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The Early Hungarians - Notes


1. We have reverted to the Aryan term, following the practice of many scientists, who prefer it because its meaning is 'Men' (Wiro, Vir, Ar, Ur) in most of the European languages (cf. P 130 p. 115).

2. The double racial origin of the Hungarians is first mentioned in the Lacin language work of the sharp-eyed historian Deseritzky who said: "Hunnos Magoresque gentem robustissimam et populosissimam partim ex Japhet per Magog, partim ex Cham per Chus turn vero Nemrothum fuisse propagatam et in unum coaluisse" (P 092 p. 79).

3. The head-shape is indicated by the cephalic index (CI). It is given in percentage ratio (100) with the skull-width (W) and its greatest length (L), from front to back, seen from above the head: CI= 100 X (W:L). When its CI is 80.00 or more, the cranium is round, short or brachy-cephalic. When CI is 75.00 or less, the cranium is long or dolychocephalic. Between these two ranges are the meso-cephalic or medium-headed elements.

4. E. Pittard: «Il me semble de plus en plus évident que les invasions avares et magyares, qui apparaissent de beaucoup comme les plus importantes, ne sont que deux

5. E. Pittard noticed the strong concentration of shortheaded Aryans in the Ancient Near-East. He said: "En Asie, par exemple, parmi les peuples divers que l'on a appelés les Aryens, et qui ont laissé le souvenir de grandes civilisations, il y a beaucoup de brachycéphales, d'Aryen brachycéphales" (P 103 p. 29).

6. It is important to keep in mind that, when our historical sources mention the "dark" complexion of Kush, they do not always use this word in a literal sense as 'black', but rather as opposed to white. — Further, the Kush must not be confused with Negroes, who are either a distinct race, or a product of the jungle. Schuré insists upon this and says: «Il faut en chercher le type supérieur non pas dans le Nègre dégénéré, mais dans l'Abyssinien et le Nubien, en qui se conserve le moule de cette race parvenue à son apogée» (P 114 p. 42).

7. In the first millenium A.D., almost every Eastern-Euro-pean nation had some brownish-darkish complexioned ethnie elements in their physical make-up. There were white and dark Huns, white and dark Bulgars, white and dark Ugors, white and dark Chasars. It is surprising that this all-important historical fact escaped the attention of scientists, who persisted in believing that the adjectives White and Dark, when employed in historical sources, in connection with ethnic names, would signify the basic points: East and West, i.e. the geographic position of the respective peoples. This is, of course, a misinterpretation.

8. Chronicler Simon de Kéza accurately reflects the general feeling of Hungarians against the dark coloured population by saying: "Gentes siquidem in eadem (i.e. in Scythia) procreate otia complectuntur, vanitatibus de-dite, nature dedignantis actibus venereis intendentes, rapiñas amant, generaliter colore plus nigre quam albe" (P 120 I p. 252).

9. Former linguists and historians were inclined to consider the Kush population as of Old Turkish extraction. It was, however, impossible to find a fitting Turkish branch, or to determine the specific geographic area where contacts between Hungarians and Turks might have taken place. Above all, the beginning of the Kush-Hungarian relations antedates the existence of any Turkish people. Therefore, the idea of early Turkish-Hungarian connections had to be abandoned (see Prof. Benko in P 009 p. 50).

10. The same opinion was expressed in a most recent German language publication by Ferenc Kemény: "(Dass) das Ungarische einerseits allen eurasischen Sprachen als Grundlage gedient hat, andererseits eine echte Ursprache ist, deren Ursprung aus dem heutigen Bestand derselben eindeutig erklaert werden kann (P 078 p. 115; see ibiden pp. 50, 61).

11. That Hungarian is an Aryan tongue par excellence, was stated time and again by a number of linguists; most emphatically be Kristóf Lukácsy, who said this: "When I say that Hungarian belongs to the Aryan class of languages, I am summarizing the results of my investigations of several years, conducted in the field of Hungarian linguistics and antiquities" (P 092 p. 199).

