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The Shortest Possible Summary of my Theories

The Shortest Possible Summary of my Theories

Magyar, Adorján

Title of the Magyar original:

Elméletem lehető legrövidebb összefoglalása

Published by the Duna publ. Switzerland, 1978

Arranged and translated by Susan Tomory and Margaret Botos

Today’s mankind was preceded in ancient times by an amphibian, frog-like humanity, living partly in and partly out of the water. This was in the Carpathian Alföld’s inland sea and on its shores. Today’s Transdanubia (Dunántúl) was warmer at that time than today, but the Sun gave less light and heat, and there was a time, when the Moon was still hot and it too shone and gave warmth, but because of its smaller size it cooled off a long time ago. These amphibian people had three eyes. Their third eye was where today’s anterior fontanelle is. It was not designed to accept light waves, but it saw with the help of electric waves. This was necessary in those times, because there was less light than today, since the air was constantly filled with water vapors and it was foggy. The sky was seldom visible, but the atmosphere was a lot more saturated with electricity than today. There was a lot of rain and many storms, which did not bother the water-dwelling beings. These frog-like people raised their fully water-dependent young in a common pool. The kind of union between the sexes as exists today had not yet evolved. The mammalian humanity’s first culture spread all over the world, mostly in the last phase of the amphibian humanity. The place of origin of the mammalian humanity was Europe, more exactly in the Carpathian Basin and the islands of Csallóköz, which at that time formed the delta of the Danube, since the entire Alföld (Lowlands) was still a sea. It became salty, since it got its salt from the salt mountains of Máramaros. This sea receded through an opening of the Vaskapu (Iron Gate), which is a break in the earth, created by the volcanic earthquakes. Even though the sea receded, the Alföld remained for a long time a huge lake and marsh-land. The sequence of this drying up process came when the waters, which ran down through the Vaskapu washed this opening always deeper and deeper. On the other hand, the dust of the Alföld, carried by the winds, the decaying materials and the silt, carried by the rivers, increasingly filled the earth. In the ages prior to the Ice Ages, the North Pole of our globe was over today’s Carpathian Basin and, for this reason, a warm, spring-like climate prevailed, even though in other places the heat was so intense that life was hardly possible outside the waters. Several Magyar folk-stories tell us, that „...in olden days one day was one year” a situation that can only be found at the poles. Here, of course, we are not talking of thousands of years, but millions of years. Slowly the Earth’s climate become as it is today. In the meantime, the Ice Ages arrived too. However, in the Carpathian Basin’s Magyarország (Hungary), with the exception of the Magas-Kárpátok (High Carpathians), there never was an Ice Age, because the high level of volcanic eruptions and the many hot water springs, with the inner heat of the Earth did not give an upper hand to cold and ice. Many hot springs are found in Buda and Transdanubia, and, no matter where they dig for artesian water in the Alföld, hot water always comes to the surface. For this reason, in Magyarország, life, moreover a cultural life, remained possible during the Ice Ages too. It is for this reason that mankind’s oldest, first culture evolved here, a statement which is validated by the excavations. Outside of this territory, on its borders, mostly among the mountains, came about a tendency toward aggressive behavior, degeneration and the rise of animal-like Neanderthaloid races, and the so called „Nordic race” which resembles the former. They are not a superior race, but on a lower scale, which can be proven through anthropology and their skull-structure and other bodily characteristics, and it is for this reason that they are on the verge of extinction. The degeneration of these races outside the Carpathian Basin, during the Ice Ages, came about because of the extremely difficult circumstances: they were forced to follow a meat-eating, hunting, killing existence. Inside the Carpathian Basin, the true ancient people were exclusively vegetarian, similar to their closest relatives, the apes. During the interglacial periods and the end of the Ice Ages these predatory races spread all over the globe in the course of thousands and hundreds-of-thousands of years a lot more easily, than the more advanced, round headed races, who, being vegetarians, did not hunt and were less war-like. It is for this reason that, later, these more advanced people always found – mostly through navigation – on other lands the less advanced, long-skulled, animal-like wild men. Several scientists have discovered that the real black races of Africa (not the Hamitic branch), in other words the Bantu people, even though their pigmentation is different, are genetically very close to the Northern races considering their skull structure and blood-types, so they are really blood relatives. In other words: the long-skulled, cave dwelling, wild human races are not the true ancient people, only degenerated races. They all have animal-like prognathous faces, their appearance is animal like and they are very hairy and bloodthirsty by nature: they are theromorphs. On the other hand, the true ancient human races have orthognathous faces and an infantile appearance. The still totally infantile, but already round-skulled, round-faced, completely blond (not red) ancient race, like the true Magyar people of the Alföld and Csallóköz, which is today mistakenly called “Eastern Baltic”, originated on the islands of the Csallóköz. These islands formed a very closed region, with river branches, marshes, and the sea on one side, where predators did not live. It is here that this race was able to evolve to a high mental and spiritual level, through the help of selection based on love only. Always the better-looking, more skilful, more intelligent individual had more descendants, because the other party preferred these qualities, and aggression, and bloody battles did not exist at this time. This selection encouraged this race’s constant increasing physical and spiritual perfection. Since it was a vegetarian race, the people knew no fighting, battles, murder or meat-eating. Contrary to this, the hunting, carnivorous races fought each other and violence was the accepted norm instead of the love-based selection. Here not the mentally, spiritually more evolved, handsome folk, but the rough, cruel, murderous ones had more descendants, who simply struck down their opponents. And since the descendants inherited their progenitors attributes and inclinations, this had to result in mental/spiritual decline, and brutality had to follow.

In the beginning, there was only one continent. Later, some of its parts separated from one another as the continent grew and thus today’s continents were created. Still later, the round-headed Magyar race created great cultures in many places, but since they were not technical, rather just spiritual cultures, they left only a few material traces, ruins or artifacts behind, but their spirituality formed the base of all of today’s cultures.

Because this race mingled in time with the lower races that they found outside the Carpathian homeland, this always brought about degeneration and downfall, and of course the downfall of culture also. As Eickstedt, one of the greatest anthropologists, states, the blondest race of this world is the „Eastern Baltic” (he calls them Eastern European) and he states that the true ancient Magyar race, was not born at the Baltic Sea but in the Carpathian Basin, in this well protected territory. He denies the antiquity of the „Northern Race”, which is not blond, but red, or often even brown-haired. According to Eickstedt, where we find traces of blond people among the southern, dark-skinned races, these are not the remnants of the Northern race, as many believe, but of the Eastern Baltic people. It is also well-known that the population of Germany barely consists of 7-8 percent Nordics, and their majority is round headed East-Baltics, Alpine and Dinaric races, in other words they are the descendants of the “Finno-Ugrian” --- Magyar ancient population. They are not Germanic, but only a Germanized population. This Germanization occurred by force and blood at the time of Christianization and later. Being a German, Eickstedt, honoring scientific truth states that the Northern Baltic race is mankind’s ancient race, from which the other races originated after specialization into different directions and consequently undergoing changes. (All this can be found in much greater detail in the Az ősműveltség pp.1000-1052)

The origin of this race was then before and during the Ice Ages, in the so-called Golden Age, in which people did not know of any other metals other than gold, but this they had in abundance because the sand of the Duna (Danube) was full of gold. Our folk legends and stories still recall this happy age, the „Golden Garden” of Csallóköz, or the garden of Tündér Ilona, and the Land of the Fairies. The doctrine of the Asiatic origin of the Magyars is a falsification of history, which was created, following the desires of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, by the press, which was mostly in Jewish hands and which succeeded in making the teachers in schools and ultimately the world believe this false theory. Prince Árpád and his returning forces were part of a group of Magyars who emigrated in ancient times from the Carpathian Basin, came under Turkish influence and became very warlike too. Upon their return, they defeated the foreigners who ruled there at that time, united with the agricultural ancient Magyars and formed today’s Magyar state, but not the nation. After that they were fully assimilated into the ancient Magyar population, their Turkish language disappeared with ease, since they came back without women and families, due to the attack of the Petchenegs and one Byzantine army. While they were away in a war, their lands were overrun, their families were murdered and their houses ravaged and burned (Emperor Constantinus Porphyrogenetus and the Fulda Yearbooks). There is not one chronicle that mentions even a word about Asia, not even in connection with the warring segments of the Magyars. They only talk about Scythia, a name which the ancients used for today’s Southern-Russia, in other words the European, northern shores of the Black Sea.

Our origin saga of Magor and Hunor (progenitors of the Magyars. S.T.) is symbolic only. These twins were the personifications of the Sun in two forms. Magor or Magyar symbolized the Sun’s energy and creative powers, Hunor the destructive power of this same energy. For this reason the symbol of Magor was the sphere, the symbol of Hunor was the wedge:

Ο   Δ

The sphere, or the round seed (mag in Magyar) was the symbol of creation, the wedge (ék in Magyar) was the symbol of destruction, since the essence of all weapons is the penetrating, crushing wedge. The later legends of Heracles and his twin, Iphicles, Castor and Pollux, Romulus and Remus and other similar legends are the more or less corrupt versions of this ancient legend. Magor is identical to the very strong, but well meaning Heracles, Hunor is identical with the grim gods of battles: Ares or Mars.

