Last updateCs, 08 febr. 2024 7pm

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Another ancient Celtic cemetery discovered in Hungary

Archaeologists have unearthed a beautiful Celtic cemetery in the vicinity of Hejőpapi, Dél-Borsód [South-Borsód county], Hungary, a few days ago. Discovered before a construction project began, the cemetery, though it consists of only a few graves, is quite rich in troves.

Archaeologist, Makoldi, Miklós told our reporter on Monday: the finds date from the 4th-2nd century B.C. The graves, discovered during the archaeological excavation, yielded cookware, clothes-lacing buckles, leg and arm bracelets and pearl necklaces, said Makoldi, Miklós.

He remarked: rich burial finds are rare in this region, "it is unusual to find so many artifacts in one grave; this many are found in a [n entire] cemetery, rather than in single graves."

He related: Since the project starts only in the fall, they have time to excavate [the site]. It is their hope, they will also discover traces of the settlement this cemetery served.

The artifacts found in the graves will be brought to Miskolc, to the county's Herman Ottó Museum.

Source: MTI

Original Hungarian text: HERE

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