12. "Aryan is the terminus technicus describing one of the great language-groups extending from India to Europe" (P 038; see also P133 and P 132). - Formerly, by mistake, the European languages were collectively classified as Aryan. But their names do not include the distinctive vocable Ari. Their kinship is based only upon the word-stock present in their substratum. — For the Aryan term, see also P 091 pp. 27-30; and Encycl. Britannica, ed. 1947, t. II p. 494.

13. "Ihm (Illitch-Switytch) war es gelungen, das System der Lautentsprechungen zwischen den indoeuropäischen, den uralischen, den altaischen... der khartweli-schen, den hamito-semitischen und den dravidischen Sprachen zu erkennen. Diese Lautentsprechungen beziehen sich auf Hunderte von Wortwurzeln einer eura-sischen Ursprache deren man die Bezeichnung 'nostra-tisch' oder 'boreisch' gab, — writes Dolgopolski in his German language account (P 042). — See also the Hungarian complement to this study by Gy. Hary in Valóság (Budapest, October 1976, p. 177). - Dolgopolski continues thus: "Als Urheimat der boreischen Sprache, kommt nach allem, was wir heute wissen, der Raum von Indien, und von Kaukasien bis zum Persischen Golf, in Frage." - "Die boreische Sprachgemeinschaft muss demnach in der mittleren Steinzeit, vor Beginn der Jungsteinzeit, bestanden haben..." (P 042).

14. «Le nom du peuple Aryen reste jusqu'à présent sans explication certaine» (P 091 p. 75).

15. Bird-headed statuettes have been found in ancient Mesopotamia already from the time of the Flood (P 006 I p. 56). In Hungary too, bird-headed bone-sticks have been found on several sites (P 050 p. 258).

16. Most of the Oriental place - and ethnic names with a Hungarian meaning have been collected from the following five publications: P 013; P 021; P 024; P 044; and P 085. Some others were found in the works of Herodotus, Dauzat, Uxbond, Saks, etc.

17. Toppeltinus: "...etiamnum vocantur Magori. Ingens populus et ipsi armorum gloria inclytum regnum possi-dent" (P 092 pp. 98, 203).

18. L.A. Waddell comments Barat-Varsha thus: "The Land of the Barats (Barat Varsha) a name synonymous with 'Barat Ana' or 'Land of the Barats', which I have proved to be the original form of the name 'Brit-Ain' as given to Albion about 1100 B.C. by... the same Aryan race of Barats... who civilized India and the Ganges valley" (P 132 bis p. 10); see also the entry under 'Barata Varsha' in P 044).

19. "They called it /Egypt/ the land of Mezor ( = Magyar) and the land of Cham / = Kush/ from their two ancestors, which the Greek rendered Mesora and Chamia" (P 023 p. 298). — The same idea is expressed in the following quotation "Throughout the early dynastic period and the Old Kingdom /of Egypt/ Set (= the dark ruler ) and Horus (the Aryan ruler) are represented as the two patron-deities of the Monarchy" (John Van Saters, The Hyksos, London 1966 p. 98).

20. The transliteration of carved signs into Roman characters is usually done 1. with capital letters for the graphically expressed sounds; and 2. with small characters for the sounds supplied by the decipherer. And 3. in our transliterations a dot is inserted between the elements of every combined sound-sign. 4. The omitted consonants or words are given in parentheses (), while 5. the broken-off and missing signs are in brackets /.../.

21. The word Pogány 'Pagan' originates from the Latin Pagus 'Village' and Paganus 'Villager', signifying 'People living in the countryside.' In the Middle Ages, the same word was, however, used in a pejorative sense to say 'uneducated, backward, despicable', especially when speaking of non-Christian people. The alternative word for Pagan is Heathen. It is probably derived from the Old Hungarian word Héth 'Seven', a shortened from of the expression 'Follower of the Seven Great Gods.'

