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The Scythian - Jesus' life and crucifixion

Jesus' life and crucifixion

There is, no doubt, much more to be learned and said about Jesus. We do not even know his real name, other than Prince Adiabene. We have only callings such as Light of the World, Divine Wisdom, Magus, King of kings, Prince of Bethlehem, Son of Light, Son of God; and the Jews' callings, Galilean, Samaritan and Nazarit (Holy Man). Nor do we know much about his life before his ministry. Some speculate that, as a youngster, Jesus studies in Scythopolis, in “my Father's house” (quoted phrase from Luke 2:49) then, later, travels to Egypt, India and Tibet, and also spends time among the so-called Essenes in Palestinian Syria (Philo). Using what material fragments we have (e.g., Arabic Gospels), we can theorize that his Scythian magi professors from the Sippar Institute of Astronomy at Scythopolis (in today's language) are monitoring his progress. When they test their 12-year-old student's knowledge of the heavens, they are “amazed” by his detailed and precise analyses of the heavenly bodies, their number, nature, coordinates—right ascension and declination—broken down to 8, 6 and 4-hour (1/3, 1/4, 1/6) intervals, planetary velocity variations and their retrograde motions, and cosmic relationships that "no human mind can track," and much else, knowledge, "no human mind can behold." Luke (2:41-52) reports this event, but reworks its details and throws in a few irrelevant “justifiers” to bring it in line with Judeo-Christian dogma. He claims that the event takes place in “the temple” in Jerusalem implying that the “teachers” quizzing Jesus are Jews. However, these claims are not even plausible because the Jews had neither astronomers nor institutes of astronomy, in Jerusalem or anywhere else. Therefore, Jesus' teachers could not have been Jews, nor could the event have taken place in Jerusalem or anywhere else in Judea.

We also know from the apocryphal Acts of Thomas the story (later, Hymn of the Soul [also Pearl], sometimes attributed to the Parthian, Bardaisan of Edessa) of a certain boy, “Son of the King of Kings”—the name by which the magi called the newborn Jesus—who relates:

“When I was a young lad, and dwelling in my kingdom, in my father's castle, and was content with the wealth and the luxuries of my nourishers, from the East, our home, my parents equipped me and sent me forth.” [“East, our home” can refer only to Parthia because the Parthian Empire stretched all the way to India.]

Egyptians have always maintained close ties with the Sumerians, and Tibetan and Indian monks also teach divine energy in Man and peaceful coexistence. We do not know who the “monks” called Essenes are. This word appears as the Greek essaioi, holiness [Philo], and as esseni in Latin texts [Pliny], but these people never refer to themselves (in the Dead Sea Scrolls) by such name. What we do know is that they live north of the Dead Sea, today's occupied West Bank; seek knowledge from the same source as the magi, namely, the “Book of Heavens”; and vehemently oppose the Jews' immorality, especially their sacrifice-ideology rituals. There is some evidence they are Aithiops. They time and orient their morning prayers to the rising sun (Plinius) in accordance with the practices of Chrestos (Sun-God) faith—the faith the Jewish Church Father, Epiphanius, later curses as “Christianity's archenemy.” Once again we can hypothesize that Jesus' travels to Egypt, India, Tibet and elsewhere are part of his research or teaching assignments—though, for now, we do not have the pieces to construct this puzzle.

All these hypotheses are plausible and worth researching. But for the time being, we must be content with what we have, and move on to examine events leading up to and following Jesus' crucifixion.

The term that best defines Jesus' torture and death is satanic cult-style ritual killing. When we examine the events surrounding Jesus' trial, torture and crucifixion, we need to keep three facts in mind:

    1. Roman authorities grant the Jews jurisdiction only over Judean Jews and only in Jewish religious matters. Since the Jewish high-priests, Caiaphas and Annas, do not consider Jesus either a Jew or a Judean, they argue that Jewish religious laws apply to everyone in Judea, including foreigners (other than Romans). Pilate, however, disagrees and, since he does not find evidence of Jesus breaking any Roman laws, refuses to have him executed.

    2. During Jesus' time, executions in Judea are lawful only by order of the civil authority who, in Jesus' case, is Pilate. Pilate, however, does not order Jesus' execution. Therefore, killing Jesus is an unlawful act. And since the act is intentional, it is murder. Further, since the murder is planned, it is premeditated murder.

    3. Church dogma claiming that it was the Romans who crucified Jesus is untenable. It would be suicidal for soldiers in any army to ex-office execute a civilian, especially in peacetime, without signed orders. Such breakdown of discipline is unthinkable in the Roman Legions, especially on the part of a Tribune (roughly equivalent to a Colonel—elected by the Council), as propagated by the Church. Condoning such behavior would turn soldiers into an uncontrollable mob. And since Pilate does not sign any order of execution, no Roman soldier in his right mind would take part in the events that follow. That leaves the permanent mercenary guards of the Temple of Jerusalem as the only armed personnel who could have carried out Jesus' unlawful torture and killing.

