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The Scythian

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The Scythian

Study notes on the historical Jesus

based on the works of
Professor Badiny, Jós Ferenc,
and other esteemed scholars

Fehérlófő tankör
(study group)

Az apostol (The apostle)
([Excerpt], in free translation from Hungarian)

The grape is a tiny fruit,
Yet, it needs a whole summer to ripen.
The Earth, too, is a fruit, a giant fruit,
And if the tiny grape needs one whole summer,
How many does this giant fruit need,
Until it is ripe? It could take,
Thousands, perhaps millions of years,
But it will surely ripen one day,
And then people will feast on it,
Till the end of time.
The grape is ripened by the rays of the sun,
(But) until it is sweet, how many sun rays,
Must breathe upon it the warmth of their lives,
How many hundreds of thousands, millions of rays?...
The Earth, too, is ripened by rays, but
These are not rays of the sun, (but) rather
The souls of people.
Every generous soul is such a ray, but
Only the generous soul, and they are rare,
How can one expect, then
The Earth to ripen quickly?
I feel that I, too, am a ray,
Helping the Earth to ripen.
The life of a ray is but a day,
I know that by the time,
Of the great harvest,
I will have been long past my sunset,
And traces of my minuscule work,
Will be lost in the great undertaking,
But the knowledge gives my life strength,
And peace in my (hour of) death,
That I, too, am a ray.

Petőfi, Sándor, 1848

* * *

It is not necessary to believe:
it is only necessary to know

"But be on your guard; for they will deliver you to the courts, and you will be flogged in the synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them... When they arrest you and hand you over, do not worry beforehand about what you are to say, but say whatever is given you in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but it is the Holy Spirit" (Mark 13:9, 11)

* * *


  • A word from the authors
  • Definitions
  • Anthropological notes on two, distinct societies
  • Caucasian Group
  • Semitic Group
  • The Great Builder
  • Searching for the truth
  • Introduction
  • Background
  • Jesus' lineage
  • "Christ" born in a cave, a stable, or ...?
  • Historical overview
  • Mary's lineage
  • Mary's faith
  • The Scythians, the biblical “people of other faiths”
  • What happened to the apostles?
  • What happened to the apostles' writings?
  • The Gospels of Nag-Hammadi
  • The New Testament as recorded history: caveat lector (reader beware)!
  • The Sumerians' “religion”
  • The Holy Spirit
  • Bread of Life and Water of Life
  • Queen of Heaven
  • Jesus' life and crucifixion
  • Moral, legal and political fallout
  • Shroud of "Turin" and Simon Magus
  • Matters of faith
  • Every man's calling
  • Condensed timeline of some major events in the early history of the people of the Light

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A word from the authors

This material deals with religious beliefs. We realize, the information presented here is not for everyone and some might find it unpalatable. We do not wish to offend anyone and, therefore, urge those who feel uncomfortable reading it to stop.

We are students of an ancient culture founded on knowledge and wisdom. We are neither priests nor missionaries; we do not represent any organized religion nor claim knowledge of “the truth;” and we do not propagate dogma. Also, we neither solicit nor accept donations. Those interested in furthering this work are encouraged to continue this research, individually or in groups, and to freely share their knowledge with others for the elevation of Mankind.