22. Hungarian chronicles preserved the memory of the cruel treatment King St. Stephen inflicted upon Thonuzoba who "stubbornly adhering to his beliefs, was unwilling to become a Christian, and was buried alive with his wife" (P 120 I p. 117). A similar cruel punishment was imposed upon a woman, Raski by name, who was prominent in a heathen uprising: "(She) was captured by the very Christian King Béla and confined in prison until she ate her own feet, and also died in the same place" (P 120 I p. 398). Persecutions of adherents to the old faith continued until about the middle of the XHIth century, the last dreaded inquisitor having been Johannes Theuthon (+1252), commissioner of the Holy See to several Central European states (P 047).

23. King Saint Stephen mentions in his gift-charter granted to the nuns of Veszprém-Valley: "Ibi stat meta lapidea, que volgo Baluan vocatur," "There stands a boundary-stone, called Idol by the local population." ― Similarly, King András I ordered in his edict of 1047: "Falsos deos abrogare et Simulacra demoliri", "to suppress the false gods and to destroy the idols" (P 082 p. 367).

24. A witness who attended a meeting of wise-men, testified before the Christian inquisitor by saying: "Wiseman Bansa climbed to the top of a high ladder, stayed there for a while, chatting with God and, back on earth, he foretold the future to his audience" (P 047 p. 56).

25. "Each time a Pharaoh was conceived, Ra was said to have returned to earth to espouse the queen' (P 045 p. 50).

26. The corresponding passage by Anonymus reads thus: "matri eius pregnanti per sompnium apparuit divina visio in forma Asturis que quasi veniens earn gravidavit et innotuit ei quod de utero eius egrederetur torrens et de limbis eius reges gloriosi propagarentur" (P 120 I p. 38).

27. "erat enim ipse Almus facie decorus sed niger, nigros habebat oculos sed magnos, statura longus et gracilis, manus vero habebat grossas et digitos prolixos" (P 120 I p. 38).

28. The grandson of Prince Arpad, Taksony, was of white complexion, while Arpad's great-grandson took after him: "He had beautiful big eyes and soft dark hair". Certain kings of the dynasty were of very high stature, as, for example, St. Stephen, King András I, St. Ladislas and King Béla III.

29. Prof. Gardiner states that the Egyptian Arpad may have been "perhaps the first to become ruler upon earth over the autochthonous Egyptians, after whom followed Osiris and the Horus" (P 052 p. *110).

30. See the following references: P 052 I pp. *14 - *19, "103 and *108; and P 026 II 94 - 100, 109, 153 and 374. -If the Sumerian name for Earth was also Pat, Pot, the Sumerian ruler's title Pat-Esi (=H. Föld Őse) also meant 'Land Ancestor' or 'Land Lord'.

31. Many rulers of the Hungarian Arpad dynasty had throne-names with a clear Oriental meaning, and this explains why certain names appear so often, like István (five times) and Béla (four times). In the Old Hungarian spelling István or Están was the word for Isten 'God'. Béla (in O.H. Bala, Baal, Bika) was the Syrian name for Great-God. They were used in an abridged form, all bearing testimony that their wearers were 'Living Gods', i.e. Gods on Earth, exactly as was the practice in the Ancient Orient.

32. Babylon was surrounded by seven walls; the Mesopotamian Ziggurat had seven floors; Mesopotamian noblemen wore seven ruffled kilts; Egypt had seven great gods; the Egyptian Heaven had seven divisions; the Hittite Empire (the Biblical Héth) started with the fusion of seven lands; the Etruscan nation began with the federation of seven cities; Rome was built on seven hills; etc. etc.

33. According to Prof. Áldásy, the double-cross cannot be considered an apostolic cross; this latter was always a single cross (P 001 p. 63). Thus, he indirectly admits the pre-Christian origin of this important symbol.

34. The best edition of the medieval national chronicles is that of Emericus Szentpétery, former professor at Budapest University (F 120 I-II).

35. "Et primus rex Scythiae fuit Magog filius Japhet, et gens ilia a Magog rege vocata est Moger", ― writes Anonymus (P 120 I p. 35).

36. On these conflicting views see, particularly, the Chroni-con Pictum (P 120 I pp. 243-250, and the Hungarian translation: P 053 pp. 35-37).