(1) Magyar


For this reason, the real Magyars, the descendants of Magor, the Sun god were always peaceful agricultural people, as the great majority of the Magyar people still are. The names Ugor, Uhor, Ungar and Unger meant an agricultural people from ancient times on. (Translator: ugar means an untilled land. S.T.) The name Magyar meant that they were the ancient Magyars, the ancestral population. Magyari people like the Kun, Hun, Jász, Székely, etc. were the descendants of the original ancient Magyars. Even though the old chronicles usually mention Hunor’s name first as if he were the older of the twins, by a few seconds, this is erroneous, because it is clear that creation is older than destruction. Destruction is possible only where something already exists. According to the ancient Magyar religion, the deities were not imagined as real persons. The Great and Eternal God, the God of Heaven was the poetic personification of the Eternal Universe, but human mind cannot comprehend Eternity. Such symbols, on the other hand, were out of reach of the Western European people in the Middle Ages, since they understood everything only verbatim.

Ancestral man, like the apes, who were really his closest relatives, lived only on a vegetarian diet. The ancestral Magyar group is the oldest of all the other related groups, which emerged from the ancient Magyar stock over several millennia. During this time, only some among them became bellicose. The occupation of the majority was animal husbandry.

The ancient language of the Magyars contained only the consonants g, gy, h, m and n. Later, with the development of their culture, all the other consonants appeared along with the vowels of course, but even then they preferred to voice the softer d, instead of the hard t. They gave voice to everything connected with their religious concepts, with the above consonants. The m and n sounds, even though they are unrelated, were still interchanged. It is known that, in our older language, the word szem (eye) was often pronounced as szen, and that in Erdély (Transylvania) the following words nesze, nevet, kan (here you are, laughs, male) are often pronounced mesze, mevet, kam even today. The reason for this is that, even from a shorter distance, our hearing can hardly detect the difference between these two sounds. The language of the Magyar group in the oldest antiquity consisted of such words: ma, na, an, ag, agy, ah, ag, gam, gem, meg, mag, mang etc., etc. with any chosen vowel.

Plants, especially the round fruits, were religiously honored. They grew plants with round seeds and these grew mostly in their place of origin. They gave religious honor and love to the following animals: the deer, the birds, except the birds of prey, the rounded bugs, especially the lady-bug. Their holiest fruit tree was the sour cherry (meggy in Magyar), which they honored as the tree of the Sun god, Magor. Their holiest flower was the lily of the valley (gyöngyvirág, lit.: flower of pearls), which was the flower of Mother Earth, Tündér Ilona (Fairy Ilona: Il+ona = mother of life). The foliage of the meggy is green, its flower is white and the fruit is red. The same stands for the lily of the valley. These three were their holy color and they remained their national color, red, white and green, up to our days.

Their numerical system was based on ten, the same as most accepted systems of today. The even numbers were considered symbols of the feminine gender, the odd numbers the symbols of the masculine. We may note that the flower of the meggy has five petals and the fruit has one round seed. The flower of the lily of the valley has six petals and its seed-pod contains six seeds. The fruit of the meggy is round, its flowers grow in a round bouquet, their buds are round and even the crown of the tree remains rounded when allowed to grow without interference. The flowers of the lily of the valley, especially their buds, resemble rounded pearls and their seed-pod is also round. The religious symbol of the Magyars was the globe. They held gold in religious honor.

The origin of this group was in the islands of Csallóköz. Because of its limited space and because of overpopulation, they sent out groups of people to other parts of the Carpathian Basin and out of these developed the later Magyari groups.

Their territories Magyarország (Hungary), Matyó-föld in Hungary, Makaria, Media, Egypt. (See Magyar chapter in the Az ősműveltség.)

(Tomory’s observation: They can also be found from ancient times on, in the British Islands, especially in Scotland, where the Mac surname is identical to the Magyar mag in sound and meaning.)

(2) White Hun


The Kun and Hun were always warrior military nations. They believed that – according to the laws of Nature -- they had to appear where corrupt, sinful people lived, who deserved punishment. It is for this reason that King Atilla called himself the „Scourge of God”, or the „Hammer of God”.

Originally, the Kun people were mountain dwellers who lived in the Carpathian Alps and later in the Alpine regions outside the Carpathian Basin. In ancient times, their only domesticated animal was the dog, which still thrives in today’s Kunság: the large, long haired, white, wolf-shaped Komondor. Its head is pointed and wedge shaped. The wedge was the Kun’s basic religious symbol. Their language at the beginning was fully identical to the Magyar language, but later they preferred to use the hard k and t sounds instead of the soft g, gy, d.

Their numerical system was the three-six-twelve sequence. Today we have only traces of this, which are: the dozen, the older six monetary system, the division of hour and month into 12 units.

Their basic words were as follows: ka, ku, kun, kat, tek, kund etc., etc.

Their holy plants were the pine trees and the star-shaped six petaled white flowers like the narcissus. The crown of the pine tree is wedge shaped, it has needles instead of leaves, its branches grow in six, and the end of its branches is always triune.

Their holy metal was silver, which is white and it presents itself in nature resembling the branches of pines. This was the branch which was called White Kun. Their religious colors were white and blue.

Addenda from Az ősműveltség(for both White and Black Huns:)

Names for God Ákos, Ékes for God the Father, Kám, Kán, Kún, Hunor for their Sun god
Symbols stone, menhirs
Animals komondor, stallion, mare, snake, shark
People Kuns, Huns, Kani people (the Babylonians called the Celts by this name), Celts, (Het, the progenitor of the Celts is an offspring of Canaan)

(3) Black Hun


There were Black-Kuns also. These were the Kuns of Atilla, who is well known in history. The White Kuns always wore white and blue garments, the Black Kuns or Huns used their black and red colors in their attire, along with dark brown.

These Black Kuns lived mostly in sandy flatlands. Their basic religious symbol was not the pointed, but the flat wedge, which looked almost like a chopped off version of the pointed one. Their most frequently used battle weapons were the battle-axe, and the mace. Wounds caused with pointed weapons heal faster than the crushed ones inflicted by the blunt-edged weapons, which never fully heal. The same damage is done by fire, poison and whips. They were also masters of poisoned and fire carrying arrows. Their holy animal was the flat faced, black and brown bulldog. Another holy animal of the Black Kuns was the wild boar. This too is brown and black and its head is a blunt-wedge.

Both the White and the Black Kuns had the cult of stone; flint was especially honored.

The White Kuns were blond and long-haired; the Black Kuns were brown or black haired and wore their hair short.

Addenda from Az ősműveltség(for both White and Black Huns:)

Names for God Ákos, Ékes for God the Father; Kám, Kán, Kún, Hunor for their Sun god
Symbols stone, menhirs
Animals komondor, stallion, mare, snake, shark
People Kuns, Huns, Kani people (the Babylonians called the Celts by this name), Celts, (Het, the progenitor of the Celts is an offspring of Canaan)

(4) Szemere


They emerged from the Magyar stock in very ancient times. As opposed to the Magyars and Kuns, they lived in a matriarchal society. The head of the family here was the woman; the children inherited their mothers’ name, but inheritance (material goods) went only to the girls. This group also used the 3-6-12 numerical system. They lived on very fertile lands with sparse trees. Even though the real Magyars were mostly fruit growers, the Szemere (pron. Semere) tilled the land and grew wheat and similar crops.

Their religious words consisted of the sz, s, z, c, cs and m, n consonants. Their holiest plant was the wheat (búza in Magyar), which they also called niza, miza, mizse. Their basic religious symbol was the eye shape, which is also the shape of the grain of wheat, but they also included the ear of wheat and the wavy line. Their holy animal was the grey pigeon (galamb in Magyar), which they called szimi or szemere. Their religious colors were yellow and light blue, which tends toward the grey more than the greenish shades.

One of their migrating branches founded the Sumerian culture in Mesopotamia, but later they came under the influence of a Turkish culture and they were finally destroyed by the Semitic Assyrians. These latter took over their entire culture, even though they greatly corrupted it.

Another holy Szemere plant was the date-palm, which also grew in the Carpathian Basin in ancient times. They called their Mother Earth, or more correctly: the poetic symbolization of her, Szemere, Szemire, Szemele. They called themselves by the same name, since they lived in a matriarchal society. Their ancient language was an opposite parallel of the Magyar, since instead the g and h sounds they preferred the sz, s, z, zs consonants. The bees had a great role in their religion. The Amazons arose from this group and became rather bellicose even though the original Szemere were peaceful agriculturalists, akin to the original Magyars.

Addenda from Az ősműveltség

God names God of the Universe: Ős (Ancestor), Úr (Lord), Sungod: Szem, Szemúr, Szemes, Szemar, Shamas, Sámson, Szimszon, Szandon
Mother Earth and Life Temise, Szemere, Tamara, Isis
Territories Sumeria. Mizraim, Miszir, Mesziri, Tamera (the ancient names of Egypt), Szimron (Samaria), East African Somalia, Malai islands: Sumatra, Sumba, Sumbaiva, Semerang. Philippine Islands: Samar
Cities In Cappadocia, Mazaka city; in Egypt, Semne and Kumne
People Szemere, in India the Tamul, in Cappadocia the Muszri, and close to it the Muszka, Moszkai people
Society Mostly matriarchal, agricultural society.

