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Organic Magyar Linguistics, part 2.b

The Concepts and Words of Masculinity and Femininity
Are Mirror Images

TC "The Concepts and Words of Masculinity and Femininity" \f C \l "1"

Words of masculinity are underlined.

Pál — a masculine concept and it is the name of the Palóc language group’s creator, their word for light. His symbol is the pole.

lap — (a flat surface) It is a feminine word, related to concepts of fluttering, enfolding, material medium. (lebeg=to flutter, levegő=air, lepke=butterfly)

lép, lepény — (spleen, honeycomb; flat-cake) is a feminine concept as it nurtures life.

The union of male and female carries life and our flags are symbols of this: the pole is the symbol of masculinity, the flat cloth, fluttering in the wind is the symbol of femininity. The former is the symbol of the rays of the sun, the latter is the symbol of the air. Male and female. New life. (The English words pole, and flat, to flutter belong into this wordgroup along with their reciprocal life, love, lip, lobe, liver – just to mention a few.)

Bak (buck) Masculinity rises toward the sky.

kupa — (cup) It is a receiving vessel, feminine symbol. The force of the Universe fills its emptiness. It is a part of statues holding a kupa on ancient graves, some still standing in Hungary.

kapu — (door) It is a feminine symbol. She frames the rising sun in Székely-Magyar villages even today, as Stonehenge framed the sun in ancient times.

rúd(rod) Expresses masculinity, as above.

tűr — (to enfold) Materiality turns within itself signaling her capacity to create spheres, globes.

pis — (to piss) It is a forceful ejection of liquids

fos — (to excrete) As above, except the liquid comes from the lower centers. (Both pis and fos belong today into the “bad word” category.)

visz — (to carry)

sziv — (to suck) the reciprocal of ejection, a feminine concept.

szop — (to suckle) as above

Pairs of Constancy and Change
TC "Pairs of Constancy and Change" \f C \l "1"

Mag — The seed fulfills its God given role in one place, it grows new life; it remembers its life experiences and transmits it to the offsprings.

kan — The male kan, kun, hun serves creation by widening the circle of its territory, like the rays of Sun nurture the slumbering life in the seeds. It is for this reason that cultures on the move were carried by the kan, kun, hun principle. The ancient stories of the little kanász (swine herd) who climbed the Tree which grows to Heaven (Világ Égigérő Fája) is not so much about his occupation, but the fact that he carries in his name this principle of forging ahead, as does its other form, the kondás. The structure of the swine’s head is wedge shaped and belongs into the same symbolic group.

This story clearly talks about the concept of relativity and space travel. Interestingly where this Magyar story ends, the origin saga of the Osage Indians begins.

Szem — (eye) brings to mind the shape of our eye and the form of cereal grains. Whereas the round kernel has one focal point, the szem’s elongated form has two geometrical foci. The Szem society’s rapid spread was not only caused by the quick growth in numbers, but their entire world outlook rested upon this bi-focal destination. One of the two foci remained in their homeland, the other became part of any other territory. This could have been close or very distant, but the people within the two-focal culture always remained in organic unity with one another. The wanderings to and fro between the two remained constant unless some major catastrophe prevented them from carrying on this process. One such formation of the Szem people was the establishment of the culture in the Fertile Crescent and the fluctuation of the two societies between that land and the Carpathian Basin. The last returning group of that society was the people of Prince Árpád in the 9th century. His name is well documented from the earlier centuries in the Bible among other sources. Their vocabulary contains the following:

mező – meadow

méz – honey (the honey-bee was the symbol of their six-based worldview)

medve – bear (lover of honey, its head carries the roundness of the sun, its nose the cone shape of sunrays, its brown coat the burnt color of fire.)

mezgél, mezgérel, mezgerél — to look for something, as the ears of wheat on the fields after harvest.

messze — It is a typically Szem concept, means distance.

más — (other) This word becomes aware of the differences in foreign lands.

Reciprocal words of direction, quality and change of status
TC "Reciprocal words of direction, quality and change of status" \f C \l "2"

Change of direction:

megy (to go)

gyün (to come)

Szív (to suck)

visz (to carry)


Csavar (to wind)

facsar (to squeeze)

Köp (to spit)

pök (to spit with direction)

Csörög (to rattle)

recseg (to crackle)

Words of Substance and Status
TC "Words of Substance and Status" \f C \l "2"

Él — (it lives); it breathes; it is alive.

lé — (liquid) Life’s main component is water, from its beginnings in the womb all through life.