Events reported to have occurred during the 5-10th centuries referenced in this study take into account possible chronological errors and misrepresentations. We believe the errors, if any, stem from the simultaneous use of three different points of reference: 323 BC (year of rebirth after the death of Alexander of Macedon), 45 BC (1st year of the Julian calendar), and year 1 (presumed to be Jesus’ year of birth, retroactively applied after the 5th century). It would certainly have been in Western European interest, notably the Holy See and the enforcer of its policies, the Holy Roman Empire, to take advantage of these errors, insert non-existent periods into history filled with fictitious protagonists and events for political gain, and to hide historical events that are not only unfavorable to the West, but would also expose such chronological fraud. Chronological research to date reveals that the 44 years needed to slide the calendar forward to Jesus’ presumed year of birth were taken from Atilla’s reign (Tóth, Gyula citing Magyar Krónikák), while 297 non-existent years appear to have been added to the calendar, pushing the years forward. Heribert Illig’s argument supporting such “chronological fabrication” (614 – 911), however, appears to be somewhat narrow and simplistic. Nevertheless, his conclusions appear to be at least plausible. To date, no physical evidence of this period has been found: There are no remains of settlements, no coins, no tools, no graves, as the matter of fact, no evidence of any kind of human presence that can be irrefutably linked to this fictitious era. The 7-9th centuries exist only in “written history,” and all so-called “historical documents” regarding these 297 years examined to date turned out to be retro-dated forgeries. Further, any so-called “evidence of the Dark Ages” are fragments, dissociations, discontinuance and events known to have occurred before or after that era. Pragmatic history, on the other hand, shows an unbroken natural progression of 6th century events which seem to jump over these three centuries and seamlessly continue during the period purported to be the 10th century. Further, Uwe Topper presents convincing arguments that link Muhammad’s escape to the First Council of Nicaea in 325, exactly 297 years before the propagated year, 622.

However, we reserve judgment on this – often called - “Phantom time hypothesis.” Further, to simultaneously argue chronological errors would make this study extremely confusing. Therefore, dates in this study are those generally referenced elsewhere, except where the actual date is significant, in which case both dates are shown (currently propagated dates shown in brackets).

We believe our translations of the various works are substantially accurate, but please keep in mind, we do not have accredited English translators among us. Any outside help in this regard would be much appreciated and, if requested, gratefully acknowledged.

Please disseminate this material to scholars to debate and expand to the benefit of all seekers of Truth.

Fehérlófő tankör (study group)

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Bible: Merriam-Webster source this word from Latin biblia, from Greek, plural of biblion, book, diminutive of byblos papyrus, book, from Byblos, ancient Phoenician city. However, the word biblia does not exist as the Greek plural of biblion. Further, there is no such word as biblia in Latin either. Chaldeans of Mesopotamia, on the other hand, speak of “Bi-bi-li-a” in Sumerian cuneiform texts. There are currently three translations for this compound word: "speech, or voice of the light, or clarity;" "overseer, or advocate of wisdom;" and "speech of heavenly knowledge" (Badiny).

Greek: Classical Greece (6-4th c. BC). Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle study under the Mede magi. The subjects of their studies are the wisdom of ancient Chaldean texts written on papyrus from Byblos. Their studies become the literature (philosophy) the West later attributes to “Classical Greece.” Herodotus (484-425 BC) writes his history in narrative form based on these Sumerian texts and on his travels to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea to confirm his sources. Greeks did not exist as an identifiable people before the 6th c. BC. Some speculate, the Mycenaeans (1600-1100 BC) were proto-Greeks.

Byblos: City and major seaport 30km north of Beirut, believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city dating from 5000 BC. The name Byblos is said to have been given by the Greeks to the city known in the Bible as Gebal, in history as Gubala, Gubla, and during the Crusades, as Gibelet.

Gebal, Gubla: Today, Jbail (Arabic). Gubla is listed as one of Nib-Ur's (6th millennium BC, biblical Nimrod) provinces. Its patron, Baal-at Gebal, is associated with Isis and the Sumerians' Queen of Heaven, Baal, Light, divinity symbolized by the sun. After the Babylonian Hebrews conceive Judaism and their new god, Yahweh (6th c. BC), Baal, of Baal-at Gebal becomes Judaism's and, later, also Judeo-Christianity's demon.

Phoenician: Greek name for the inhabitants of Northern-Canaan (including Gubla) during 12-9th c. BC. Homer (though a questionable source) says their language "was borrowed from ancient Egypt."

Canaanite: Nib-Ur's (Nimrod) uncle, Kus' brother, Canaan settled in Canaan (6th millennium BC). Evidence does not point to any significant movements of peoples before the time of the so-called Phoenicians. The only peoples in regular contact with the Canaanites during that time were their kindred: Hurrians, Szabirs, Medes, and Egyptians. (The Hebrews invade Canaan but are halted south of Sidon.) The only people who could have lived in and around Gubla during th 12-9th c. BC was a mix of ancient Canaanites and Hurrians, and Szabirs, Medes and, possibly, Egyptians.