(5) Besenyő


The same opposing parallel that existed between the Magyars and the Szemere was also present between the Kun and the Besenyő. The Besenyő were matriarchal. They too counted with the six based system, something like this: One, two, three, four, five, six, one-on-six, two-on-six, three-on-six, four-on-six, five-on-six, a dozen, one-on-dozen, etc. They honored the waters and, being seafaring people, they mostly earned their living with fishing. They were a warring people like the Kuns. They also had pirate branches. The Germanic Normans learned ship-building and piracy from their northern Szabir branch, but the Normans were a lot more cruel and blood-thirsty folk. The Besenyő always lived near water: near rivers, lakes, seas, even marshlands. They also engaged in agriculture to a limited degree.

Later, toward the South, they became brown skinned, black haired and, since, according to the results of the newest excavations, mankind is 10-14 million years old, it is probable that, through over-specialization, the black African races came from them too. Their religious vocabulary was similar to the Szemere, but the m and n sounds were substituted by them with b, p, v, f (Szep, pas, vasz, víz, besz, fes, szamb, zab etc., etc.) Their most important religious symbol was the shape of the water drop called csepp, csúp, csép, which also formed their heart and kidney shapes.

Today’s well known „Magyar” motifs were created really by the Besenyő group. After the adoption of Western Christianity the symbolic meaning of these were forgotten, but they were still kept for their great beauty; they spread all over the Magyar lands and even to the non-Magyar neighbors. Their holy animals were fish and clams, the different types of octopus, and cuttlefish or sepia. As a reminder, I have to mention that the term „holy animal” in our ancestors’ culture was not the exaggerated animal cult as with the Egyptians. Another cultic animal of the Besenyő was the bözön which is mistakenly called bölény today. This animal’s Latin and German name was bison, Wisent. In antiquity, they called the mammoth bőz, bözönd, bozond, büzönd but they called it zubor and földneheze (transl.: weight of the Earth) too. They considered our Earth as a ball of water, which is scientifically correct, since even today the greater part of our globe is covered by water. In antiquity, it was even more so. Instead of Mother Earth, they honored Mother Water, whom they called Besenyő, Vizenyő, Vizanyó, names which express her watery connection. They called the Sun god Peszer, Beszer, Peter, Bátor, Petúr (these names are expressions of his strength. S.T.)

Some Besenyő groups who wandered to Italy were the Sabins, and we find in Asia the Szabir, Szibir, -- on by another name -- Tapar great people, who are remembered today mostly in the legends of our Northern relatives.

Addenda from Az ősműveltség

Anthropological character Magyar pug nosed (pisze in Besenyő Magyar), Thick lips, due to the frequent „b” and „m” sounds, Bushy hair („busa” in Besenyő-Magyar.)
Legends Besenyő The legend of Prince Csaba preceded Atilla (p.1103), and talks about the ever returning route of the comets. The legend was later adopted for King Atilla’s son Csaba.
Cities, territories, people Bosnia Pecsenyevci, inhabitants are the Pecseneg (Szokolovics Oszmán, 1957). Slavic Pecsenyegi (the Beseny were called such by them)
Bosnia earlier Bosina, Bosana
Saba Bilical country
Mecca the Kaba, or Csaba stone (Mecca’s pilgrims call it only Csaba. It is a black meteor stone with a very high iron content. The iron was the holy metal of the Besenyő.) (The original name of Mecca may easily have been Men-ka, or Mennykő, which means a stone from Heaven.)
Abyssinia Original name is Bessinia (the beginning „a” is only a definite article). The name was probably left here by the Hyksos. There is a lot of iron ore here. Their language is the Agau and the Magyar related Oromo. According to their legend they are the descendants of Queen Sheba. The story about the Queen and Solomon is a later, artificial insert.
Bess According to Strabo they came from Thrace. They live in the Balkans, with evolved iron works.
Buzovac an ancient iron mine on the ex-land of the Bess
Bessapara It is a city of Thrace in the Roman age, in Magyar it is Bessze-vára, since the Sanscrit puri, the Greek polis is only a variant of the Magyar vár Bessze, or Bessza is the name of the ancient Goddess of the Besenyő
Varbossanie Sarajevo’s old name (Bosszanya vára=castle of Bosszanya)
Bosna a river, 20 km. from Sarajevo
Byzantium hired Bessz mercenaries
Sóp this name hints to a Besenyő name
Belgium The town of Spy has many ancient cave dwellings
Csöbörcsök A Magyar city on the shores of the Black Sea Bessarabia geographic name even today
Bisanthe Rodosto’s old name on the shore of the Sea of Marmora
Byzantium The old name of Constantinople; according to a Greek legend, a man of Thrace, named Bysas founded it (not a Greek).
Bosporus According to a Greek legend, Goddess Io swam through this place in the form of a cow (bos), and Bosporus got its name from here. This „cow” may well have been a bözönd (bison), since it lives near water and is a very good swimmer. One can see many of them in the „Golden Horn” Bay of Constantinople.
Siberia The ancient Szibir, Szabar, Tapar people left their name here.
Magyarország Sopron, Moson, Veszprém, Vas, Pozsony, Pécs, Bácska. Bécs, Bács cities
Becse, Pécs these names mean a stronghold
Becskerek means a round castle.

(6) Jász


Another seafaring people was the Jász ancient group. As their name itself shows, their specific, cultic word group consisted of the following sounds: s, sz, z, zs, c, cs, but with the added j sound. Their basic words were such: jász, jáz, jacs, and their reciprocal záj, zej, or as mono-consonantal words ász, isz, ze, etc. The j sound sometimes changed to h or g sounds in their language, which formed a bridge between the languages of their relatives, the Székely and Kazár word groups.

The Jász were a typical fishing and seafaring people, even in the early days of the Carpathian inland sea, located where today’s Alföld, the lowland is found. They also worked in agriculture and animal husbandry, but they mostly grew water plants, like water chestnuts, the seeds of which are very nourishing. Their holy animal was the ancient giant deer, which resembled somewhat today’s fallow deer, with flat antlers. Later, they also bred straight horned sheep and also a large-bodied sheep, akin to today’s „racka” sheep with twisted horns. Today, only their smaller relative is around. The original racka sheep was close in size to a horse, which the Jász called jázinú. This sheep gave birth to the legends of the unicorn. Jász holy animals were the fish too, especially the one that grows to giant size, which is the ancient sturgeon, which they called jizéter. Other beloved animals were the hedgehog and one kind of butterfly, called Papilio Machon (fecskefarkú in Jász-Magyar), and, in some regions, even the bat.

I repeat: the concept of a holy animal meant only that it was embraced with love and was part of their lives and symbolism, which they never took to such extreme levels as -- for example -- the Hindus do with the cow, nor did they venerate these animals!

The main color of the Jász was black, but they also used the colors navy, white and silver; this last was also their beloved metal. Their holy plants were the clematis, the different varieties of jasmine, the maple and the edible chestnut. The stars, which were always drawn as below, or with many rays, had a very important role in their religion. Another religious symbol was the spiral.


They knew that the Sun is a star of the Universe.

They counted by the four-eight system. One of their main symbols was the four sided figure, as shown above, which can be derived by placing the flowers of clematis accordingly.

Addenda from Az ősműveltség

The other names used for the Jász Ját, Jád, Júd (see below) Philistine (see below)
Cities and geographical names Ász, Ísz, Úz
In Erdély Úzon river and town
Bible Asdod, Askalon, Jeriko, Gaza. Jordan (its original meaning is water, in Jász language). The „dan” ending is related to the names of the river Tana, Duna, etc. word-group. The ancient name of the Volga was Tana. The name Volga itself came from the Palóc vol=water. The „ton” also means continuity (folytonosság), so the name of Jordan means water-flow.
Jász territories In Poland Jat, Jatwi, Jatwich, Jatsing, Jaczving, land of the Jazving people, who after adopting Christianity were Slavicised. Today the Jász are called Jaszko and Jacko there. The Jackó family name signals Jász origin. The word Jaz means lord, high born.
Ionian Sea This was the old name of the Adriatic; today only the smaller Ionian Islands bear this name, as near Korfu.
Ionians Jon and Achaios were brothers and here we have to consider the possibility of the Jász being absorbed. Homer calles the Achaios the long-haired ones, and also a seafaring people. Only in Magyar are the words hair (haj) and boat (hajó) formed from the same word-root, along with the verb hajlik (to bend). The word for snake (kijó) belongs into this thought process too. (Translator’s remark: Medusa’s „...vipereum crinem” Virgil 6 280.= kíjó haj.)
Crete Etheokreten — it is the name of the Philistine, or Jász population
Philistines Tacitus calls these Judeos (Hist.V^2) Later they were defeated by the Jews who took over their state organization, institutions, etc. The smaller Jász population was later absorbed by the Semitic population. A governmental order of 1741 AD forbade the Jász the use of the Philistine name in Moldavia. Their city, the Forum Filistinorum became Jászvásár.
Greece Homeros calles the Greeks Achaios in his Ilias
Istria It is an old Jász settlement; the population was called Istros; they wore black garments as if in mourning (=gyász in Jász)
Jadera, Jasera this was the name in Roman times of today’s Zara
Issa The old name of Lissa. The Jász fled the Greeks to Libya and Palestine and colonized Argolis, Attica and the western shores of Asia Minor
Ionia In Asia Minor, there was an Ionia and a Sinus Iassicus
Jázon Argos Homer calls the Ionians jáz (Odyssey 18:246)
Attica its old name was Ionia and Jász (Strabo). The Greeks called the Ionian dialect Yas
Jázon This name in Jász-Magyar means walking and was the personification of the Moon
Illuria A part of Illuria was called Jas, its inhabitants the Jata; it is also called Jonika (Gyárfás)
Ionia A city in Pannonia. Its capital was Mursa, today’s Eszék.
Pelistim A name given to the Philistines by the Jews
Latin name of the Jász was Sagittarius too, so the Jász nation name was also archer (ijjász)
Greek belone, belosz (arrow, needle, javelin)
French fleche (as above)
German Pfeil (arrow)
Italian freccia (arrow)
Bible Hamorim (archer, ijjász in Jász) Amoreus, the old Hamorim, is identical with the Jász, they are a blond, blue eyed people.