Fény — (light). It is a life-bringing, transverse wave.

nap — (sun) It is a light emitting heavenly body.

Pille — (any small, very light, floating substance. A butterfly.) It is the expression of lightness.

lepe — (flat surface) It is the essence of its form, its flatness, the flat surface of a butterfly’s (or any other floating object’s) wings.

Libben — (to flutter) it expresses lightness

billen — (to tip) expresses the state of balance

Ancient Monosyllabic Words and Word Groups
TC "Ancient Monosyllabic Words and Word Groups" \f C \l "1"

Our mono-consonantal words bring back the age of creation. The bi-consonantal words show our consciousness as it settled in the material world. We experience matter “hands on” in our three dimensional environment. It is. Its further life follows creation’s pattern of constant change and creation.

The circle (kör) is a line, which returns to its own beginnings and encloses space in the process. In the material world the circle becomes a hoop, it is capable of circular motions (kerengeni, kerülgetni) on the solid surface of the earth just as much as it can rotate around the sun within the framework of the Universe. The Earth’s rotation around the sun gives birth to time, its unit is expressed with the concept of kor (aetas)

Man begins to play with thoughts, concepts, language and objects. The meaning of the ancient sounds never went into oblivion and objects and happenings were always expressed with the knowledge of the meaning of sounds, which always help form a unified, organic culture. This process is still ongoing as we listen to the voice of ancient consciousness. Ancient monosyllabic words were the definitions of the individual ancient sounds.

These monosyllabic words, expressed with consonants that are connected, formed word groups. These word groups are the mirror images of cultures, which became separated due to environmental factors. During linguistic research these monosyllabic words and their word groups cannot be separated from their organic and spiritual content. If we insist on doing this, the result will be malformed, unable to grow and will remain finite. I call these ancient, monosyllabic, bi-consonantal words ancient nature-words henceforth. [18]

In later evolutionary processes – by evolution I mean here the greater familiarity with the environment and the concomitant change of language – the forthcoming cultural words were a natural outgrowth of the nature-words. The cultural words consisted of – by necessity – several syllables and sounds. If we cannot find in the vocabulary of a culture the basic nature-word to support the cultural word, then this culture word is the product of another language and culture.

I mentioned earlier that the first environment of the M-G group’s round word remembers a soft, hilly region. This is also the first, universal memory of mankind. Babies’ ga-ga world reminds us of that and even as grownups people like to play with round, spherical objects, no matter where they were born. Mankind’s language consists of many more sounds but this warm G and its world remained a favorite. Considering that the word for a round kernel is mag, and the Universe consists of such magos (round) forms, as the planets, this word became synonymous with the idea of big, high and exalted (magas, magos) and we find it in this context in vocabularies of related cultures: Latin magnus, Sanskrit and Sumerian mahar).

The Mag society’s life is the mirror of the life of the mag (seed): it remains in one place and builds its future there. Man remains here as seed („Megmarad magnak”), raises his child (magzat) here too. He becomes conscious of self here and creates the word for self also from mag: maga. At the same time he is conscious that he and his fellow human beings are essentially the same and his respectful address toward them is maga. The Mag person also knows that he has to work out his life by himself, alone and his word for alone-ness is magány. As representatives of this culture became uprooted occasionally, they carried the mag concept with them. It is for this reason, for example, that we find the Scottish Mac, Mc words (seed, son) as related concepts, with the same meaning as part of this ancient culture. In the Welsh language this word became the name of the symbolic little round mussels on the seashore. [19]

The man of the Mag culture recognizes the limits of its earth-bound state. With the word magas (high) he sees his environment in context of the sky and frequently equates the concept of the heavens with this word: „Ha itt e földön nem, találkozni fogunk ott a magasban.” (“If not on this Earth, we’ll meet up there high...”). He expresses today (ma) the not yet fulfilled future (még), while he peacefully awaits it from this word group (mig).