37. No Hungarian historian has taken notice until now that Egyptian literature also know of a hunting hero, Onuris by name (like the Hungarian Hunor), who had a mate called Mehit, 'lioness'. See the somewhat confused passage in P 032 p. 227, which reads: "His (Onuris') cult figure was a man wearing a long skirt, his feet poised well apart, to enable him to aim a spear downwards at some monstrous foe. His worship was centred in Thinis, a district which also included Abydos." The Coffin Texts, III 334 j. are given as reference.

38. The original wording is thus: 'Ubi propter intemperiem illius zonae sunt serpentes diversi generis, ranae velut porci, basilisci, et plura animalia toxicata; tigris et unicornis ibi generantur." Where gold, silver and pearls are also to be found (P 120 I p. 253. See also P 130 p. 164, where another location is suggested).

39. This is the opinion of many international authorities, like C. Dawson who writes this: "It is certainly in the Danubian region that we find (in Europe) the most complete and typical example of any early peasant culture" (P 039 p. 53). And H. T. Waterbolk: "(Toward 3000 B.C.), the Hungarian Plain was a dominant centre which had incorporated all the major achievements of the nuclear area in the Near East and which had added to these an adaptation to the European deciduous forest" (P 134).

40. for the westward diffusion of the Hungarian Neolithic and Bronze Age civilizations see, in addition to the quoted references in the text, in particular P 039 pp. 51 and 169.

41. In the light of the etymology given there, we have to abandon the fantastic explanation of the Greek writers of the past, who believed that the Italian Siculi were governed by One-Eyed Giants, interpreting the Syc-Lo-Pe expression as being the Greek word Cyclops.

42. Thukydides relates that "the country owes its name of Italy to Italus, a king of Sicel, so called." Now, Ital, as a Hungarian word, means a 'drink', and Italos somebody 'fond of alcoholic drink'. The explanation seems to be a fitting one, because the early Sicels are said to have been fond of wine, which they drank in the Scythian fashion, i.e. unmixed with water (P 067 Book VI cap. 84 and Book I cap. 106). ― Incidentally, the Greek name of Sungod, Apollo, is, in their language, a Hungarian loan-word, made up with Pe + Ló, and the prefixed definitive article A, whence A Pe-Lo, contracted into Apollo, literally means 'The Chief Horse'.

43. Prof. Hood is reluctant to see actual writing upon the tablets: "But do the Tartaria ( = Tatárlaka) tablets actually bear writing? Probably not... It seems quite possible that they were merely an uncomprehending imitation of more civilized peoples' written records... a pretense by some illiterate barbarian to command the magic embodied in an art he had witnessed but did not understand" (P 068).

44. The calendar was a precious instrument in the hands of every farming community of the Antiquity. It enabled the peasants to know the most appropriate time to carry out certain important tasks, such as plowing and sowing in particular and it was also useful for the timing of religious festivals.

45. In Atlantic Europe, the observation of the various seasonal positions of the Sun, in reference to the zodiacal star-clusters, was made with the help of heavy megalith-ic structures (e.g. Stonehenge). In the Danubian region, the more advanced microlithic structure prevailed. This is the significant difference between the two halves of Europe, although this has never been pointed out until now.

46. The step-by-step explanation of the inscription is thus: in the second compartment we can distinguish the rising Sun, in Hungarian A Nap. On its right side, the contours of a mouse (H.: Az Egér) are visible, with its thin, long tail. The picture of this animal is here because it is homophonous with the expression Az Égre, 'to the sky'. So, the thus far deciphered words say this: A Nap az Égre 'The Sun to the sky'. After that, we read the signs placed in the left and right columns, saying: the cross sign iT, the crab A RÁK, followed by a sign for the sound-group KUR/KOR, and finally the word for donkey IÁ. In modern Hungarian: Itt a rákkor jö 'Comes at this spot in the Cancer constellation'. The directive continues in the third compartment thus: aN-aP Je-Le aR-áK öV-Be... 'The day's symbol in the Cancer zone is... The complete message in better English reads: 'Here (at Tatárlaka) the Sun appears on the horizon in the Cancer constellation on the day of... ― The homophony existing between 'Sky God' (Az Égúr) and the mouse (Az Egér) was probably the origin of the never-explained Oriental custom of keeping white mice in Sun-temples, as was the case in Babylon and Egypt. The presence of these small animals was a mean amongst a hundred others, to remind the believers that God may hide himself in any of his creatures to watch over their behaviour.