(7) Székely


Close relatives of the Jász were the Székely and the Kazár groups. Other names of the Székely group were Szikul and Szikel (pronounced Sikul and Sikel). Their Szikáns (pron.: Sikan) were the matriarchal group. The Székely were also mainly shepherds. Among their religious symbols were the kacskaringo=curlicue (first drawing on the upper left) and the whirl-like symbol called örvénynext to it. Both were used by the Jász and Kazár people, too.

This whirl stood for the ancient nebulae of the developing Universe. The kusza was the symbol of the Universe and of the beginning, kezdet in their vocabulary. Its name was Kuza or Kusza (a disorganized state of matter). From this the Greek word Khaos too originated with Pelazg or Palóc pronunciation, since they also called this word kósza. The holy plants of the Székely were the grapes and the carnations (szekfű in their vocabulary). The greap leaves and the petals of carnations end in a zig-zag line. The wedge (ék) and the zig-zag (cikk-cakk in Magyar) were also part of their symbolism. A further symbol was the sickle with a zig-zag edge, which they called szike, of which the Germen Sieheloriginated. (Translator: as we see the English sickle too.S.T.)

One of their branches who moved to Italy were the Szikul of Sicily, they became Latinized during Roman times. The groups that moved not from Erdély, but from their original homeland in Transdanubia, where today’s Göcsej is located, settled in the region of Rome, later fled the Romans toward the South, and finally moved to Sicily. They were the originators of the Roman triumphal arches, the majority of the Roman architecture and decorations. The ancestors of the Roman triumphal arches were the székelykapúk (Székely gates) from county Udvarhely (not the ones from county Csík). (See their spiritual meaning in Az ősműveltség.S.T.)

Addenda from Az ősműveltség

Name of God The Great God: Ékúr,
Sungod Szikúr
Historical names Székely, Zakul, Zakur (from Kézai, Fáy Elek), Szaksza, Szakszon, Sakalasa, Sekursa, which were their patriarchal group Szikán Italy’s ancient inhabitants, their matriarchal group. They still pronounce the „r” almost as „zs” Szigin, Szigün North of Thrace (Herodotos),
Basic sounds k, g, gy, h, and s, sz, z, zs, c, cs, k
Physical appearance bearded (szakállasak) with a wedge shaped beard.

(8) Kazár


The Kazár raised sheep but they were also a warring people. They kept sheep with twisted and not straight horns. Their main religious symbol was the spiral and the Kuza (whirl), also the gúzs (which resembles a twisted rope). Their holy animal was the octopus, just as that of the Besenyő and the Jász.

Addenda from Az ősműveltség

God names In Egypt: Amon-Ra (Kos-Nap = Ram-Sun)
Ancestral father Kus, Kos (Bible), this also meant a male, a man
People Kushites of Ethiops. A Kaza group came with Árpád and some „Kus” belonged to the Huns too. Sikel originated from Ithaca island (Odyssea) Sakalasa, or sakarsa are the same as the Zakhur people of Asia Minor, according to Egyptian sources. (Sayce) The longest-surviving name of the Huns is Zakul (Kézai Gesta Hungarorum)
Countries Kus, Kushit
Cities Nap, Napata (p.1769). In Asia Minor, Al Kazar in Arabic. In Sicily, Cossyra (ezüst kos = silver ram). Sikelia hill near Athens (Freeman). In Pizídia the city and meadow of Sagalassus (Livius). Segesta, today’s Segesd in Pannonia. In Erdély, Segesvár and Segesd
Animals kacskar, or kusgar (ovis polii)
Symbology The Milky Way, or the Goddess Ancient Mother or Ancient Matter was symbolized by a white goat, the God of Ancient Force with a black goat. These symbols have existed since the Stone Age.

(9) Kabar


The Kabars’ holy animal was the goat. The Székely and Kazár religious vocabulary was based upon the k, g, gy and sz, s, z, zs, c, cs consonants; the Kabars’ vocabulary consisted of p, b, v, f and k, h, g, gy consonants. In the Kabar language, when a word started with the consonants p and b (like bak = a he goat), it always carried the concept of the masculine, as does for example the Kabar-Magyar word bika, the German Bock, the Italian becco, the Slavic bik = bull. This sequence, when turned around and the k, g, h consonants start the word, always carry the concept of the feminine. Such examples are the ancient Magyar Kapra (she goat), kebel = bosom, köböl = a vessel that is able to contain (German Kübel), since our Magyar ancestors considered every vessel that is able to contain to be feminine. The Italian word cupola also originated from the ancient Magyar language. This word originally meant an air filled object (in German the word hohl means empty), in ancient Magyar the word hupolag and today’s Finnish kupla means the same, thus verifying the afore-mentioned origin. What verifies this connection further: the Magyar and Finnish words are ancient nature words. The Latin, being a late culture word can only be a derivative of these.

The above picture explains the Kabar symbolism: no.1 line was a symbol of the masculine, no.2 the feminine and these were the basic religious symbols of the Kabars. The former was derived from the lines of goat horns, the latter carries the lines of the udder. (Here I have to mention that the word kecske was the Székely-Kazár name of the goat). Our ancestors considered singularity as masculine, the concept of pairs, or of many was feminine. On drawing no. 3 we can note that the no. 2 symbol was formed with two lines, the no.1 with only one line. In this short summary, I cannot explain the deeper meaning of all these, as I could not explain the star culture of the Jász.

The holy metal of the Kabar was the copper, and this remained in Latin as cuprum, in German Kupfer. Their holy fruit was the apricot. Another holy plant was the csicseri borsó (Cicer arietinum, chick-pea) which resembles the form of the breast (see no.2). The Italians don’t know why they call this legume cece, since in Italian the breast is called mamella. It is clear that the name of this legume came from the language of one of the Magyar ancient peoples. Another holy Kabar plant was the kabaktök (one of the gourds) and some water chestnut and related plants like the lotus. Their fruit (no.4 on the drawing) served as food too. Their stylized image is still present in folk decorations, especially on carvings and cord decorations (no.5), but their beautifully stylized images of decorations came from the pre-Christian graves (no.6). These Kabar decorations gave birth to the Eastern „arabesque” decorations, which we mostly see on copper vessels in the East, which testifies that the copper industry began with the Kabar ancient group. The goat was their most holy animal; every line of its body showed most perfectly the lines of Kabar symbolism (no.7). Here we can note that our ancestors’ symbology was not a haphazard thing, or an arbitrary construction. It was formed based on the eternal laws of Nature with these in mind and in perfect harmony with them, throughout the thousands of years of the development of their culture. Again, here I cannot go into detail. Other holy animal were the cheetah and the horned owl (füles bagoly). A few words about the cheetah: This figure gave birth to the Puss-in-Boots (Csizmáskandur) children’s story. The horned owl was the symbol of the Eternal God of Heaven; the Sun god was symbolized mostly by a dark red, copper colored he-goat. Their name for the Sun god was Bak, Bakota, Bakar (= buck and derivatives). The name Baccus came from here. His holy animal was the buck in Greek and Roman mythology, but nobody knew why.

Opposed to this deity, the symbol of femininity was Kybele of Eastern origin. We can recognize in this name the Kabar-Magyar kebel, breast, but we know that in the ancient Sumerian, gab and kablu meant breast too, kebel in Kabar-Magyar. Here I need to mention that the great golden urn of the great gold treasure found in Nagy-Szent-Miklós in the last century, which was taken to Vienna, had the decoration of a cheetah, a horned owl and some other decorations which indicate the Kabar origin. It may have later fallen into the hands of the Byzantines and the Turks, which we can guess from the later added, scratched inscriptions. This treasure is sometimes called the „Atilla treasure”. It is for certain, that this is the largest gold treasure in the world.

The large, black dung-beetle (galacsinhajtó bogár) had a great cult among the Kabars. The word bogár (bug) is clearly a Kabar cultic word, which fully corresponds with the Italian bogarazzo = Kabar-Magyar bogár. The reciprocal form of the first syllable we find in the Egyptian kepera and the German Käfer. For the ancient Kabars and their descendants, the Egyptians, this bug was the symbol of the Sun when it descended into the underworld, because it lives in a self-made hole and takes flight only during the night. The names kepera and Käfer stem from the Kabar verb kapar, keper, which means to scratch. This bug is known in Egyptian drawings as the „scarab beetle”.