He knows himself as the mirror image of God (Mag Úr) and as the man of the seed (mag) and he knows himself as Magyar according to his role in creation.

His language is Magyar also and his own essence remains in the quiet teachings he undertakes: magyaráz (explains).

In social connections he is rather a loner (magának való), his motions are measured: megy (he walks). He searches heavens (ég) and truth (igazság) , he explains (magyaráz). Justice (igazság) to him is based on truth (igazság), they are synonymous.

His religious vocabulary contains the following: Ég, Ige, Igaz, (God, Word of God, Truth), and their earthly equivalents: Egy, egyed, egyház, (one, individual, church). He also counts among these everything that sustains his life on this earth: mag, megye, magos, megyer, meggy, magyaró (seed, earth, high, religious symbol, cherry, hazelnut, etc.).

In his thinking he uses the word meg when he wants to focus on something, clarify ideas (lát, –meglát; ad, –megad — to see, / ponder, to give / to donate, or give back), and adds up (egy meg egy az kettő — one plus one is two).

The M-G (Magyar) word group
TC "The M-G (Magyar) word group" \f C \l "1"

Ancient nature words:

Ég = God

ég = sky

ég = to burn

ig = light

ige = Word of God

igen = yes

Concepts that attained their form during the birth of matter and their first level derivatives:

Egy = God

egy = one (matter is needed to develop numerical concepts)

egyed = individual, lit.: a part of God

egyén = individual

egyház = church

egység = unit

egyezkedés = to come to agreement

egyhangu = unison

Ancient nature sounds as expressed within matter:

mag = kernel

maga = you (respectful form)

magzat = seed, child

magas = high

magyaró = hazelnut

megy = to walk

megye = earth

meggy = cherry


gumó = bulb

gam — támasz = support

gomba = mushroom

First level derivatives, and the beginnings of culture-words.

Magor, Magúr— a nap = Lord of the Seed — the sun

magyar — ember = human

magyarán — nyiltan = openly

magyaráz = to explain

magasztal = to praise

mágicsál (felhalmoz, több darabból álló holmit egymásra rak, hogy följebb emelkedjék.) [20] = to built something out of particles

máglya = bonfire

megyer = staff, as religious symbol

Reciprocal forms:

gömb = globe

gomb = button

gambács = an earthenware vessel with an opening on top and a nipple on its handle.

gamó = a staff with a round knob on its end.

gamócs = a hook

According to changed environments our vocabulary became larger too. The ancient M-G word group remained, sometimes with changed meaning, but still recognizable. Changed environments placed greater emphasis on the other groups’ vocabulary. The soft G turned into hard K, the kernel (mag) became acorn and poppy (makk and mák), Magor became Makar. In the new homeland when thinking back to the old environment this word became synonymous with happiness in the new land: the Greek makaros means happy, Makaria the land of happiness. The unity of consciousness and language here is still intact.

The life circle of the K sound and its affiliation with the stone () is the following, according to Adorján Magyar’s explanations:

— Ancient Nature Sound (Stone)
TC "— Ancient Nature Sound (Stone)" \f C \l "1"

I. First derivatives

a. KOVA, KOHA (flint stone)

Finnish: kova = kemény (Hung.) (hard. The Finnish language created its own word for hardness and stone from the Magyar word for flint [kova], but the basic word is missing.

Finnish: kive = (stone)

b. KEMÉNY (hard)

c. KOPOGNI, KOCCANNI (to knock and to knock against something).

Italian: percutere = ütni (to hammer)

coccare = koccanni (to knock to something)

Slavic: kucati = kopogni (to knock)

cs. KOHASZTANI, KOVASZTANI, KÖVESZTENI (to cook with the help of hot stones.)

Italian: cocere = to cook

German: kochen

Slavic: kuhati

English: to cook

II. Second derivatives

ad. a. KOVÁCS, vagy KOVÁS (smith, or the one who has a flint)

Slavic: kovac = kovács (smith)

kovati = kovácsolni (to forge)

Italian: coniare = kovácsolni (to forge)


Slavic: kamen = kő. (The Slavic language created its word for stone from the Magyar word expressing hardness = kemény.)