To put the Jews' actions against Jesus—and his followers—in perspective, it is important to look at a sampling of the Jewish laws the high-priests of the Temple of Jerusalem (Annas' relatives during Jesus' ordeal) enforce. Professor Ethelbert Stauffer has collected and cataloged these laws under the title Die jüdishen Ketzergesetze, "practices" enacted for the preservation of the authority of the Torah and the Great Sanhedrin of Jerusalem, the supreme enforcer of Jewish law. The following excerpts (actual Article Numbers shown) give an insight into the kind of terror people under Jewish laws are subjected to, not only as individuals but also as entire populations:

"3. Whoever, following a reprimand and warning, continues to disobey the regulations of the Torah, must be condemned to death and stoned."

"4. Whoever questions the divine origin of the Torah must be burned to death."

"5. Disobedience of a rabbinic decree (Halacha) is punishable in the same way as opposition to the Torah."

"39. A proclaimer of false doctrine (trash-preacher) is a child of 'Baal' who wants to take people into ungodliness by systematic agitation."

"40. In legal actions against such 'trash-preachers,' humane treatment, applicable in other cases, is prohibited."

"42. A 'defector city' is a city, town or village community that organizes a movement to defect on a grand scale following agitation by a preacher of false doctrine."

"44. In all cases, the originators are to be considered 'false prophets' and must be stoned to death. Their wealth and properties are to be burned."

"48. The guilty shall be stoned to death and their heirs shall inherit their properties."

"49. However, if the number of defectors exceeds half the population, then extraordinary action against the masses is necessary. Every inhabitant of the city shall be put to the sword, killed by sword, and the city itself, along with all its wealth and properties, shall be burned to ashes, and its reconstruction is to be forever prohibited."

"50. Applicable to 'defector cities:' Such punitive measures are to be considered as 'burning sacrifices to God.'"

"51. The ordinances applicable to such 'defector cities' shall also apply, in all respects, to 'defector tribes.'"

"55. A 'false-prophet' must be condemned by the Great Sanhedrin and must be executed in Jerusalem."

"77. The execution of 'the ungodly' is the highest form of glorification of God."

The above are but a sampling of the butcher-laws the Jews are enforcing against Jesus and his people. We can now understand why Jesus leads his fold to mountain tops and lake shores to teach and to perform miracles. He knows that Jewish agents are watching him, so he takes the necessary steps to make sure these infiltrators and informants would not be able to prove the identities of the defectors or that of their towns among the large, curious masses, many of whom come from Judea.

The timing of Jesus' crucifixion is reported to be of utmost importance to the high-priests of the Temple of Jerusalem. To understand why they want to kill Jesus on a specific day and time of day, it is necessary to look into Judaism and its sacrifice-ideology. Whenever Jews sin, they offer sacrifices to their god by ritually slaughtering animals. Depending on the occasion, they collect the animal's blood in a ceremonial chalice and either sprinkle it on the altars of their god or use it to paint the door posts and lintels of their houses and business as protection from their god's killer-angels. For everyday use, they maintain a supply of pigeons to meet the demand generated by the sins of the Jewry, but on important religious “holy days,” they butcher lambs. One such “holy day” is the Jewish Passover. Every year, on the 14th day of abib (variably, aviv, Nisan), Jews celebrate their god's supposed massacre of the Egyptians' firstborns (Note: No records exist of such event) by slaughtering male, “unblemished” lambs (Paschal Lamb) on the eve of Passover at precisely 3 pm. In the year of Jesus' death, celebration of the Passover is to be an extraordinary event. That year, the ritual slaying includes not just ordinary male, “unblemished” lambs, but also another, more spectacular male, “unblemished” lamb, the son of the “Ram” (Kus) people, progeny of the “despised” (by Jews) Nib-Ur (Nimrod). Jewish laws, however, forbid Jesus' swift "slaughtering" because that would amount to “humane treatment,” which is prohibited by Article 40. This Article implicitly requires that Jesus be tortured to death. Accordingly, the timing and intensity of his torture has to be orchestrated to bring about his death at 3 pm. And that is how it is reported to have happened (Mark 15:34: “ninth hour”—keeping in mind that around the time of the March equinox the day begins at 6 am). It is also reported that Jesus is stabbed with a spear (John 19:34) and, according to legend, one of the judges of the Great Sanhedrin, Joseph of Arimathea, collects the blood pouring out of Jesus' stab wound in a ceremonial chalice (It should be noted that the individual identified here as Joseph of Arimathea is based on legend only. Some scholars maintain that he was a member of Jesus' following. If this is true, then he could not have been present at Jesus' crucifixion [no males were permitted at executions and none are listed by John] and, therefore, any collection of Jesus' blood for the Jewish ritual would have been someone else's doing). In compliance with Article 77, killing Jesus is the highest form of glorification of the Jews' god, a spectacle pleasing enough to earn the Jews forgiveness of all their sins. This is the source of Judeo-Christianity's dogma: “Lamb of God whose blood washes away the sins of the world”—more precisely, the sins of the Jews.