Mede: non-Semitic people of the Zagros Mountains and Northern Mesopotamia (2nd millennium BC) and believed to be the ancestors of the Kürt (Kurds). Assyrologist Parpola says they are the Kuti (biblical goiim) people. Herodotus (i.101) lists 6 Mede tribes, one of which is the Magi.

Persian: Earliest mention of this word occurs as Parusa (834 BC), a term generally applied to Iranians. However, the area known only since 226 AD as Iran (Aryan) was inhabited by Hurrians and, later, during the time of so-called Persians, by the Medes, whom later Greeks called Medians, and the Chaldeans. Therefore, Persian refers to a geographic location or a political power, not a people.

Chaldean: Kaldeans, non-Semitic inhabitants of Mesopotamia known as “the people of knowledge” who later allied with their northern kin, the Medes, to defeat the hegemony of the Babylonian Hebrews' Hammurabi-religion-ideology (18th c. BC). In 256 BC, they form the Parthian Empire along with other Scythians, the Medes, and other non-Semitic peoples of Sumer.

Scythian: Szkíta; Often restrictive Greek name of the indigenous peoples of Central Eurasia; also known as Magyars, Huns, Avars, Celts, Jazig, Kürts (Kurds), Baktrians, Sarmatians—among others.

Sumerian: Subartu, Szabir, Sa-pir (sun-faced, facing the sun) people, Scythian, Magyar; Hun—Wallice Budge, An Hieroglyphic Dictionary, citing Egyptian records. Árpád's grandson cites the Greek Chronicles where their original name is Szabir-Aszfali. Also their land, Sumer.

Magyar: a people and their language: also called Maghar, Mahgar; Maghadi, Maghori by Indians; Scythian by Greeks; Xia Hun by Chinese; Hun; Hungarian; Székely (Seculi); “Avar;” Celt in Western Europe; biblical Magog. Magyar-speaking people centered in the Carpathian Basin since at least the Early Neolithic (Krantz). They bring writing to Sumer (3000 BC) as the Jemdet Nasr (name of dig site) People; and establish civilizations in Europe, China, India, Egypt and the Americas (Maya).

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Anthropological notes on two, distinct societies

The following are notes on two, distinct societies to help understand:

  1. The tie between Judaism and Judeo-Christianity and;

  2. Contradictions between Judeo-Christian dogma; and Jesus' true identity, history and teachings.

Archaeological, linguistic and anthropological evidence of the “Sumerians,” Scythians, Chaldeans, Medes, Magyars, Huns is publicly available. Findings attesting to the "Sumerians'" religion are sourced from published archaeological works. Jewish and Judeo-Christian claims are sourced from the publications of institutions representing those ideologies. Other material is sourced from various public historical records.

Caucasian Group

Scythians, Huns, Turanians, Medes, Chaldeans: Magyars (biblical Magog), also Szabir, “Sumerian.”