Addenda from Az ősműveltség:

Names of locations Habura brook and town in Zemplén, Kaba locality in Hajdu county. Croatia: the Big and Small Kapela mountain, Dalmacia: Kaprie, Kupari, and in reciprocal Pago and Bakar, or Buccari islands. In Asia Minor: Frigia’s Kabali province, capital city Kibira, where the goddess Kybele had a large cult; the mail deity was represented by Bagaios. Kappadocia was its neighbor, by its older name Küpro, today Cyprus, which is famous for its copper mines.
Personal names Baka from 1146, Beke, Bek from 1277, Bukud, Bukul from 1237, Kaba from 1292
Features in some respects they began to resemble goats.
Kabar traces Melanesia’s ancient population are the descendants of true Kabars. The word Héber (Hebrew) originally was in connection with the Kabars. The same can be observed with the Assyrians. According to Kabar traditions surviving in some Chinese folk tales, we know that the role of the Csodaszarvas was taken over by the goat, even later by the fox with some changes in meaning.

(10) Török


Our ancient Török ethnic group (őstörzs in Magyar) did not speak today’s Turkish language. Their language at that time was much closer to Magyar. Their consonantal group contained the t, d and r, l consonants; in other words, their basic word was tur. Their holy animal was the great white bovine, also bred by them. In ancient times, these were preceded by the now extinct bovine (őstulok) of giant stature which was similar to today’s Magyar long-horns, it was short haired, not bushy like the bison. This őstulok’s Latin name was urus, in German Auerochs and Ur. These are today called bölön in Magyar, which originates from the Palóc word group. One of the variants of this animal had twisted horns which can still be seen in the Assyrian images (b. on the above picture). One of the most important ancient Török symbols was this twisted form, which is marked as a on the above picture, but as long the Kazar ancient group called this gúzs the Török name was túr, tűr. These carried important meanings as explained further in the Az ősműveltség. They called the bull túr also and the Arian languages inherited the names túr, taur, tór, tóro from them. The German Stier is also from this word group, only they attached an „s” sound to the beginning of this word. The same word contains the Magyar úr with the omission of the beginning „t”. This was the name of the Great God of the Török, while Tor, Tur or Turuk, Török, Turopa was the name of their Sun god. Mother Earth, on the other hand, was called Turán, Terenna, Türenna. The Great God was also called Urkán, Uruk and Örök (=Eternal). In ancient Magyar the word kán meant King, and the word uk or ük meant ancestor or ancient progenitor. Their ancient Mother Goddess (ancient matter) – as opposed to the ancient Father of Heaven – was called Urán, Uránna, Uranya (Urania). She was the personification of the Milky Way, since they considered the Milky Way the mother of the Sun god. This is also a scientific fact, since our Sun is one of the Milky Way’s stars.

Here we have to realize the error of the Greek legends: The Greeks, not knowing the meaning of the ancient names, mixed up the meanings. The Europa saga is the following: the Sky-God, Zeus, in the form of a bull (úr in Őstörök), took a woman named Europa swam with her to the Island of Crete, where he changed into a handsome young man and made her his own. However, it is clear that Eur-opa, or Ur-opa was the name of the Sky god, while the woman, the personification of the Milky Way, was Urania, a word which really means the starry sky and also the Milky Way in Greco-Roman mythology.

It is known that, in Mesopotamia, it was a very ancient custom to build „twisted” towers, as shown in the above drawing under the letter c. They are still called ziggurats, cikkurats, which, in the Kazár ancient word group, also meant csikart, csavart = twisted. The ancient Török name torony was adopted in many languages as torony, toron, turris, Turm = tower, and we also know that the concept of twisting, of turning, or to return comes from this ancient word group. I just briefly want to mention that the meaning of the circular flight of the Magyar holy bird, the turul = eagle is none other than the túrol, or kering (both meaning a circular flight with the vocabulary of two different ancient language groups). I have to stress on the other hand that the cord (zsinór) decoration of the Magyar attire, shown here under d is very common and this too came from the stylization of the twisted horns of bovines. The Kabar group similarly stylized the forms of the water chestnut or the horns of the goats. The same is true of the Kazár group’s cord decorations which came from the stylized form of ram horns. The Kabar, Kazár and ancient Török were also close relatives.

Addenda from Az ősműveltség

Török territories and peoples Turján, Durján, which means a dug (túrt) or, earthern castle, like Túróc, Túrkeve, Dorog, Dorozsma, in Szatmár county Túrvékonya, Túrmező; its Croatian name is Turopolje, The Etruscan goddess is Turán, Tezan – the reciprocal of her name gives the name of her people: Rét, Retenna, Razenna. The Italians call the Etruscans Toscano, Tosco and Tusco. These also have an ancient Török variation of torkán, torko, turko, török. The Italians still call today’s Turkish people by the name of Turco. The Tűrings in Tűringen are an ancient Török people and also the Sumerians who founded the city of Ur, where many bull decorations were unearthed. Dürkheim city in Bavaria sports two ox-horns placed in mirror position in its city-crest. Turinheim, Turingheim city names belong to this culture group too. The Assyrians fought against the Rutennu people. Ruthenians. Assyrian cuneiform writings tell us about a Turuki people. Egyptian writings remember a Rotennu people and in Syria they mention a Ruten country. In Asia Minor’s Lydia (country) and Lid nation, the population even today is all Török.
Buildings The ornamental facade of the church of Aegina, decorated with bull-horns, evolved from ancient idols. The elements of most of the Magyar folk decorations show Török elements. The dug-castles and earthen castles are part of their culture. The revered flower of the ancient Török, the wild rose, formed their defense structure. The Horn-castles, formed of bull-horns go back to this ancient culture. (See Az ősműveltség.)

(11) Körös


An ancient Magyar group was the kőrös. Its word group consisted of k, h, g, gy and r, l consonants. The male symbol was karó, kuró, kóró, with l pronounciation kalló (stick, bat). The symbol of the feminine was karika, kör, (hoop, circle) in other words the gyűrű (ring), which was also called in our older language győr. These kör, karika words gave birth to the names also present in the Arian languages like krikosz, Krug, Kreis, Old-German Hiring (today its faded form: Ring). But in the Mongolian and Turkish languages we find the words küren, küria = kör (circle). The churches of this Körös-Magyar group were round (kerek), with gardens (kert) encircled (bekerítve) by stones. The Arian words kürkosz, kerke, Kirche and Latin (or better Sabin-Besenyő) pronounciation: circus (cirkusz), and the korus (chorus) originated from here.(Translators’ note: the English church may well belong here, its meaning: stone circle = kő kör. In Scotland the church is called “kirk” M.B. and S.T.)

Their holy animal was the Eagle which they called kurul, karol, Károly, kerecsen, karvaly since the eagle and its related birds have a circular (körös) flight pattern and hover in this manner for hours looking (kem) for prey, which they ultimately grab. (The kem or kém words are the k pronunciation of the Szemere szem. Here they mean to look for, to spy). So these birds köröl and kurul (fly in circles). Big eagles are still called sometimes Királysas (royal eagle) and have become symbols of royalty, but the original meaning of the word király was none other than eagle. The same stands for the name Károly (Charles), which also meant an eagle, or King. So it is an error to originate the word Király (King) from the Slavic language and the name Károly (Charles) from the Germanic languages, because both had their origin in the Körös-Magyar language and originally both meant an eagle.

But the word kör (circle) also had a pronunciation with the l consonant. (The linguistic connection between the r and l consonants is well known) and the Slavic kolo = wheel, the Turkish halka = hoop and the Latin halo = circle originate from here. But the symbol of masculinity karó appears in the Slavic languages as kolac, which is identical to with the Magyar kalló = stick.

The Körös-Magyar symbolic decorations gave rise to today’s Magyar circle-decorations which are shown above. They exist in a million varieties, but their original meaning is already forgotten. I deal with this question in my Az ősműveltség.

The Slavic kolo and the Latin halo are none other than the l pronunciation of the Körös-Magyar word kör (circle), a word which also had an old form of kor, from which our word korong (wheel), like the potters’ wheel comes: it circles fast (kering, or korong).

Another holy animal of the Kőrös was the lion. Its older form was haruszlán, haraszlán, today the beginning h is omitted. Its original meaning was bellicose and strong, (harcos, erős). Its pronunciation with a deeper sound was uros, a word which was used in olden days by the Serbians as a name of Kings, but the meaning is already forgotten, even though the lion was one of the symbols of Royalty. The lion with a golden mane was a symbol of the Sun god in its fighting role as Lord of the Battle. Among the Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians and Etruscans, Heracles was called Arkal or Erkel; the Finns and Estonians called him Kaleva, Kallervo. The original name and meaning of these names is the following: Ér-kolos, Ar-kallós = a man with a club, or a stick, because in ancient Magyar and Turkish er, ar = man even today. In earlier times, the attribute followed the noun as in Hegymagas = (mountain high) high mountain. The stick was called kalló, as we have seen in connection with the Slavic Kolac = stick. We find the same in Latin also, where clava = stick, or club. We also know that Heracles was considered the God of Force, and he personified this force. He was always represented with a lion-skin cloak and a club (kalló) in his hands. Even in today’s Magyar the verb kallani = to hit, strike, beat. I mentioned the Finnish deity, Kaleva. This name is fully identical with the Latin clava = bat! In ancient Magyar the –ava, -eve affix was regularly used, and so the word kallava (kalló+ava) = kalló, ütő (a bat, or stick used for striking).