Slavic: kremen = kovakő (flintstone)

ad. cs. KONYHA (kitchen)

Italian: cuccina = konyha

German: Kűche = konyha

Slavic: kuhinja = konyha

Italian: cuoco = cook

German: Koch = cook

Slavic: kuhar = cook. I am adding to Mr. Magyar’s list the following:

English: to cook



The base of all these words, the ancient KŐ (stone) and its Magyar derivatives are missing completely, or exist in a misused form in the Indo-European and other successive languages. Nevertheless they express their culture words connected with cooking, hardness with the KŐ nature-word as their base.

After this one example – and there are thousands of similar examples – I am introducing Adorján Magyar’s ancient ethnic groups to be able to discuss further aspects of the ancient forms of the Magyar language. These ancient ethnic groups derived their uniqueness first of all in the realm of consciousness, then in language. Their names express this fact and they were born in a time when mankind was not separated yet into countries and nations. One must not equate these names with much later nations, which are known under similar names, even though these nations, too, had contact with these ancient linguistic groups, but of course mingled with other ethnic groups which were already displaced from their original unifying consciousness, and linguistic unity through their historical role. Such changes, torn from the original culture produced over thousands of years the groups of culture and language, which I call successor cultures. This process continues from the wanderings of the most ancient times even to the present. The once uni-lingual mankind’s language and symbols are to a large extent preserved by the indigenous population of America who most likely lived here before the break up of the continents. However, the ancient language’s purest form remained at the place of her birth, in the Carpathian Basin.

Grover S. Krantz also holds that smaller communities formed the ancient language of mankind. He postulates twelve such pre-Mesolithic groups. Adorján Magyar proves the existence of sixteen such ancient groups through the language. All sixteen groups were part of the ancient Magyar consciousness, culture and the M-G basic word group but they also used their own particular symbols, consonants that expressed their unique place in the world and its connections with God and life. All of them were the bearer of God’s word. Their song resembles a harp with sixteen strings; each of the strings carries a sound of our language and each string is the symbolic sound of a particular ethnic group’s language.

These ancient language groups all had their origin in their consciousness of God. Without explanation I am citing some of the names of the Great God (always mono-consonantal), the Son of God (Light and Life – always bi-consonantal), the Great Madonna (Mother of the Universe – mono consonantal), and Little Madonna (Earth – bi consonantal) at the end of every word group in the above order:

1. Magyar G, GY, H - M, N reflect the round world. The basic symbol is the mag (kernel). They considered the Sun a mag from which life grows.

Ég, Egy, Ág-ata, AG (Heaven, One, Father of the Tree, Old)

Mag, Magor, Magyar (names of the Son of God)

Ana, Egina (names of the Great Madonna)

Ilona, Helona, Hilma, Hilona (names of the Little Madonna, mother Earth.)

2. Kun, hun K, T –N. Their world is full of edges, their language hardens and becomes the reciprocal of the M-G group. Symbol: the ék (sharp edge). Their role may be compared to the rays of the Sun.

Ok, Ük (the name of the Great God)

Kún, Kün, Hunor, Kám, Him, Tana (the name of the Son of God)

Isz, Is (the Great Madonna)

Temise (The little Madonna, Mother Earth)

3. Black Kun. They too lived in the world of the base-word and their symbol is the blunt edge. This edge is man-made.

4. Szemere SZ, S Z, C, CS - M, N world is that of grain cereals, abundance, honey sweet environment (gabonás, szemes, mézes and édes) and they were the first to conquer distances as part of their extended consciousness.

Ur (Great God’s name)

Szem, Szám, Szamota, Szamos, Samas, Szamszon, Szandon, Szander (The names of the Son of God)

En, Ené, Ana, Emő., Eme, Ama (Great Madonna)

Szem, Zem, Zemele, Szemere, Szemere-nő, Szemele, Tamara, Mesz, Med, Mizse, Mizera, Szamonya, Szenora, Szemerama (Little Madonna, Mother Earth)

5. Besenyő B, P, V, V - S, SZ lived near waters. Their consciousness carried the beauty (szép), and tender language (becéző) of their world washed by gentle waves. Their ancient symbol was the drop of water (csepp) and this is the basic element of their later art, which contain the life forms of the once existing sea in the Carpathians, which they still cherish. According to their symbology our globe is a bubble on top of the sea of the Universe. The newest findings of quantum physics tell us the same story concerning the structure of the Universe. The following lines are again the names of the Great God, the Son of God, the Great Madonna of the Universe and the Little Madonna, who is Mother Earth.)

