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Selected Studies in Hungarian History, book presentation

Book Presentation

Selected Studies in Hungarian History

László Botos

Our book, Magyarságtudományi tanulmányok and its English translation: Selected Studies in Hungarian History, was published in the 23rd hour. This work can be considered life-saving because it revives and brings back to life the national consciousness, that it is worth declaring that we are Hungarian, that our customs are worth fighting for and that it is worth the effort to educate the nation and the world about them.


We are not anyone’s inferior and, in fact, recognizing this, we can look anyone in the eyes with the knowledge that we are the descendants of the Scythian-Hun people, who at one time ruled all of Asia and we gave to the Indo-European peoples our many root-words, from which developed those languages which are much less sophisticated than the Hungarian language.

In 1849, the Finno-Ugric hypothesis was imposed upon us. This has never been proven, and, along with the rest of the world, we were encouraged to forget that we were Huns. In this way, we were taught to deny our origins and we were deprived of hope in the future. This was done in order to subjugate us once and for all. Unfortunately, if we consider what our people and country have to look forward to, we can see that this tactic almost succeeded. We also know that this country, whose history was written by its enemies, the Habsburgs and the other surrounding states, will disappear and the people and nation will become slaves.

History can be falsified in the interest of certain groups but we must not forget that this is the worst sin and there will be no mercy for those who have purposely altered the facts. The God of the Hungarians will not forget. Let us follow and trust in the tenets of our ancient faith. Let us live with love for one another, according to the ancient truths and then we will raise a Hungarian nation in which the people live and think as Hungarians and do not just speak the Hungarian language. Our ancestors dared to be Hungarians. What are we afraid of? Széchenyi said: „The Hungarian should love and search for his brother Hungarian.”

Let us forget the demeaning Finno-Ugric hypothesis, which states that we originate from a primitive people of the Tundra, and which has not yet been proven. In order to do this as a nation, we first have to be prepared individually to recognize and accept this huge change. It is not easy to give up what we learned in school and exchange it for new, unknown studies. This is why our task is so difficult. I have noticed many times that a well-educated lecturer, at the beginning of his lecture speaks of a change, a new awakening, but during his lecture he reverts to the old theories propagated by our enemies. The afore-mentioned primitive origins are not demeaning just because they are primitive (indeed, everything has a beginning) but because this theory of our primitive origins is advocated to the entire world, when it is definitively stated and propagated that the majority of our everyday words are borrowed from other peoples, and when no other theory is allowed to be researched.

There had to be some linguistic somersaults to make the idea accepted that these words were borrowed from the Slavic, Latin or German languages. Dr. Tibor Baráth writes: „In the Western World, in the last one-hundred years, there has been an enormous amount of slanderous propaganda. The first to propose and advertise this propaganda were the French and the Czechs, who were later joined by the Rumanians, Serbs and the English. All of them want to establish the conviction and strengthen it in the public opinion of the West, that the Hungarian people are late occupants of the Danube Basin, surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains, that they are a ’foreign body’ in the family of European nations, and for a thousand years, they have just caused trouble. Therefore they came up with the solution that it would be best to erase this nation, and if this is not possible, then to reduce its power to the lowest level . . . only then would there be peace in this part of the continent.” (Montreal, 1975)

The hypothesis of the Finno-Ugric origin, its history and linguistics, served this plan well, in the truncated state of Hungary and in the West. The actions of Hungarians in this area are excusable, for understandable reasons, but the actions of the Western Finno-Ugric scholars are incomprehensible: Who „forced” them to be the executioners of the Hungarian people?

Louis the Child, the King of the Franks, in 907, left instructions for his successors that „ The Hungarians must be annihilated:” We Hungarians should not be involved in our own annihilation.

Huge numbers of struggling Hungarians at home (in Hungary), influenced by the media and led astray by their studies in school, are still unaware of the results of the newest research in the true history of Hungary. Without this knowledge, they are not able to change the regime and thereby persuade the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to discard the Finno-Ugric hypothesis and teach in the interest of the Hungarians. Therefore it is our responsibility as Hungarians living outside the country to make the results of historical and genetic research known abroad and to influence the education of Hungarians at home.

This book, which we now present to you, with your help will complete this task. It is the result of the unselfish efforts of 29 Hungarian scholars, many of them researching abroad, and the generous support of the World Federation of Hungarians. The World Federation is itself struggling with financial difficulties because, on the suggestion of Sándor Csoóri, former Prime Minister Viktor Orban withdrew from this organization, the largest civil organization in the World, which binds together the Hungarian communities all over the world, the governmental financial support that it had enjoyed for many years.

This book leads the reader through many different eras, acquaints him with the connections between the Sumerian, Scythian, Hun, White Hun, Parthian, Avar and Magyar peoples and also presents the decipherment of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, with the aid of Hungarian. It also demonstrates the antiquity of the Magyar Runic Script, used by the first civilized people in the ages preceding the Greco-Roman civilization. It outlines the role of Hungarians as defenders of Europe against the Tartars and the Turks, proves the connections with the Huns and suggests that the Magyar-Huns were the original people of the Carpathian Basin who migrated out of that area thousands of years ago and returned to their ancient home as Magyars. The so-called “robbing campaigns” of the Magyars in the 10th century, led by Bulcsu Horka, Lehel and Botond, did not have robbery as their aim but they were primarily launched at the request of the German princes, Ebelhardt, Thankmar, Henrik and Giselbert who asked for the help of the Magyars in their rebellions against Otto I. At the same time, by keeping the German states divided, the Magyars could strengthen the defense of their homeland.

The reader can read the history of the assassinations of the kings of the Árpád House, the falsification of history leading to the Treaty of Trianon, the failure of the West to support the Hungarians in their Freedom Fight in 1956 and much more. He is introduced to the Mystery and Doctrine of the Holy Crown. Here we recognize that the restoration of the sovereignty of the Holy Crown is vital not only for the existence of Hungary but for the whole of humanity because the sphere of influence of the Holy Crown, its jurisprudence does not depend exclusively on one person but is shared between the Crown, the nation and the King. It is important to realize that this is the only crown in the world that is describes as “holy”. Its bearer, the Hungarian King, is the only king in world history to be designated an “apostolic king”. (Pap Gábor)

All this history is not presented in studies in a chronological order but in studies that are independent of each other yet connect with each other without accidental repetition.

The book, edited by the Institute of Hungarian Studies, the result of the voluntary efforts of the editors, contributors and translators, appeared in August, 2008, in Budapest, published by the HUN-Idea Publishers, with the support of the World Federation of Hungarians. The money raised by the sale of the book was contributed to the expenses of the VII World Congress of Hungarians.


Source: magtudin.org


with English subtitles

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