  • Origin: Magyar-speaking people live in the Carpathian Basin since at least the Early Neolithic1.
  • Language: Agglutinative written languages: Magyar (Hungarian)2, Etruscan, Turkish, Basque, Aramaic, various Caucasian languages and Japanese.
  • Symbols: Sun, Rosetta3, Lion (Constellation of the sun), Turul (Falcon), Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge, Fokos (Ax), Holy Fire, Four Wedges, Venus, Hun (Celtic) cross and the double cross.
  • Principles: Knowledge, wisdom, quest for truth via direct spiritual contact with God. Motto: “Uplifting knowledge is the greatest gift a man can have.”4.
  • Leaders: Teachers and healers: Magi and Táltos (Magyar-Hungarian). Also Gudea, Melchizedek, IZ-ZU (Jesus). Political leaders: Kings and princes of city-states, kingdoms and empires (monarchies) of Ut-Nap-Ishtim's nations. Kings are chosen from among the magi.
  • Religion: Monotheist: An unimaginable Creator and Source of Life called (among other names) Isten, Trinity of Light and, depending on the referenced divine activity or function, Father of Light, (Virgin) Mother of Light and Child of Light is inferred from cosmic manifestations.
  • Peoples: (Non-exhaustive list)
    • Magyars-Huns-Scythians
      • Black Huns5 (Europe): Prominent names: Atilla, Árpád
      • Celtic (Kelt)6 peoples (Central and Western Europe) migrate west and bring civilization to Western Europe.
        • Irish, Welsh, Scots, Gauls, Basques, Etruscans, Eravisci.
      • Magyars, also called Hungarians, Huns and Avars; the aboriginal, Magyar-speaking inhabitants of Central Europe, are one and the same people, Hungarian being the English variant. Historical accounts of the Magyars vary. Below is a brief summary of their recent history—though its interpretations are feverishly contested by Western historians:
      • The Romans conquer Western Hungary (Pannonia) in 14 AD but the Huns retain autonomy. Under Atilla's leadership, they clash with the Romans (Battle of Chalons) in 405 (451). Both armies are decimated and the Romans withdraw. Atilla pursues the Romans and, in less than a year, catches the remnants of Aetius' armies in Italy. Emperor Valentinian III dispatches Pope Leo I to meet Atilla and plead for clemency which Atilla grants in exchange for the return of Hun treasures plundered by the Church. Missionaries of the Roman Church destroy the Huns' religious symbols. The Huns revolt and launch a series of punitive attacks against Rome.
      • The Huns, reinforced by waves of Scythian refugees from former Parthia, become known as the “fort-builder Huns,” “Avar,” (from “a vár építő,” “vár” meaning fort). When they learn of Emperor Heraclius' (Byzantine, by now Judeo-Christian) desecration of the Holy Fire, symbol of the Scythians' Holy Spirit, they launch a successful punitive attack led by Bajánfi against Byzantine 5th (7th) century.
