorders
  • 20           Cardiac disorders incl. 5 deaths
  • 11           Ear and labyrinth disorders
  • 1             Endocrine disorders
  • 9             Eye disorders
  • 39           Gastrointestinal disorders
  • 109        General disorders and administration site conditions  incl. 7 deaths
  • 2             Hepatobiliary disorders
  • 8             Immune system disorders
  • 17           Infections and infestations
  • 9             Injury, poisoning and procedural complications
  • 33           Investigations
  • 7             Metabolism and nutrition disorders
  • 37           Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
  • 88           Nervous system disorders incl. 1 death
  • 1             Product issues
  • 18           Psychiatric disorders
  • 5             Renal and urinary disorders
  • 4             Reproductive system and breast disorders
  • 30           Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders   incl  1 death
  • 19           Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
  • 4             Social circumstances
  • 1             Surgical and medical procedures
  • 28           Vascular disorders incl. 1 death

This is public information funded by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and anyone can use the EudraVigilance [1] system and verify this data.

These are some serious numbers, and yet we do not know of a single news organization, either corporate media or alternative media, who has published anything on this besides Health Impact News.

Please share this information far and wide, and feel free to copy and republish everything in this report.

See Also:












More detailed pictures and data HERE ⇒

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