The similarities between the Jewish Passover ritual and Jesus' crucifixion are too great to call coincidence. There can be little doubt that the judge of the Great Sanhedrin in charge of the crucifixion, realizing that it is 3 pm and all the lamb are being slaughtered, orders one of the guards of the Temple of Jerusalem to stab Jesus with a spear, and the designated “sochet” to collect Jesus' blood in a ceremonial chalice, in accordance with bloodletting rituals practiced by orthodox Jews to this day.

There is ample literature on these horrific Jewish religious practices to seekers of the truth. Ariel Toaff, Israeli historian, Bar Ilan University, deals with them extensively in Bloody Passovers: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders. Also, the famous expert on religions, Alfonz Luzsanszky list 77 ritual bloodletting murders in Europe in The Talmud in Hungarian. The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, New York, 1970, p. 326 mentions 42 cases during the 19th century and 5 cases up until the middle of the 20th century. The 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia—though it denies this practice—mentions no fewer than 122 “most notable” cases, 39 in the 19th century (p. 261). A truly heartrending case is that of the ritual murder of a 14-year-old “goiim virgin,” Solymosi Eszter of Tiszaeszlár, Hungary, who disappeared as she walked by the Jewish Orthodox Synagogue on her way home from Kohlmayer's general store around 12 noon on the eve of the Jewish Passover, April 2, 1882. This vicious crime has provoked international outrage. Her martyrdom became the subject of many books; and her case is yet to be resolved. Eszter was last seen walking down the street towards the synagogue (according to eyewitness testimonies). A gruesome account of the ritual murder by bloodletting was given in minute detail by two eyewitnesses, five-year-old Samuel, and fourteen-year-old Moric, sons of the synagogue sexton, Joseph Scharf. The examining judge, Bary József, recorded the youngsters' testimonies on May 19th. Samuel testified that his father, Scharf József, cut the little girl's neck while his older brother, Moric, collected her blood in a bowl. Fourteen-year-old Moric, however, testified that slaughterers Abraham Buxbaum and Leopold Braun had held the little girl while another slaughterer, Salamon Schwarz, incised her neck with a large knife and drained her blood into a pot, and that the ritual took place in the presence of Samuel Lustig, Abraham Braun, Lazar Weisstein, and Adolf Jünger. On July 29, the following Jews living in Hungary were arrested: Salamon Schwarz, Abraham Buxbaum, Leopold Braun, and Hermann Wollner were charged with murder; Joseph Scharf, Adolf Jünger, Abraham Braun, Samuel Lustig, Lazar Weisstein, and Emanuel Taub, with voluntary assistance in the crime and; Anselm Vogel, Jankel Smilovics, David Hersko, Martin Gross, and Ignac Klein, with abetting the crime and smuggling the body. The district bailiff placed Moric Scharf in the custody warden Henter.

In August 1883, just before the Court was to announce its verdict, Count Joseph Degenfeld had invited the presiding judge, Korniss Ferenc, to his castle for a “friendly supper.” Arriving at the castle, Korniss finds himself face to face with an unexpected guest, another vassal of Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria (who also ruled Hungary), Tisza Kálmán, the liberal prime minister of Hungary. After supper, the prime minister asks Korniss about the Court's opinion on the Tiszaeszlár sochets' [Jewish slaughtermen] guilt. Korniss replies he is “convinced they are guilty.” “What about the voting judges,” the prime minister asks? “One is of the same opinion as I, guilty, the other is still undecided,” Korniss replies. Istóczy Győző records the prime minister's words to the presiding judge, Korniss Ferenc (tract no. 12, sourced from Megyery Ella and Megyery Géza, Korniss' daughter and grandson):

“Look, Mister President. Tomorrow, the day after, or at any time, you can announce the judgment imposing the death penalty for the [Tisza]eszlár sochets. I don't want to influence you. I am only bringing to your attention, that the Viennese Rothschild counts have informed even His Highness that, if the Nyíregyháza judgment produces a conviction, they will not grant the sixty million Forint [Hungarian currency] rente-conversion [extension to pay the interest on a loan]. In this case, the Monarchy—and certainly Hungary—will go into bankruptcy. The Forint will loose its value. The nobility will revolt. Do you want to accept this responsibility, Mister President?”

During the trial, Moric Scharf told his father to his face that he saw with his own two eyes what he had done. But Eszter, justice and morality could not compete against intimidation by the Jewry's elite, the Degenfelds and the Rothschilds. All of the perpetrators were acquitted. Eszter's body was never found.

These are but examples of documented Jewish ritual murders. Many more remain open cases—such as that of 11 year old H. Zsófia who was found with her neck incised and her blood drained just before the 1998 Passover in Körmend (50 km. from Tiszaeszlár), the region the wealthy American Jew, Salamon Berkowitz, had "decreed"(!) earlier as "the new homeland of Québec Hasidic Jews."

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