Addenda from Az ősműveltség:

National name Kőrös, Kurus, Kuruc, Kardukhoi, Kardakes, Kordiüoi, Kürtioi, Kurdish, Kurhi
People The Kőrös, Kár, or Kál, these were the most valuable elements of the Hiksos.
Territories Kária, Korazin, Koraszan, Argolis, Arkadia. The Kals in Armenia, Syria and Canaan called the greater part of Asia Minor home. Akarru (the name of Phoenicia and Northern Syria), the Kalu region. Among the islands of Peloponnesus are Karpat, Crete, Karia, Hermione, Kalidna, Argos, Orkmenos and Corinth.

(12) Avar


The Avar name originated from the ancient var, bar words with the „a” definite article preceding them. In ancient times, this was always used after the word as a suffix. Our present day’s definite articles were once suffixes. Under foreign influence, the Avars began to place these at the beginning of the word, which is contrary to the spirit of the agglutinative languages but, through them, it became a part of the Magyar language.

Our Avar group honored fire. Their mythical father, the Sun god was the God of fire at the same time. His name in their language was Bar, Barata, Parapa, Varuk or Barisa. They used the now so-called St. Andrew’s cross as their symbol of fire (no.1 on the drawing), while the symbol of the Sun was the circle into which they placed such crosses, as drawing no.2 shows.

Their language consisted of p, b, v, f and r consonants. Their most ancient stratum was the Barkó, as we call them today, who live in the Felvidék (Magyar Uplands), near the Palóc people. It is from them that the Parthians -- who ruled Persia for a long time -- originated and the Hyksos, who ruled Egypt for 250 years, who also honored the fire. The holy colors of the Avars were red and yellow, the color of fire. Their holy metal was copper, but they were the inventors of bronze too. It is for this reason that, on ancient bronze vessels, we find the St. Andrew’s cross within a circle (no.2). The name of bronze in the Avar language was boron-oz, which originally meant fiery or red, because originally this probably meant only copper, since this is red and can be extracted with the help of fire from its mineral base. The reason the symbol of fire was a cross, was because this symbolized the two sticks with which the first fires were started by rubbing them together.

The Avars had an advanced cult of flowers (virág in Avar-Magyar), especially the flower of the cultivated carrot-like plants, which have four petals, are cruciform (no.3) and yellow in color. The carrot and its family are all yellow or red, some varieties are red on the outside and yellow on the inside.

They called the fire: bar, par, pür. From this base, several words were derived in Magyar and also the Arian languages, at the time of their formation. Just a few examples: the avar words: piros, vörös, parázs, pörköl and forró are present in the German Brand = burn, Greek pür = fire, Italian bragia = embers, Slavic variti = to boil, solder, przsiti = to scorch. Moreover, the Magyar virág (flower), répa (carrot) and the German Rübe, Italian rapa = répa (carrot) come from this stem. The holy trees of the Avars were also the pine trees, especially the juniper.

They too counted with the four-eight system, so they used to represent the stars with four or eight tips, not like the Jász, but as drawing no.4 and 5 shows.

The Avars considered the sparks of fire as the seeds of fire and symbolized them as tiny St. Andrew’s crosses, and they also used to fill the circle representing the Sun with the same tiny crosses (fig.6). Since life, the energy of life, was considered fire which originated from the Sun, which corresponds with reality, they wanted to represent it with such Sun-disks. According to them, the sparks of life, the seeds of life come from the Sun to Earth.

Addenda from Az ősműveltség:

National names Barkó, Avar, Várkun, pre-Arian Persian, Parthians, Parsi, Peres, Farsi, Partini (the ancient inhabitants of the Adriatic region) (Dio Cassius: Historia Romana, Hamburg, 1750.fol. Lib.XLI., cap.49, pg.293), Parthim (Strabo) people were inhabitants of this same region, Obri (the Slavs call the Avars by such a name.)
Names Bordan, Friapát, Partamazir, Prahat, vagy Frahat, Prahatak Parthian Kings, Franaspat Parthian leader. Pár, Partini, Arab (this is not the same as today’s Arabs, as the Semite word too belonged originally to the Szemere-Magyar group and had nothing to do with the Semites.)
Settlements Baranya, Persia, Parthia, Faristan, Persepolis, Veretragna, Firdusi, Barzue, Partus, Farrursi, Fraortes, Bardija, Varanes, Baram, Barviz, Dalmácia (2917), both the shores of the Adriatic.
Cities Parád, Perk, Perkáta, Párkány, Börzsön, Borsod, Bereg, Obrovac near Zára (Obrovazzo in Italian), Bar, today’s Antivari, Budva, Sinus Avaricus, Páros, or Fárosz, today’s Lesina, or Hvar, Bar (castle and city), Antivari in Italian, the Hyksos castle of Avaris, which ruled over lower Egypt; its other name was Hauar (2926), and this is the same as the Dalmatian name of Hvar city. Another Avar city was Saruhan (it corresponds with the Magyar Sárkány = dragon). The Nabateans also had a city by the name Avar on the shore of the Red Sea, which too changed to Hauara later. Vetvár, or Védvár, Vízvár in Óbuda.

(13) Palóc


The Palóc was another group that honored fire. The mysterious, pre-Greek inhabitants on the Greek Peninsula were the Pelazgians, further on in the North the Váls, Lives and the majority of the Polish people. A part of these are of Jász = Jazvig origin and they were Slavicized only linguistically. This happened mainly during the time of the adoption of Christianity, even though the Vals became Germanized.

One of the Palóc cultic word-groups was the same as that of their Avar relatives, but the Palóc pronounced the consonant l instead of the Avar r. Words of masculinity were created with beginning p, b, f consonants: pál, bál, fál; words of femininity began from the opposite end, with the consonant l: lap, lab, lav, laf. The vowels of course could change. They symbolized masculinity with a stick, a rod, which the people still call bálvány = gerenda (beam). Femininity on the other hand was symbolized by a flat surface. Singularity was considered masculine, the many, or the pair as feminine.

The name of their Sun god was Bál, Bél, Pál, Pelopa or Balisa. It is known that, according to Greek legend, the ancestor of the Pelazgian people was Pelops, and the Peloponnesus peninsula was named after him. Their Mother Earth was called Valona, Velenyő, Levenyő, Livona, Libonya or Lavnya, even though it was based on the l-v word form, but with a feminine ending syllable.

They too had a great plant cult like the Avars, but their holy trees were mostly the nyár (poplar), hárs (linden tree) and jegenye (tall, narrow growing poplar). They also called the latter pálma, as the Palóc people still do.

An important religious symbol of the Palóc was the two-branched fork-form, which they still call vella. This too was their symbol of the feminine concept. This word is in close connection with the verb válik (to separate, separate into two) and the word half, and especially with the word völgy (valley). From this latter sprang the Latin-Italian vallis-valle = völgy (valley) too.

Their sacred animals were the gólya (stork), the hattyú (swan), the liba (goose), and also the lepkék (butterflies) and the firefly (szentjánosbogár), which they also call even today villáncsó. Brehm also mentions this name, which is clearly of the Palóc word group. Their edible plants were mostly the leafy cabbage and spinach-types (laboda-féle). The words levél (leaf), lapi (leaf), lapú (burdock) and lapos (flat) are all Palóc words.

Addenda from Az ősműveltség:

Names for God One God: Bál, Pál, Balota, Balisa, Pelopa, Balkán. In Scythia: Pál. Ál, Él, El was Sun god: Pál, Bál, Balota, Pelopa Pallas-Athena (Goddess of Athens, with a spear in her hand.)
People Pál, Polovc, or Palaúc, Palaste, Pelesta, Pelazg, Faliszk and Fál people in the West and Ost-Fália, Flemish, Walloons, Belgians and Lapps. In Italy the Faliskus people. The Germans call the Italians who live in their southern valley Welsch. In Northern Dalmacia were the Liburns. Líves were (between Russia and Poland), the Pól people (today: Polish).
Territories Peloponnesus, or Pelazgia got its name from Pelops, or Pel-apa (Father Pel) from the Pelazgian people; Palestine, Livonia, West and Ost-Falia and Belgium, are Flemish territories; Livonia, or Livland, Poland (or Polska), Plock, Lublin. Volhinia, Fellin, Poltava, Polangen, Liban, Pilten, Vilna, Vilkomir, Valk, Veleni, Velje, Volmar, Polozk, Valdan, Veliz, Bolhar, Plakia (Hellespontos).
Holidays The raising of Balázsfa, Balogfa, raising of a mast on May 1st, or the May-tree at Pentecost.

(14) Pannon


The Pún or Pannon, were a very ancient sea-faring people. Also known by the names Vend, or Venéd, they were already considered ancient at the time that the Alföld – the lowland of the Carpathian Basin – was still a sea, and when the Dunántúl (Transdanubia) was still a chain of islands.

This region was called Pannonia even in Roman times. With the arrival of Christianity, this nation forgot most of its traditions. The people called themselves Magyars, even though linguistically the majority of them adopted a Slavic language.The area calls itselfVendeven to this day. The branch that spread toward Italy considers itself Italian but still uses the Venét name. Venice, or Venetia and its surrounding population stemmed from them. Their sea-faring branches that drifted far were the Phoenicians or Főnük, also known as Pún. Once settled in the arid, mountainous, Arabian lands, they mingled increasingly with Bedouin-type Semitic peoples, and finally became Semiticized themselves. Even so, traces of their ancient culture survive, since later conquerors adopted a great deal of it.From the earliest of times, the Pun/Pannon were also busy with commerce.Their commercial routes evolved naturally from fishing routes, extending first into the Carpathian Sea (which filled the Alföld), then later into the Adriatic and other seas as well.