      • East of the Carpathians, eight Magyar nations under the leadership of Árpád, son of Álmos, son of Emese (Parthian royal bloodline), further reinforce their kindred in the Carpathian Basin in 549 (895). Their combined armies launch military campaigns in Western Europe to recover their nation's religious treasures plundered by marauding Germanic tribes, and to foil German plans to invade Hungary.
      • A conspiracy between foreign supporters of a pretender to the Árpád house, Vajk, and the Holy Roman Empire results in the killing and quartering of Árpád's rightful heir, Koppány. Vajk is installed as King Stephen I (1000 AD) by Pope Sylvester II in exchange for Hungary's forced conversion to Roman Christianity. The Inquisition purges the Magyar magi and burns their sacred writings attesting to Jesus' true identity and teachings. Judeo-Christianity and an alien feudal system are forced on the Magyars. Hungary becomes landlocked when a pre-World War I Russian-French Pan-Slavic conspiracy to reduce Hungary's territory by 2/3 to create new Slavic states is implemented (Trianon Dictate of 1920) (These states have since self-destructed).
    • Jazig, Sarmatians, Medes, Hurrians, Baktrians; usually considered Magyars.
    • Black Huns absorbed into other cultures:
      • Kussanians, Armenians, Kürts, Kassitans, Poles, Croats, Ukrainians.
    • White Huns (Western and Central Asia, Northern India and some European Magyars):
      • Turk:
        • Turkish, Azeri, Uzbec, Kazah, Kirzig, Tatar, Tadzik, Karapurak, Turkmen,
      • Uighur,
      • Nipponese (later in Japan),
      • Hunza,
        • Buda (Buddha), Kurusan (Krishna),
      • Mayans (in the Americas).
    • Ut-Nap-Ishtim, (biblical Noah). Mount Nisir7, Mesopotamia, Flood of 5500 BC8.
    • Canaan, grandson of Ut-Nap-Ishtim; Mesopotamia and, later, Canaan:
      • Canaanites, 6th m. BC, Jordan Valley region, later called Adiabene (Parthia) and Palestine.
    • Kus, (Cush), Hungarian for Ram (Aries), grandson of Ut-Nap-Ishtim; Mesopotamia and Egypt:
      • Nib-Ur, (Panther-Lord) son of Kus, (biblical Nimrud, Nimrod9); Mesopotamia, Scythia:
        • Price Nakeb Adiabene, Parthian prince. Parthia defeats Rome and liberates Northern Palestine (biblical Galilee, Samaria and parts of Judea). The newly liberated territory is attached to the (Parthian) Adiabene Kingdom under his governorship.
        • Princess Mary Adiabene Kharax, daughter of Prince Nakeb Adiabene and Parthian Princess Grapte-Kharax.; wife of Useph Adiabene (biblical Useph Pandar) under civil law.
        • Gabriel, Head-magus, Sippar, Mesopotamia. He travels to Scythopolis, Galilee, to visit Mary to announce her miraculous pregnancy (legend only).
        • Izzu, popular name of Jesus, son of Princess Mary Adiabene Kharax, born in 6 BC in Bitlahmi, Galilee (written Bethlehem using the Roman alphabet).
          • Magi travel from Sippar to greet Jesus (biblical Wise Men, [Kings] of the East).
          • Jesus teaches neighborly love and quest for Truth. He is crucified but resurrects. His apostles teach in Parthia, Scythia, Egypt and India, but avoid Rome.
          • Parthia falls; Scythians migrate north to the land of their brethren, Central Eurasia.


