Gyermekkorom óta érdekelt a politika és történelem. Valószínű ennek köszönhetem, hogy felfigyeltem olyan eseményekre, amelyek mások figyelmét elkerülték. Például: 1956 nyarán lebontották a jugoszláv-magyar határon a műszaki határzárat. Mikor azzal kész lettek, hozzáfogtak az osztrák-magyar határzár...
THE HUNS AND MAGYARS OF THE CAUCASUS written by Mubariz J. Khalilov – Szabolcs (Sabolch) Nyitray
This excellent scholarly work, authored by an Azerbaijani and a Hungarian researchers, is a detailed review of the...
I wish to thank Miklós Patrubány, President of the World Federation of Hungarians, for his suggestion that I edit a book about the Celtic-Hungarian connection.
This book would never have been written without his encouragement...
The Etruscans and their civilization has long disappeared from Europe, but their legacy lives on in many ways, even though their many contributions are often unrecognized for their proper origin. Why were they important, when...
The Huns in their long history of about 2000 years, and in their distant marches of more than 2000 miles, one way or another in the East or in the West, in the North or in...
Introduction -
Mesopotamia housed distinct local populations belonging to the linguistic groups of Dravidian (agglutinative), Hurro-Urartian, (agglutinative), Sumeria (agglutinative) and later Semitic (Babylonian, Assyrian, Chaldean, flexive) languages. In the whirlwind of history, in the 5th mill.
Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji: Asiatic Papers, Part II. Bombay: Times Press, 1917. S. 293-349.
The Early History of the Huns and Their Inroads in India and Persia