Isz, Is, Ős

Beszer, Beszeraba, Bisúr, Péter, Petúr, Patar

Sssz, Oz-anya, An, Am, Iszonya, Bözön, Buzun, Buzonya was their Black Madonna (representative of outer space).

Visz, Bisz, Besenyő, Vizenyő, Vizanya (all these mean a watery environment, mother Earth’s watery representation.)

6. Jász S, SZ, Z, ZS, C, CS - J At the base of their language is (good) God, the glowing Sun (izzó), and symbolic flower, the jasmin.

Asz, Ős, Jó

Ős, Asz, Jó

Jász, Jiz

Jolán, Júlány

7. Székely Sz-K They cradled the consciousness of the life giving szikecske (life within the seed) which grows out of the rocks (szikla) in their ancient land (szék). Their places of worship followed this edgy, mountainous world. Their later cultures re-created this environment of worship in the ziggurats of the Fertile Crescent and step pyramids of Egypt. Their symbol was the zig-zag line. Their symbolic flower was the szekfű (carnation).


Szikúr, Székúr



8. Kazár K-Z They were among the first sheep herders in the Carpathian basin. Their symbol was the arms of developing nebulae and also the ram’s horn (kos): these left their mark on the earliest vessels of the Paleolithic in the Carpathian Basin. [21]

Ős, Ise


9. Kabar K, H, G, GY-B, P, F, V . This group herded goats and their basic symbol was the form of the scrotum of the billy-goat (bak) and the line of their horns, which are clearly represented in the ancient layers of the Békásmegyer [22] vessels in the exact time when the goats first appeared in that land. The same symbols were present in the decorations of Scythians, Huns and on the objects of Árpád’s group, returning from Etelköz in the 9th century. It is also a favorite building element of the Eastern churches, which they now call “onion”-shaped domes, but in reality this form goes back to the ancient goat herders.

Ok, Ük, Ag

Bak, Bag, Bog

Ub, Öb, Éva, Ava

Keb, Köb, Gub, Kebel, Kübele, Kubán, Héva, Kave

10. Török T, D-R,L This group’s consciousness centered on eternity and the concept of return and they expressed these in both language and symbolism. Great God’s name in their vocabulary was Ur (lord), Uruk and Ürük, Örök, which all carried the concept of eternity. Their Great Madonna was Urán, Uranna, Uranya, Mother Earth was, mother of returns Turan, or Mother Tur (Tur-anya). Her name and role is still misunderstood by historians and linguists alike, but even so they bring this name in contact with Magyar related groups. The King Arthur legend of the English- speaking world is this group’s cultural product. [23] In my opinion when Byzantine historians refer to the language of the Turks it is this group and not the Turkish nation of the historical age to which they refer. Their symbol was the bull ( turka), and the lines of its horns. Their symbolic flower was the tulip, which embodies the same symbolic lines. The name, the population and symbolism of the Trojans are derivatives of this T-R based culture.

Ur, Őr, Ur-opa, Ad, Ős-úr, - later Örök, Öreg, Urakán

Tur, Tor, Tör, Tur-uk, Tör-ük, Turuk, Toldi

Urania, Éda, Éga, Ada, Édua

Turán, Tezán, Terenna

11. Körös K, H, G, GY - R, L Their symbol was the reflection of the three-dimensional sphere, which is the two dimensional circle (kör). The meaning of their ethnic name means the same. They preserved the memory of the birth of time in the word kor (aetas) and the freedom of motion within the turns and loops made of a straight line. Their ancient home was in the region of the Körös rivers in the Carpathian Basin and they were the name givers of the geographical names of the region. Their round (kör) gardens (kert), their round churches are still within reach. Their holy holiday was Karácsony (Christmas), which, in their culture celebrated the birth of the Universe and the Mother of Ages, Korasszony. In Western Hungary there is an ancient Christmas custom of giving flight to the kerecsen (a type of falcon), whose circular (köröző) flight pattern brings to memory the time, when at the dawn of times the newborn life was entrusted onto his wings. Their ancient designs which have survived to the present, consist of loops of all kinds, each of which carries a meaning. Because of their beauty they were adapted into the uniforms of many nations (French, English), who took the uniforms of the Hussars as an example.