1. Grover S. Krantz; K & E Grandpierre, and others.

2. ldquo;Sumerian is closely related to Hungarian,” Archibald Sayce.

3. The chrysanthemum appears on the flank of the Lion of Esztergom (Hungary), the Imperial Seal of Japan, and on Shinto shrines.

4. A. Grandpierre, Ancient People of the Royal Magi: The Magyars: Selected Studies in Hungarian History, 2008, p 351.

5. Black and White refer to relative geographic location, Black being the darkness of the North, e.g. Black Huns, Black Sea = Northern Huns, Northern Sea.

6. Celt: Hungarian Kel: Rise; Kelt: Risen; Kelet: Sunrise, also East.

7. Epic of Gilgamesh (Nib-Ur, Nimrod) 3rd millennium BC.

8. Geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitmantime.

9. Nimrod is also the name of a star constellation later renamed "Orion" in Western cultures.

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Semitic Group

Semites, Hebrews, Jews. (The history and culture of the Arabs and Islam is not addressed)

  • Origin: Unknown. Semitic tribes migrate from Arabia (c. 2500 BC) and squat throughout Mesopotamia.
    • Locals call the Semite squatters Hebrew (from habiru: “they who murder with webs”).
    • Hebrews migrate to Egypt (circa 14th c. BC) but are evicted by the Egyptians (biblical Exodus).
    • Hebrews ousted from Egypt invade Canaan but are halted south of Sidon and pushed back to later Judea.
    • Hebrews are deported form all of Canaan to Babylon, Mesopotamia (biblical Babylonian Exile).
    • Many Babylonian Hebrews (by now, known as Jews) return to Southern Canaan (Judea) (537 BC).
    • Jews migrate to Europe and, later, to the United States, home of the world's largest Jewish population.
  • Language: Hebrew; Inflecting (synthetic, fusional). Early Semites speak Hebrew. Later, they begin to also write Hebrew by adopting the Sumerians' Aramaic alphabet. By the 1st century, Hebrew had been a dead language for centuries10. Judean Jews speak and write only Greek. Since the 18th c., (a revived) Hebrew is spoken and also written. Also Yiddish, a German-Hebrew mix.
  • Symbols: The six-pronged star, the Sumerians' religious diagram to depict the Dual Trinity of Light, which 6th c. BC Babylonian Jews note and, during the Early Modern Period (16-18th c.), appropriate as their symbol, (variably) calling it Magen David, Shield of David, Solomon's Seal. Menorah, a multi-branched (7-9) candelabrum is said to represent Abraham's “burning bush” or the Torah (Jewish Law). Judeo-Christians appropriate the Hun (also called Celtic) cross symbol to identify themselves, and also carry the symbol of Judaism's common sacrificial animal, the pigeon, into Judeo-Christianity. The skullcap (kippa, yarmulka, zuchetto) is worn by religious Jews and some Judeo-Christian priests.
  • Principles: Vary from one sect to another. Racial supremacy and purity. The motto of the Mossad (Israeli Intelligence) is "By way of deception, thou shalt do war."
  • Leaders: Spiritual leaders vary with era and sect. In Egypt, Ethiopia, Canaan and Babylon, their spiritual leaders are also their political leaders. In Judea, they are the high-priests of the Temple of Jerusalem. Elsewhere, they are the Prince of the Synagogue or Chief Rabbi. In Christianity, they are the heads and senior officers (bishops) of the various Churches.
  • Religion: Early Semites arriving in Mesopotamia worship the Sumerians' Queen of Heaven (also known as Baal, Morning Light, [Venus]). Their later gods are Ea, Assur (Marduk), Bel; Elephantian Jews offer sacrifices to at least 4 gods; Jahu, Asembetel, Anatbetel and Herembetel.
    • Babylonian Hebrews (6th c. BC) conceive a religious dictatorship, today's Judaism. They select bits and pieces of their legends of their previous gods, merge them with Sumerian historical accounts reworked to favor Hebrews, declare themselves their new god's earthly deputies and their race supreme (God's Chosen People), and introduce their ideology as the Hebrews' new mandatory religion, a religion founded on racism, deception, hatred, vengeance, and animal and human sacrifices to their new god, Yahweh. Religious dogma and rites, which include mutilation of male infants, are laid down in their religious laws and austere civil penal codes.
      • The Sumerians' Queen of Heaven-Baal-Morning Light becomes Judaism's arch-demon;
      • Scythian-Chaldean-Mede-Magyar (Magor) patriarch Nimrod and all magi are declared demons.
    • Judean Jews live under the religious dictatorship of the high-priests of the Temple of Jerusalem.
      • The high-priests of the Temple of Jerusalem accuse Jesus of being a magus (demon); and bribe the Roman Governor, Pilate, to turn Jesus over to them. They torture and crucify Jesus.
      • The Jewish priest, Rabbi Saul, founds a new Jewish sect for non-Jews, Roman Orthodoxy (later Judeo-Christianity). The new religion, founded on fear of afterlife eternal torture, requires non-Jews to submit to the authority of the Church of Rome, directed according to the doctrines of Rabbi Saul.
        • Judeo-Christianity:
          • Fabricates a new Semitic-Hebrew lineage for Jesus and begins to propagate him as a Jew.
          • Teaches hatred of the demonized (by Jews) Queen of Heaven-Morning Light (Lucifer).
          • Purges Jesus' followers and destroys their writings. Herod launches a manhunt for Peter.
          • Declares Jesus' disciple Simon the Canaanite, Pal (biblical Simon Magus) a demon.
          • Rabbi Saul appropriates Simon the Canaanite's Pal name, claims conversion following a vision, passes himself off as Jesus' Apostle, and spreads the new Jewish sect throughout the Roman Empire. Later, he becomes known as Judeo-Christianity's Saint Paul.
  • Rome collapses. Jews migrate to Europe (and elsewhere) where they execute the greatest fraud in Europe's history using a forged document to form a political power subservient to Jewish interests, the Holy Roman Empire. The crown of the new empire symbolizes Jewish authority and supremacy, the realization of the fictitious biblical Jewish kingdoms of David, Solomon and Hezekiah. Jews expand with the empire. Together with the Sephardic Jews ousted from Spain, they appropriate the Ashkenaz(im) name and spread throughout Europe.