47. «La science considére aujourd'hui que les Celtes ne constituent pas une race, dans le sens propre du terme mais ont toujours été un groupe de peuples, formánt un agrégat de types du point de vue anthropologique» (P 057 p. 10; and see P 070 I p. X and P 132 p. 128).

48. The thesis of the linguistic unity of Celtic Europe is stressed by almost every author, as for example P 037 p. 12; P 057 pp. 10-12; P 070 I pp. 49, 51. The hundred million Celts are mentioned in the publication P 057 p. 11.

49. Henri Hubert consoles himself by saying: «Rien d'étonnant que ces noms soient difficile á expliquer et que leur sens etymologique se soit évanoui» (P 070 I p. 27 f.).

50. "Erat enim rex Ethele colore teter, oculis nigris et furiosis, pectore lato, elatus incessu, statura brevis, barbam prolixam gum Hunnis deferebat" (P 120 I p. 151).

51. Author Agathias writing about the Hunnorum Gens says this: "Hi vero omnes communiter Scythae et Hunni vocabantur, privátim autem, secundum nationes alii aliter ex patria cuique et usita appellatione nominaban-tur", quoted by P 092 p. 130.

52. "Mensa erat tota aurea, vasa etiam coquinaria aurea erant", - records Simon de Kéza (P 120 I p. 262).

53. Clenodia aurea que a tempore regis Ungariae Attila et ab aliis successoribus suis usque nunc in Ungaria fuerant conservata" (P 099 p. 187 f.).

54. It should be noted, once again, that the ancient royal Egyptian symbols also included the bird, the whip and the bee.

55. Incidentally, ancient Egyptian kings had the same custom: "The warrior kings of the XVIIIth and XIXth Dynasties were pleased when the court scribes related in commemorative inscriptions how their lords raged and roared like lions as they mounted their chariots and set out to crush the foolish enemy" (P 026 I p. 25 f.)

56. "Sie besassen keine Sprache, sondern stiessen kurze, rauhe Laute aus, wie Tiere auf der Flucht" (P 113 p. 17).

57. "Sie sind treuer and harter als die Germanen, sie kennen nichts als den König" (P 113 p. 130).

58. "Der Name Attila ist heute zweifelsfrei als Germanisch 'Váterchen' erkannt", Die Presse, Stuttgart, 20, May 1975.

59. The Swiss anthropologist E. Pittard was one of the first scientists to suspect the close affinity of the early inhabitants of Hungary. He said: «I1 est probable, á voir les caractéres morphologiques des habitants de la Hongrie, que parmi les peuples qui arrivaient de l'Est, il y en avait plusieurs qui étaient puisés aux mémes fonds ethniques que les Magyars eux-mémes» (P 103 p. 341).

60. Several examples can be listed to prove that Horse (Lau) was used to say Ra, the Sungod. In the Zagros mountains, to the east of Mesopotamia, there was a small country called Lauristan (<H.: Ló-Ur-Isten), 'Land placed under the protection of the Horse-Lordgod' i.e. Sungod. It was the unique task of the Scythians who lived in that country to raise horses for the Persian armies. Their popular art was also overladen with horse representations. — Another example: The Armenian bishop, Israyel, who travelled into the land of the Huns and described their beliefs, said this: "The Huns worshipped their highest divinity in the form of a giant warrior, mounted on horseback" (P 081 p. 65). - The Hungarian AU sound usually changes into 0, as in the city-name of Iglau, which is in modern Hungarian, Igló.

61. Originally, the eastern border lands of Germany (the future Austria) were a creation of Frankish rulers. They were re-established later, as duchies of Carinthia (976), Carniola (1040), Styria (1055) and Ostmark (1156).


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