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The Scythian - What happened to the apostles?

What happened to the apostles?

According to the Christian priests' breviary, Jesus' apostles organize, first and foremost in the Parthian Empire, the true Church according to Jesus' teachings, of which Saul-Paul speculations are totally ignorant. Jesus' Church, immune from Jewish ideology and teaching, is the Church of neighborly love where the "eye-for-eye, tooth-for-tooth" vengeance doctrine is unheard of.

Jesus said, "I came into the world, to testify to the Truth. Everyone on the side of Truth listens to me" (John 18:37). But what is the truth? What happened to Jesus' truth? Why were the people who advocated his truth, the apostles, silenced? Why are the writings of the apostles not in the Bible? As far as their activities are concerned, the truth is that none of them set foot in Rome. Rather they go on to teach the truth they had learned from their teacher mostly east of the Euphrates. Nearly all of them live in the Parthian Empire, stretching form the Euphrates to the Indus, where they organize Jesus' followers into Jesus' Church. The magnitude of their work can be inferred from Eusebois (Eusebius). He tells us that, following the collapse of the Parthian Empire, Sassanid-Persian rulers (who recognized only Zoroastrianism—a religion they reworked to suit their needs) demolish no fewer than 360 Parthian churches. Therefore, the apostles are, in deed, very busy building Jesus' Church. But not in Rome—and for good reasons.

The apostles selected by Jesus, as we shall see, are also Galileans. Since they teach values that are diametrically opposed to the Jewish ideologies Rabbi Saul propagates, it is understandable that Saul's new Jewish sect, Roman Orthodoxy (today's Judeo-Christianity) totally omits all teachings and preachings that contradict Saul-Paul or his doctrines. In the New Testament, we are hard pressed to find even a single piece of writing that directly originates from Jesus' apostles (Note: The New Testament evangelist called Matthew should not be confused with Jesus' disciple, later apostle). In contrast, we find that 62 percent of the work consists of Saul-Paul's doings.

According to the Acts of Apostles (12), Herod has John's brother, Jacob, killed. That leaves ten of the original twelve disciples, later apostles, to carry on the work (Judas, Rabbi Saul's brother—according Professor Aisleitner, citing pre-Epiphanius sources—supposedly kills himself). However, from this point forward, the New Testament book Acts of the Apostles is but a deceptive title: it says nothing about the acts of the apostles. In stead, it relates the trips and conversions of the self-proclaimed "apostle," Saul-Paul. The only exception is Peter's categorical rejection of Judaism in 15:7,10) :

"But some of the sect of the Pharisees who had believed stood up, saying, 'It is necessary to circumcise them and to order them to observe the Law of Moses'" (Acts 15:5). "After there had been much debate, Peter stood up and said to them, 'Brethren, you know that in the early days the Lord made a choice among you, that by my mouth the Gentiles would hear the word of the gospel and believe... Now, therefore, why do you put God to the test by placing upon the neck of the disciples a yoke which neither our fathers nor we are able to bear?'"

Here, we can be sure Peter is opposed to any connection with Judaism by outright rejecting its very cornerstone, circumcision, the substance of the Jews' supposed contract with their god, along with their laws, the Laws of Moses. He calls these laws (the Torah, Moses' books 1-5 in the Bible) an "unbearable yoke." Yet Saul-Paul (and Judeo-Christianity) propagates the continuation of Moses' Laws, and thereby turns Jesus of Galilee into an ordinary "sacrificial lamb" of Jewish sacrifice-ideology, "whose blood will wash away humanity's sins." The idea that sins cannot be forgiven without shedding blood is one of the basic tenets of the Jewish religion—incorporated in Judeo-Christianity by Saul-Paul:

"...without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness" (Hebrews 9:22).

The concepts embedded in this dogma defy all logic. First, we, not someone else, are responsible for our actions. Any social order would fall apart if people were to behave as they please because someone else, a "sacrificial lamb" will wipe away their sins (crimes). Jesus warns of this danger when he specifically rejects the notion of sacrifice, this basic tenet of Jewish ideology. He emphatically says:

"I desire mercy, not sacrifice" (Matthew 9:13).

Further, this quotation clearly indicates Jesus' rejection of not only Jewish sacrifice-ideology but also Moses-ideology. It reveals his disgust with Moses' immorality, which explicitly prohibits the exercise of mercy when the Jewish god supposedly orders the genocide of the Canaanites (for example):

"You must completely destroy them... show them no mercy" (Deuteronomy 7:2).