Ur, Ar

Kur, Kar, Orkán, Hor, Har, Arkán, Harkal


Héva, Kora, Koranya

12. Avar B, P, F, V - R This word group gives voice to the vocabulary of the already settled mankind and to creation as it appears on this earth. Their symbol is the pattern of the path of transverse light-waves: the cross. This was their symbol since the beginning of creation. Their sounds clearly mark the connection between heaven and earth, which they bring to our awareness through their use: matters of heaven and creation are expressed through the sound B, which we form with our upper lips. The P sound is formed in the mid-line of our lips and it expressed thoughts and concepts of transition. The F sound helps us express energy as it turns more and more toward the earth and matter. The V is concerned about new life growing out of this earth which already bears the seeds of a new creation. With the addition of the R they express either energy in action, or material strongholds (vár = castle), depending on the beginning consonant’s meaning. Creation’s Great Madonna was Baranya, mother Earth was Virona, or Viráganyó (mother of flowers). The fire burning in Mother Earth’s bosom was represented by Firuna. All these names are still living in the part of Hungary, which was originally their Avar homeland. Their ring-shaped strongholds are part of the Magyar landscape. They were the gardeners of the region.

Ar, Er

Bar, Barata, Parapa, Varuk, Barisa


Baranya, Virona, Firuna

13. Palóc B, F, P, V - L This word group is the ethereal variant of the Avar group’s vocabulary. They expressed the connection of force and matter with the position of their consonants and reciprocity. The flow and sequence of creation becomes very clear following the message of the structure of their language. Their symbol was the staff representing energy, which is still in every male’s hand in their homeland and the forked branches of the tree expressing femininity.

Ál, Él, El

Béla, Bál, Pál, Balota, Bálint

Lé, Li

Lavonya, Liványa, Vilona, Villa, Pálma, Paloma

14. Pannon B, P, F, V-N This group used the lens shape as the symbol of the Sun thus expressing its sunlight scattering property; they too engaged in migratory routes but remained in organic unity with the homeland. They were the earliest maritime people, the Venets and the Phoenicians. Their ancient consciousness carried the light of creation (fény) and its materialized form, the sun (nap), which are linguistic mirror images of one another. Whereas the Magyar symbol of the shine of the Universe was the Stag (Ágas) and its “branches”, the Pannon symbol, was the fir tree (fenyő), tree of shine (fény). Even though today’s Hungarian ethnographers hold that the Christmas tree is a late-comer in Hungary, the language tells us of a deeper content and earlier origin.

Ő, Apa

Nap, Napata, Ban, Bán, Fény, Főnük


Panna, Panona, Vanna, Venussza and I consider the Celtic Epona in this category.

15. Szarmata S, Sz, Z, Zs, C, Cs - L, R This word group cradles the concepts of spirit and meekness. Their symbol for light was the dragon (sárkány = shiny male). In historical times the tattoo of a Scythian warrior shows the North Star and its constellation as coming out of the dragon’s mouth. [24] The related Sarmatians carried this philosophy and dragon on their banners all over Europe. [25] Another light symbol was the rose, which they planted around their strongholds as part of a natural defense.

Er, Or, Ur, Szó

Szár, Szál, Szél, Szór

Ana, Anna, Ene, Enő, Iz, Isz

Szalona, Szelena, Cerez, Terez, Latona

16. Marmar M, N - R, L This word group chose the mellow (mellő, máló) sweetness of the earth as their representative concept. While the Besenyő group chose bubbles of water while describing our Earth as swimming on the sea of the sky, the Marmar chose the small bubbles of the round raspberry (málna) to hold on to the same image and their one-ness with the spherical world of the Magyar mother culture. The unified consciousness of all these groups means the road back to the ancient consciousness of their origin.