The Puns' basic religious symbol was the slightly convex, lentil-shaped disk.This was their Sun-symbol; it was made of gold.

They called this disk in their own language pen, penéz, pún (the –ez or éz syllables filled the role of the Magyar az definite article). Today the Magyar word pénz is erroneously derived from the Latin pensio. It is an erroneous theory since an ancient nature word cannot be derived from a culture word, which the Latin pensio is, meaning a rent or some dependency. The Magyar word pénz still means some disk shaped object, even the scale of a fish. Is it not also impossible that the Germanic penning, penni, Pfennig and even the Chinese fen were all derived from the Latin pensio, since all these words mean a penny, or money? In the Pannon language, nub or náp meant gold, which is the same as the Magyar word Nap = Sun (all reciprocals of Pan). They called their Sun god Nap, Napata, Ban, Bán, Pán, Főnük etc., while their Mother Earth was called Panna, Panona, Vanna, Venussza.

Their holy and most important food sources were the different leguminous plants (beans, lentils). First among them were the lentil-shaped ones, first of all the one that was about the same size as their usual currency, a golden legume called lupinus in Latin, which is still widely grown in Italy. As is evidenced by the afore-mentioned words, the word-group of the Pannons consisted of the p, b, v, f and m, n consonants. Their holy tree was the pine, mostly the one growing very pleasant tasting and nourishing seeds; its Latin name is Pinus pinea. The crown of this tree is like a huge lentil (picture no.1). The Magyar word fenyő belongs into the same Pún word group as the Latin pinus = fenyő. Their holy flower was the red poppy called pipacs. But there are beautiful, golden yellow poppies in the Adriatic region and on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. All ancient Magyar word-groups contained monosyllabic, equal consonantal words, like the words pip, pap, púp. The Latin name of the poppy is papaver. The Magyar word for bean is bab; but even the German Bohne = bean is a most authentic representative of the Pún word-group.

Their holy bird was the Golden bird (Aranymadár) of Magyar folk stories, also the Phoenix bird of Greek and Egyptian legends, which is the same as the Fung bird of Chinese tradition. All these names belong to the Pún word group. The Pannons, like other Magyar word groups, pronounce the n sound as ng and nd on the end of the word. The Golden Bird, which is also called the Firebird (Tűzmadár) in some legends, belonged to a category of the Bird of Paradise (the raven family) which had golden yellow and red, sparkling, metallic plumes (the Magyar word fény = light is also a Pun word). It was able to spread its tail like a fan, akin to today’s peacock. Its relative, which still survives in the Carpathian Basin, although a lot smaller and not as beautiful, is the bird called Babuka (note the even number of consonants as in the Latin upupa = babuka bird). For this reason, we know that this Golden bird was the symbol of the Sun god. It is from this name that the following bird names came: the Magyar páva (also like the Pún, with even numbered consonants since p and v: are interchangeable), the Latin pavo, the German Pfau, and the Slavic paun = peacock.

The Pannons or Púns were masters of sailing, dyeing of fabrics especially with red. Yellow and red were their holy colors. In Finnish and Estonian punane = red. They were also masters of glass works. It is known that this was also the case with the Phoenicians, or Púns and, even today, the inhabitants of Venice are famous in this art, in other words the Venetes too were known for their glass industry, and they were also sea-faring people. They also dealt in commerce. They always colored the sails of their boats red or yellow with the bark of the pinia pine which gives a red sap! This method of coloring also had a very useful side, since the tannin of this sap preserves the materials from rot. It is known that fishermen of the Magyar Lake Velence dyed their sails red or yellow even recently. However, because of the motorization of boats, the sails slowly disappeared.

Addenda from the Az ősműveltség:

Pannon territories Pannonia, Venetia, Viennese lowland, which was also called Vindobona, the southern parts of Austria, parts of Slovenia, Slavonia and Macedonia’s Peon people.
Cities In the Bay of Cattaro, where the most color producing clams are found, lie Perasto, Perzagno and Kumbor are located. Scagliari was the center of the ancient Phoenician color industry.

(15) Szolim


A close relative of the Szemere was the Szolim or Szarmata group. Their word group consisted of s, sz, z, zs, c, cs and l, r consonants, but the m and n consonants may also have been added. One of their groups may have had a role in the pre-Semitic age of Palestine. Their holy plant was the szőlő, (grape), which was also a part of the Székely culture. Their Holy animal was the dove, which they called szalamb, szallambó or szállam, from which the Semitic words: szelam, szálem (shalom) = blessing or peace originated. It is also clear that the Magyar word szellem (spirit) is connected to this name of the dove, since both the spirit and the dove can fly. The same close connection is between the word szél (wind) and flight (száll). In German the word for soul is Seele.

The dove is still the symbol of peace and a loving spirit of love. As it is part of written history, Jerusalem was founded by the Szolim group, and as they were a peaceful people, the Semites easily defeated them. Jerusalem’s old name was Ur-Szolime. The word ur, or (another form örű) meant in ancient Szolim-Magyar a kör, karika, kerítés and város (circle, a hoop, a fence and a city). Jerusalem was also called the „city of doves”. In the great church of Jerusalem, doves were sold on goddess Saloma’s holiday and, after the doves were paid for, they were set free in honor of the goddess of universal love and peace. The later sanguinary people preserved this custom, but it was their custom to shoot at the doves that were set free, with arrows, in our days with guns. The Jewish King, who rebuilt this church, adopted the name Salamon, or Szalamon and historians remark that he was a „peace loving” person. The Sun god of the Szolim was Aba-Sallon (Absalon) which means: a shiny-father, shining man, but this word sallon or zallon also carried the meaning of gold. The Russian word for gold: zoloto sprang from here. (I mentioned the suffix –on earlier). We know that „long, golden hair” was attributed to Salamon (Solomon) by the Bible. This large, golden hair is none other, than the symbol of the rays of the Sun. The legend of Absalon’s flight is explained in my Az ősműveltség, now I just want to mention that, later, Jesus’ flight has also become a living folk legend.

We know from the Bible that the symbol of the land of Canaan was a „large bunch of grapes”, Canaan was characterized by grapes. I mentioned earlier that one of the Szolim holy plants was the grape. The word szőlő clearly comes from the Szolim language: sz-l. The Szolim city of Sziló was famous for growing grapes. In the language of the Moldavian Csángó-Magyars sziliú = szőlő meaning grapes. The famous Transdanubian wine growing region is Zala; its popular name even today is Szala. In Roman times, there was the city of Sala (Szala) in this spot (Kiepert: “Atlas antiquus). The Magyar people call a certain type of grape even today by the name szala. Zolna (a city’s name) is the name of the solanum-type, round fruited plant. (The data are endless, but I cannot quote all due to the restraints of this paper.) The word sallon once meant shiny or sparkling. People still mention this word in connection with gold: „salgó arany”, or „sajgó arany” (shiny gold).

Addenda from Az ősműveltség

Names of God and ancestors Silen, the teacher of Bacchus, Sun god Szól (=speaks), Szór (=scatters, like the rays or his words), Szár (= yellow shine of gold).
People Szarmata (Sarmatians).
Place names Soloeis, Soloencia, Zeliz, or Azila, were derived from our word for szőlő. (In a legend Heracles kills a monster of the wine gardens by the name of Syleus), Silon in Canaan is a wine growing country. Soloencia, Solous, In Cyprus and Sicily there are the cities of Soli. Jerusalem was founded by the Solim people, its old name is Ur-Szolime.Canaan’s symbol is a huge bunch of grapes. In the region of Torontál is the town Szeleus, Zala county and town, (correctly: Szala), In Erdély stood the city of Sarmisegetusa in Roman times, with a meaning: the Island of the Szárm.

(16) Marmar


According to signs, there existed one more ancient Magyar group, with a vocabulary of m-l, m-r, n-l, n-r consonants. Since the m consonant is related to the b, I believed earlier that these words belonged to the Palóc group (b-l), and did not pay enough attention to the m-r or n-r words. Still it is possible that an ancient group by the name of mal, malon or malaj, or maran, marata, ram, rom or marmar once existed. Out of this ancient group’s name, the Egyptians have derived their own Romeszú name and possibly the Gypsies their Rom name. The name of Rome was derived from this word-stem and also the Roman God of Battles, even though in reciprocal form as Mars. The more ancient Marmar name, too, is in this reciprocal form. For Magyars this name remained in the Carpathian geographical name Mármaros or Máramaros as a region and county name.

The nation name Malai is believed to mean a wanderer and seafaring, but I can demonstrate that for example the Palóc, or Pelazg, the Pannon or Vend and the Jász or Jón or Ijon national names had this meaning of wanderer, walker. The z-r sound change is known to all linguists, so the old -on suffix (like Ugron = ugró), in the Jász name’s jázon form means a walker, a wanderer. Jázon in Greek mythology also meant someone who traveled or sailed far.

I will mention briefly the meaning of the word méz (honey), which has mel, mal alternatives in many languages meaning sweetness or honey, which we also find in the words málna (raspberry) and málé (made of germinating cereal grains thus rendering it mállasztott = tender and sweet, thus creating the csiramálé) food. This word group also means tenderness, or soft, sticky, mud like materials, which can also be likened to honey. In Italian melma means such a material and mud too, its perfect reciprocal is the German Lehm = mud, Leim = glue, and the Italian limo = mud (in French the word “miel” means honey. M.B.)