Second, the very idea that newborns are sinners or that they are in anyway responsible for—and “damned” because of—their ancestors' sins is plain absurd. How could a newborn have committed a sin, any sin; and how can someone be held responsible for the actions of another over whom he has no control? This notion, threats of a vengeful god's revenge against the innocent children of Jews contemplating disobedience to the religious dictators, stems from Old Testament ideology conceived to keep the Jewry in check. Such notions defy both common sense and even the most primitive sense of justice. Jesus never said we were born in sin, nor that his blood will wash away any sort of past, present or future sins. And nowhere do his disciples (later apostles) profess that Jesus came to Earth to sacrifice himself for our sins—or any other Paulist ideology—as claimed by the Church. Consequently, there is no need for redemption of sins that do not exist. These notions are pure theological fabrications Judeo-Christianity invented to plant a sense of inferiority in the Gentiles' minds and thereby assure their subjugation. What we do hear is Jesus referring to himself as Light, and his apostles teaching that the Son of Light came to Earth to find and conserve that which is lost; namely, belief in Man's divine origin, and the glorification of everyone's God, the God he compares to the sun, the God who cares for everyone, including Jews. It is to this end that he shows his divine entity to an immoral world by conquering death. This is what Jesus' real apostles proclaim.

Blatant disregard for the belief and teachings of Peter, whom Jesus appointed head of his Church; the absence of any reference by Jesus to any kind of “original sin”; Jesus' emphatic rejection of the Jews' sacrifice-ideology and Mosaic immorality; and the exclusion of all writings by Jesus' disciples point to pursuit of an agenda to serve other interests. Simply put, Rabbi Saul-Paul hijacks the Jesus Faith and turns it into a vehicle for the spiritual enslavement of non-Jews, a subservient Jewish sect for Gentiles his successors later harangue throughout the Roman Empire as Christianity.

Elsewhere, however, the apostles are busy teaching Jesus' truth to sympathetic audiences. According to the Christian priests' breviary:

Matthew: "... soon travels to Ethiopia [not to be confused with today's Ethiopia], the land of the Kus... converts its king, his wife and the entire country to the faith of Christ..."

Simon and Thaddeus: "...Simon the Canaanite went through Egypt preaching the Gospel, whileas the like was done in Mesopotamia by Thaddeus. They met together afterwards in Persia, where they begot countless children in Jesus Christ, spread the faith far and wide in those lands..." [It should be noted, here, that Persia did not exist in the days of the apostles. The "far and wide in those lands" referenced in the breviary was called Parthia.]

Andrew (Peter's brother) "...following Jesus' suffering and resurrection, Andrew came to Europe's Scythia, which province he was allocated to disseminate Christ's faith."

Thomas: "...The Apostle Thomas was a Galilean. After the descent of the Holy Spirit, he went into many provinces to preach Christ's Gospel. He gave knowledge of Christ's faith and the Laws of Life to the Parthians, Medes, Persians, Hyrcanians, and Bactrians. He went last to the East Indies where he schooled the people in Christ's religion."

Bartholomew: "... The Apostle Bartholomew was a Galilean. In the division of the world among the Apostles it fell to his lot to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in hither India. He went thither and preached to those nations the coming of the Lord Jesus, according to the Gospel of Matthew. When he had turned many in that province to Jesus Christ, and had endured many toils and woes, he came into the Greater Armenia. There he brought Jesus' faith to King Polymius, his wife, and likewise the inhabitants of twelve cities...”

Philip: "...was born in Bethsaida [Galilee] and, with strength from the Holy Spirit, went to Scythia to proclaim the Gospel—and gained many followers of The Faith."

Therefore, according to the Christian priests' breviary, Jesus' apostles organize, first and foremost in the Parthian Empire, the true Church according to Jesus' teachings, of which Saul-Paul speculations are totally ignorant. Jesus' Church, immune from Jewish ideology and teaching, is the Church of neighborly love where the "eye-for-eye, tooth-for-tooth" vengeance doctrine is unheard of. Here, people live by the love-thy-neighbor principle, both in belief and in practice. They believe that life is the common existence of light and darkness. Light creates wisdom, benevolence, the arts and is the source of life; while apathy, ignorance, envy, hatred, vengeance, dishonesty, greed, theft, deception, insincerity and wasteful laziness fall under the domain of darkness. Since, in the Parthian territories, neighborly love has been the foundation upon which the Scythians built their lives even before the apostles' arrival, organizing a Church of neighborly love does not run into any opposition. Rather, the effort finds a culture already living by that principle.

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