The reciprocal of this sweet and mellow world came about during their later, earthly life and words of fierceness (mord, marcona) and its reciprocals: scary (rém), trembling (remeg). In Indo-European languages the concepts of death are expressed within this word group, like the Latin mors. The founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus came from this word group’s culture, as did the Celtic Mac Morna. The concepts of sinking (merül), of depth (mélység) belong in this vocabulary. The symbol of death was the deep, silent world of a fish called márna (barbel). Geographical regions that are connected with this culture are the Marmar Sea and the Mármaros region of Transylvania.

Mar, Marah, Mart, Moloh [26]

Márna, Morena, Marana

Out of these ancient ethnic cultures the languages of the world developed. The question is not, if this, that or another language is related to the Magyar, but: Which of these ethnic vocabularies are represented in a certain language and to what extent? Researching the Celtic language I found – beside the Magyar – the Szemere, Jász, Kun, Török and Avar groups as the most representative. Without going into detail, for curiosity’s sake, I would like to mention that the Jász and Kun groups reside side by side in the Carpathian Basin and the same two groups are side by side on the island of Iona. According to Adorján Magyar, the culture, which today we call Sumerian, was established by the ancient Szemere and Török groups, also the Avar, Kabar and Székely. All these connections can be easily assembled with the help of computers, but one has to keep the philosophy of the language as we have seen in this paper, the unity of the word groups intact along with meticulously watching the nature word / cultural word concept’s integrity when trying to establish the direction of transmittance.

The Magyar language is the mirror in which all peoples can recognize their own higher self and reestablish their ancient consciousness. In this way the idea of the brotherhood of men will not be a lofty and empty idea, but tangible truth.


Some Closing Thoughts...
TC "Some Closing Thoughts" \f C \l "1"

The language’s treasure chamber – which must not be forgotten – is filled with ancient sayings, and their origin leads us into uncharted antiquity.

One Magyar saying for example is “Ezt megúsztuk” (we swam through this one), which is used to express our satisfaction that we made it out of a difficult situation. Dénes Kiss, in his works, mentions that it must have been an awfully big body of water which we swam through once and believes this saying leads us back to an immense ancient flood, which became indelibly imprinted in our collective memories. In my studies, I found linguistic evidence of existing cultures in the Carpathian Basin, at the time when the Pannon Sea was formed and when the inland sea of the Great Plains still existed. Stories go back also to the time when this sea receded, thus language — stories — geographical happenings form an organic unit. [27]

Recently I translated a letter written in the late 19th century by a simple lady from the old country. The translation was requested by her great grandchildren who don’t speak the Magyar language. This letter was written by a mother to her daughter. During translation I became acutely aware of the words of endearment she used to address her daughter: my golden child (aranyom), my soul (lelkem), my star (csillagom). These ancient pictures are natural part of the language, but appear to be affected in the English translation. In the Magyar language these images bring back the Golden Age, which only we know through our language was the time of Light, the birth of light in which we were present as beings of light and came to this earth with stardust under our feet. Aranyom, lelkem, csillagom! (My golden child, my Soul, my Star) expressions recreate the Golden Age through the preserving attribute of mothers and mother language.

At the end of this letter, stood the following admonishment: Live with a clean soul. Behind this reminder stands our ancient belief system, symbolized by the mirror of conscience, which was part of the Magyar thought and life from antiquity to our present. With its help we are able to care for our souls, and keep them intact. In our materialistic culture not even the idea of this task comes up.

Finally I would like us to remind ourselves of the following:

When I say that the Magyar language is the language of creation, since it gives information about forces that shaped creation, then the conclusion must follow: our Magyar language is the ancestral language, the mother-tongue of Mankind. And if it is the ancient language of mankind, no matter how flattering it may seem to trace the Magyar origins to any of the ancient cultures – Sumerian, Egyptian, Maya, etc. –, we did not originate from any of these, not from the Urals, or Meotis, or any other place our present historians and linguists like to place our cradle.

Our origin is with God.

An old Magyar saying, which comes at the end of every children’s story states: If you don’t believe this, then look into it yourself.

But in order to look into the statements in this paper, it is not enough to sit among dictionaries. One has to know the presently still living ancient Magyar prayers, songs, art, dances, mode of thinking and the unique characteristics of the language. It is necessary not only to read about them but also to live them. Then and only then can one make a comprehensive decision in the question of origins.