Today’s slightly corrupted word enyv, is in a more ancient correct form enyű = a sticky, malleable material and softness. This is expressed in the word enyhe (mild), where the m consonant is replaced by the n. Since reciprocity of words was one of the laws in ancient Magyar, and this does not exist in the Arian languages, it is clear that the reciprocal m-l and l-m words must have originated in our ancient language. The latter may have formed the feminine words of the Marmar group, like the one pronounced with an n in leány = girl, which also corresponds to the word lánc = chain since a chain consists of a row of rings, ancient symbol of the feminine. The word lanyha = mild belongs here too, with an n consonant, while the Finnish laimea = mild is pronounced with an m consonant.

Opposed to these, the r word group must have been words of masculinity. This is shown through the name of Mars or Marmar, name of the Lord of Battles. One can also mention the following: the god Mars was honored as a marcona, mord (grim) god. In German, morden = to murder, in Latin mors = death, in Italian mordere = to bite. The reciprocal of these words is rém, rémes = frightful. One can line up here a word which signals fear, the Marmar-Magyar remeg, which carries the same meaning as reszket and rezeg (to tremble, to shake).(Translator’s note: the English murder belongs in this category too.)

Considering that shaking also means a wave-like motion, to and fro, this reminds us of the Sea of Marmora. Márványos, the Italian marmorato: both mean wave-like decorative lines. The waves are energy, so they are a masculine concept. So it is reasonable to consider the mentioned words with r consonant as masculine. We can also mention here the word réz = copper, even though this belongs into another word-group, it is identical with the word rezeg; we very well know (and our ancestors knew it well too) that copper resonates very well, and for this reason bells and gongs were always made of copper. The exact identity of the word réz = copper and rezgés = vibration, shows that they knew that the sounds are vibrations. I also mentioned that the words rezgés and remegés (trembling) are identical. Behold: in Italian rame = copper, even though it is not known what this word has to do with the Marmar remegés = trembling, or vibrations, or the sounds.

All these are tiny particles taking from mankind’s most ancient culture without proofs, but even their logic lets us glimpse onto the magnificent whole. But where is the description of our ancestors’ beautiful spiritual culture including in this their moral tenets, poetry, art and society? We can see, or are reminded, that there is no mention of technology, or machines, only spiritual matters. The reason for this is: our ancestors’ culture was a spiritual culture. The first machine on the other hand was comprised of the two sticks, which when rubbed together were the beginning of igniting a fire for the ancients.

Addenda from Az ősműveltség:

Name Marmar. Derivatives the Marmarids, Mauris, -- the Merid Berbers, Moors, Mordva, or Mordvin people, the Maoris, the Malai people, the Malgas people of Madagascar, the Egyptian Romesu, the Moravians.
Territories Marrakesh, Melilla, Morocco, Rome, and the name of her founders, Romulus and Remus. Martu (the ancient names of Syria and Palestine), Vörösmart.
Names of God Molok, or Moloh the Sungod and the God of Fire; human sacrifices in his honor began with the Semitic age. Mar, Marah, Mart, Mars God of Battles, today the names Márk, Márton (Mark and Martin) names are their identicals.

An excerpt of page 449. of Az ősműveltség explains the connections of these sixteen ancient Magyari groups further: Here I have to emphasize that these ancient groups are not identical with today’s political units with the same names, but are the witnesses of the beginnings of our human evolution according to the above grouping. Their word-roots signal the quality of their environment (hill, mountain, or watery, etc. regions), the foods and objects of their sustenance, but before anything else, the name of God in their own vocabulary. The name of the Lord of All was always monosyllabic, like the word Ég for the Magyars. The name of the Sun god, who participated in creation, was always bi-consonantal, like the Magyar Mag, Lord of the Seeds. These concepts were carried bydifferent consonants according to their own organic connection with the world, but everyone understood these words, names and language.


The life and language of our Magyar ancestors developed at the time of the evolution of human life, according to the possibilities of the territories in which they lived within the Carpathian Basin, and it is from here that their further development can be observed too. For this reason, each of these ethnic groups carried with them the bases of a certain occupation, influenced by their geographic location. After continuing this occupation, holding on to the same culture and language, it also became part of their DNA. It is for this reason that, if we want to learn from what kind of an ancient past a certain people emerged, what their talents were, based upon this early beginning, we have to look for their ancient ethnic roots. This can be easily achieved with the help of the ancient ethnic linguistic map developed by Adorján Magyar almost a hundred years ago. Consequently, our question should never be, to what race or language family this or another people belong. The valid question is: which ancient ethnic components are part and parcel of their development?

When the time came for some of them to leave the ancient homeland of their development, the entire nation did not leave, only a part of a few ethnic groups. Such migrations usually came about by the pressures of overpopulation or geographic, and climatic conditions. When they reached new territories, their original organic language use became modified, but they took along the spiritual and mental treasures which they had acquired during their human development, and their physical characteristics, since they were embedded in their DNA.

The linguistic traits of these ancient ethnic groups (I am using ethnic for lack of a word which describes the concept of őstörzs – lit. ancient stock -- closer) goes deeper then in the surrounding Indo-European languages. Without striving toward a full explanation, I will mention only some essential differences between the two, the ones that are missing from the non-Magyar languages.

  1. The law of reciprocity of words
  2. The difference between ancient nature words and culture words is not taken into consideration when trying to find language relatives, even though without these the source of transference cannot be established.
  3. The role of vowels in modulating feminine and masculine concepts
  4. The word-root is ignored even though it carries within itself the topography of the region where the language developed, the possibilities therein, which, when it sends out roots, will develop the organic language, which is in contact with its environment.
  5. The word-root reflects the occupation of people within their environment
  6. The topography determines the circumstances of its society
    1. the peaceful, settled, creation oriented society of the Mag (seed) people.
    2. the wandering, fighting life of the ones who adhere to the Kun/Hun principle.
    3. the Szemere society’s evolution which is created between two foci.

I will just mention these three basic culture forming principles and practices.

These ancient beginnings formed and balanced the characteristics of their DNA which can still be found and used as a guide toward a fulfilled life.

If we want to learn to know the people of a country, or their language, we have to familiarize ourselves with their ancient ethnic (őstörzsi) components with the help of their vocabulary. We ask ourselves: Which came from the ancient ethnic groups which are represented in their language, to what extent, and which ethnic group left the most significant trace? Here are some examples one can find in the English language through some of the following words:

Szemere (sun, son, summer, etc.) – the words of shine, light
Palóc (love, life, lip, liver, etc.) – words of the soul, life, flutter
Avar (bur, burgh, brown, etc.) – material strongholds
Besenyő (water, base, basket, beauty, etc.) – a watery beginning, beauty
Kun (cane, canal, candle, stb.) – masculine concepts of forging ahead

Summing up the ancient word roots within a language, one can establish which are a people’s natural gifts, inclinations and talents were preserved, and what future can be built based upon these talents. Considering that agricultural societies possess the basis of a peaceful development and, for this reason, their material surplus permits them to spread beyond their borders and discover new lands, so maybe one can find the traces of the peaceful, agricultural Szemere most often and the peaceful, new empires which were built resting on these ideals. Contrary to the Magyar mag (round seed, kernel) philosophy of life, the oval base of the Szemere (like a grain of wheat) has two foci, which permitted them to develop a focus in their homeland within the Carpathians and another one in any of the given territories at a distance from their homeland. There they developed new empires, but their society always remained in organic contact with their base culture by sending groups of people to renew their connection with their origins. I may liken this process to the present day immigrants who like to go and visit their roots on other continents or countries, with the difference, that these visits now are on an individual scale, while in the above example, large groups of people took to the roads to return home.

Today we ask frequently: Why was I born? What is my task in this life? Individuals and societies labor with this question. The ancient heritage can give us a satisfactory answer which also brings happiness to the seekers. Armed with this knowledge all people can arrange their affairs with more wisdom, based upon the ancient images locked within their DNA. In this way, every people can find themselves within their own past with the help of this ancient language and when people find similar ancient traits in one another, a good basis for brotherhood is also assured.

In the past the existence of an amphibian humanity was ridiculed but it is now considered as a reality by science. For example: Mitch Sogin, a biologist at the Massachusetts Woods Hole Marine Biology lab, startled the scientific world recently, when he announced that his genetic research proves that the basis of animal life is to be found among the sponges. He found in the DNA of sponges the gene that is common to all animals. He came to the conclusion, that the sponge was the first animal to contain in its DNA the possibility of a developing life.“ “All animals follow the same blueprint” – from the simplest organism to man. (Transl.: S.T.) http://www.pbs.org/kcet/shapeoflife/explorations/bio_sogin.html

One of the strongest witnesses to our ancient presence in the Carpathian Basin is our independent writing. In the great job of resurrecting this writing, Adorján Magyar was among the first dedicated people. These days, it is Klára Friedrich and her husband Gábor Szakács research scientists and dedicated teachers who achieve splendid results under very difficult circumstances. Adorján Magyar – interestingly – found the strongest validation of our ancestral presence among the numerical runic signs. Even though the Etruscan numerical signs mostly correspond with the Magyar signs, they do not follow the ancient hand/finger based pattern.

Editor's note: The origional Hungarian version of this excerpt also appeared in Magyarságtudományi füzetek, vol. 13, Budapest, 2011. (below)


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