  • Roman Christianity (Inquisition) purges the leadership (magi) of the Jesus Faith throughout Europe and destroys their writings. Europe is converted to Judeo-Christianity by force.
  • People(s): (Non-exhaustive list)
    • Hebrews, Jews. Most (but not all) Jewish sects consider descendants of a Jewish maternal bloodline Jews.
      • Other than religious and geographic references, little is known of the early Semites who migrate to Mesopotamia. According to Jewish sources, they start referring to themselves as Israel when they begin their migration to Egypt where they are also called habiru, Hebrew(s). Jewish historians claim that after invading Canaan, the Hebrews from Egypt carve up the conquered land among themselves and name it Kingdom of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. When they conceive their new religion, Judaism, in Babylon (6th c. BC), they become known as Jews, though the origin of this name is much debated. No archaeological evidence has ever been unearthed to substantiate exclusively Jewish religious claims or identifiable sub-groups of the Semites who migrated to Mesopotamia and, later, to Egypt and Canaan. What information is available cannot be reliably sourced. There are no historical records of Hebrew or Jewish evangelists or kings, and no graves, human remains or any evidence of their existence.
      • Abraham is claimed by Jewish historians to have been an 18th c. BC Semite, a direct descendant of (biblical) Noah, who is ordered by his god to kill his son as a human sacrifice (it is claimed that he does not). Jews and Muslims claim he is their patriarch; the Roman Catholic Church claims he is the Christians' patriarch (as well) "in faith." Jews explain his biblical 11 generation genealogy leading back to Noah by rejecting the geological date of the biblical flood and by claiming multi-century life spans. There is no evidence any Semitic Abraham ever existed. There is reference to a certain Abram in Haran but he (and his wives) lived much earlier and was a Caucasian Hurrian, not a Semite.
      • Jacob, claimed to have been Abraham's grandson, is said to have been told by his god to change his name to Is-ra-el before migrating to Egypt (The word “Iz-ra-el” is the Sumerian name of a Caucasian [Turanian] tribe). Following the appropriation of this tribe's name, Jews begin to use the name Israel to refer to themselves11. There is no evidence Jacob existed, as claimed.
      • Hammurabi, 18th c. BC king of Semitic Babylon. He introduces the concept of land ownership, religious prostitution, and the laws and “righteousness” of cruelty and revenge, laws which later become basic tenets of Judaism, known as the “eye-for-eye, tooth-for-tooth” vengeance ideology.
      • Moses is claimed to have been a Hebrew infant found floating on the Nile and taken in by members of the royal court of Egypt. He is claimed to have led the Hebrews out of Egypt and wandered in the desert for forty years in search of a certain “Promised Land.” He is said to have spoken to a certain “Jealous God” who told him to mutilate male infants and also gave him commandments written on stone tablets. Egyptian records do not mention such person by name or description, and the claimed stone tablets have never been seen or examined by scholars. The biblical Ten Commandments text is a mix of 6th c. BC Jewish religious laws, and articles copied from Sumerian civil codes reworked to suit Jewish ideology.
      • David and Solomon are claimed to have been 10th c. BC kings of the Hebrews who invaded Canaan 300 years earlier. Despite extensive archaeological effort in the 1970s and 1980s to authenticate a Hebrew king named David, Yigael Shiloh (Hebrew University), failed to discover significant evidence of occupation of any city bearing the name David during the 10th c. BC. Elsewhere in biblical Judea, no inscriptions of any Judean royalty exists from 10th c. BC, nor evidence of a bureaucracy attached to oil jars associated with any Judean royalty of the late 8th c. BC. Nothing from any King Solomon's reign has ever been found. Surveys of surface finds have shown that between the 16th and 8th c. BC, the entire population of the hill country of Judea was no more than about 5000 persons, most of them wandering pastoralists. Judeo-Christians claim, Jesus is a descendant of David. History disproves this claim; Jews reject it; and Jesus (in Luke 20:44) finds it absurd.
    • Other peoples. The overwhelming majority of Semitic peoples are not Hebrews or Jews. The overwhelming majority of Judeo-Christian believers are not Semites, Hebrews or Jews.


10. J.E. Conner PhD.: Christ was not a Jew, The Christian Book Club, Hawthorne, Ca., 1972, Page 28.

11. The word “Israel” is never associated with Semites, Hebrews or Jews in objective literature.

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