I have presented the reader with a mass of strange-looking and sounding words which I have tried to explain to the best of my ability. What I could not transmit is the gentle spirit of these words and their connection with one another, which is part of the living language. When considering this, one comes to the realization that Creation lives within us, with all of us. As we gather the words, concepts to complete the now fragmented picture of each consonantal group, we can recreate not only the ancient language of mankind but become one with the ancient consciousness which created it.

Until then let us walk with a clean soul on our God given paths and let us be lights, stars, helping spirits to one another in this world. And let us teach our children to think and speak the Magyar language, because with this we place an invaluable treasure into their hands.



Magyar, Adorján Az Ősműveltség, Magyar Adorján Baráti Kör kiadása Budapest, 1995

Kodály, Zoltán Visszatekintés, Összegyűjtött iratok, beszédek, nyilatkozatok. Zeneműkiadó Vállalat Budapest, 1964

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Ballagi, Mór A magyar nyelv teljes szótára. Őskiadása Pest, 1923 Heckenast Gusztáv nyomdájában. Új kiadása Nap Kiadó Bt., 1998, Sebestyén Ilona gondozásában.

Lázár, István Kiált Patak vára, Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó Vállalat Budapest, 1974

Hoffer, Tamás and Fél, Edit, Magyar Népművészet Corvina kiadó, 1975. 3. kiadás.

Molnos, Angéla Magyarító könyvecske Debrecen, 1999

Tomory, Zsuzsa Kezdeteink, Miskolci Bölcsész Egyesület kiadása, 2000

Tomory, Zsuzsa Magyar-angol szóazonosság, Kézirat, 1994

Tomory, Zsuzsa Karácsony, Kézirat, 1995

Tomory, Zsuzsa A Hét Vezér nevének kapcsolatai. Kézirat, 1996

Tomory, Zsuzsa Szóbokraink, Kézirat, 1996

Evan Hadingham, Secrets of the Ice Age, Walker and Co. New York, NY. 1979

Grover S. Krantz Éghajlati fajok és leszármazásaik [Climatic Races and Descent Groups, (The Christopher Publishing House North Quincy, Massachusetts 02171, © 1980)] és

Az európai nyelvek földrajzi alapjai [Geographical Development Of European Languages, (American University Studies, Peter Lang New York 1981)]

Philip Lieberman Uniquely Human: The Evolution of Speech, Thought and Selfless Behavior, Harvard University Press

Derek Bickerton Language and Species, University of Chicago Press

Harry Bober, Expressions in Art, Harvard University Press 1953

William F. Altman The Mother Tongue U.S. News and World Report, November 5, 1990

David H. Freedman, Quantum Consciousness, Discover, June 1994

L.A. Waddell, The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons, The Christian Book Club of America, Hawthorne California, 1924

Cambridge Encyclopedia of Astronomy, Crown Publishers, Inc. New York 1978

Vanished Civilizations, Mc Graw-Hill Book Co. Inc., Edited by Edward Bacon


[18] I borrowed the term for nature and culture words from Adorján Magyar.

[19] This and many other Welsh words come from the kind contribution of Mr. Gwion Davies Bron Llys, Llanfairfechan, Gwynedd, N. Wales U.K. LL33 OBD

[20] Ballagi, Mór A magyar nyelv teljes szótára p. 209.

[21] Tomory , Kezdeteink

[22] ibid.

[23] For further details see Susan Tomory Sarmatian-Magyar background of the Arthurian legends . 1997

[24] Vanished Civilizations, Mc Graw-Hill Book Co. Inc., Edited by Edward Bacon, 302. old.

[25] Susan Tomory Sarmatian-Magyar background of the Arthurian legends. 1997

[26] The cruel religious practices connected with this name are the result of the spiritual decline in historical times.

[27] Susan Tomory Kezdeteink, (Our Beginnings) 1995

Source: magtudin.org

Editor's note: The image in the Introduction was taken from the Hungarian version of this document, A nyugati nyelvészet nyelvcsalád elméleteinek tarthatatlansága. The image under THE PROCESS OF LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: The organic connection between sound and matter is from Susan Tomory, Organic Magyar Linguistics, Selected Studies in Hungarian History, Budapest, 2008, p. 815.(Abstract)

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